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Topic: Different storytelling rpg
Started by: jphannil
Started on: 10/20/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/20/2004 at 5:56pm, jphannil wrote:
Different storytelling rpg

Hi all forgers !

First a little background, I have been building my own rpg called Chaos & Order for some time now, and when thinking about playing styles I've stumbled in one idea that needed to be written down. As I wrote this, it became a game system of it's own, a storytelling-type of game without traditional characters or game masters. Yet it has reward mechanics and abilities (called preferences).

The game rules are quite short, and can be found at:

It is totally untested and just an idea written down.

The question: is there a game of this type allready somewhere, the things I am looking from this one are:

1) divided storytelling power, with 'abilities' which tell how the storytelling power is divided

2) competitive rewarding mechanic that encourages players to tell interesting stories

Thanks in advance

Message 13163#140334

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On 10/20/2004 at 7:34pm, Trevis Martin wrote:
RE: Different storytelling rpg

Hi Jphannil,

Interesting little game you have there. I suggest you definately check out Universalis by Ralph Mazza (Valamir) and Mike Holmes. It has exactly what you mention. No GM, divided storytelling power, and a competitive rewarding mechanic.



Message 13163#140347

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On 10/21/2004 at 6:18am, jphannil wrote:
RE: Different storytelling rpg

Hmm, seems that way.

Is there anything in my game that universalis doesn't ?

Message 13163#140416

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On 10/21/2004 at 8:29am, Trevis Martin wrote:
RE: Different storytelling rpg


Yes there are several things that are different than they are in your game. In Uni, dice are only used to determine the outcome of a conflict, everything else is done by either bidding or spending tokens. Storytelling is not randomized. It either passes to the next player on the table or someone spends a token to interrupt the current narrator. Resource management, and how you build components of the story have more focus. And Uni players generate more tokens by either participating in a conflict or when a scene closes. The way your preference system works in the game bears some similarity to tenets in uni but player power in uni is strictly measured in how many coins he has to spend. Its interesting, and definitely different from Uni, that in your system the more a player invests in a particular preference the more lasting control he would have over that part of a story.

Overall the intent of your game seems very similar to Uni, and I really suggest you read it to judge what the differences are for yourself. (Though you can get a really good idea of how it works from reading actual play accounts on the Uni web site.)



Message 13163#140421

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On 10/21/2004 at 3:21pm, jphannil wrote:
RE: Different storytelling rpg

Ok, I upgraded it a bit (same url). It now has bit more freedom in the story telling department (the dice mechanic is only used when players have a difference of opinion on matters, everyone can contribute to the story but the acting narrator decides). Also I added a random roll mechanic, it can be used in the game to bring excitement to situations.

Message 13163#140441

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On 10/27/2004 at 7:22am, jphannil wrote:
RE: Different storytelling rpg

OK, here is a couple questions for you ?

What kind of player preference lists you would suggest for this game ?
What effect would different preference lists have in this game ?

Message 13163#141030

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...from around 10/27/2004