The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Okay, Let's Make It Official.
Started by: Le Joueur
Started on: 1/27/2002
Board: Scattershot

On 1/27/2002 at 6:42am, Le Joueur wrote:
Okay, Let's Make It Official.

Many people believe I have a lot of work done on Scattershot; that may be true, but I mostly see how much more I have yet to complete. I guess I would like to turn the whole process public (without going the blog route).

Here is some of what I'd like to do:

• I plan to go into detail about the evolving set of techniques I am working on.
• I will probably talk about the specifics of the project as a product line.
• I'll have to put up a disclaimer about the hows and whys of the fact that this is ultimately nothing more than a thought experiment.
• I plan to place as much of the mechanics (short of the 'laundry lists') here in hopes of soliciting blind playtesters.
• I will discuss what I am doing for the web page as I slowly bring it on line. (I'm thinking of going for a host on the 23rd of February, wish me luck. One thing I need to find is a free script source for server-side includes that create those navbar-down-the-side pages, so I can keep content the only thing I 'put up.')
• I am excited about the possibility of soliciting advice on capturing many of the 'tried and true' genres of role-playing gaming's history. In order to make the 'genre fusion' part of Scattershot work, I need to explicitly break down what the components of the genres are.
• I want to make the remainder of the design process more or less public so you can see just 'how far I am.'

I am very greatful for this venue to work this out and all the feedback that I will get and have gotten so far. This will allow me to combine two of my passions, posting and designing. Also, since I seem to have so much trouble expressing myself on the first try, the feedback will provide invaluable service towards making my words mean something. Thank you.

Fang Langford

p. s. And as moderator, I'll probably eliminate the "[SCATTERSHOT]" parts of the titles because it is now redundant.

Message 1314#12337

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