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Topic: Gothic Space Fantasy (Untitled as of yet)
Started by: The_Confessor
Started on: 10/21/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/21/2004 at 12:03am, The_Confessor wrote:
Gothic Space Fantasy (Untitled as of yet)

So I started brainstorming on an idea for a game based on a few ideas in my head and came with an odd hodge-podge of an idea for a game. Here's the background - its very raw and just want some ideas and in put. What I'm going for here is a dark, almost gothic, kinda space fantasy. Star Wars meets Lovecraftian fear.

The Star Empire (not the actual title I'm using, but it'll work for now), ruled for as long as anyone could remember. It was a grand and epic kingdom, full of hope and prosperity. Only rare skirmishes ever broke out, and for eons it brought peace and happiness to the galaxy.

Using Quatum Portals to get from point-to-point, the Star Empire spanned almost 95% of the known galaxy. Technology among the Empire was not too far removed from our own. With the exception of Quantum Portals technology was similar to post-modern earth. Perhaps 50 years beyond today's technology. In the rare event of space-combat the Star Empire ships were equipped with nuclear missiles.

But eventually, the Outlanders came. From another galaxy came this alien race - unlike any had ever seen. They appeared in what can only be described as angelic and demonic forms. They wielded something new, something the Star Empire had never seen. Great magicians from among the outlanders drew magical power from exotic animals whom they bonded too. These strange extra-galactic animals and their masters wreaked havoc on the Star Empire.

The two sides warred until they very nearly destroyed one another. The Star Empire was left with nearly three quarters of its worlds either destroyed or cut off from the rest of the Empire due to destroyed Quantum Portals. The Magicians suffered such losses that they were unable to return to their home galaxy.

The losses on both sides were so great that a reluctant truce was reached. The Empire, though it still claimed to hold 80% of the galaxy, actual holds closer to 10% due to lost and broken Quantum Portals and worlds decimated beyond inhabitation. The Outlanders have carved out a small niche for themselves as well, but it is a mere 1/5th the size of the Imperial Reminant.

Both groups signed a peace treaty. Among the many laws of this peace treaty were the Law of the Duel. The only form of legal combat would be duels sanctioned by the governments at a specified location and weapon. In addition, most firearms are made illegal. Also nuclear weapons were outlawed in all fashions, replaced by oxidized lasers to be used on space-born ships only.

Nearly 200 years have passed since an uneasy peace was reached between the outlanders and the empire. The Empire has never recovered from its lauses in battle. It continues to slowly crumble, like a cancer. Bad blood and suspition still stem between the Outlanders and the Empire. These factors have contributed to a growth in galactic piracy. These pirates often use scavanged nuclear weapons. Also many Barons and Senators are slowly carving out their own private kingdoms among the crumbling reminants of the Empire.

Finally, a greater problem has come to light. Both the Empire and Outlanders have relucantly begun to re-explore the galaxy. They hope to discover lost worlds as well as lost Quantum Portals. These explorations have proven to be dangerous and lead to the deaths of many of the explorers. The few who have returned tell tales of worlds broken and ruled by creatures that, while they may have once been a member of the Empire, have long since become savage creatures of vile darkness.

What is this darkness in the lost regions of space? Is is the beast of apocalypse that is in Outlander prophecy? Will the Empire and Outlanders be able to unite and face this threat?

What of the Barons? Will they destroy the last remanents of the Empire, plunging the galaxy into chaos and civil war?

Will galatic pirates continue to ravage spacelances, leaving nuclear fall out to destroy the eco-system of the already rare trade worlds?

This is my basic premise and these questions, I hope, are an answer to what the players "do." I have no specific mechanic designed or even in mind thus far.

If you're interested, here is the "Brain Storm" list...
Dueling (Sword Fights)
Victorian Gothic Archatechture
Demons & Angels
Epic, Fast Paced
High Fantasy mixed with elements of Sci-Fi
Chosen Vessel of Divine or Magical Being
Hover-Boards (ala Treasure Planet)
Intelligent Familiars bound to the Chosen
Dueling is the only legal fighting in the Imperia Galactica
Civilians must get a liscence to duel at specified time and location
Magicians must be "tagged" with a piece of cyberware so the government can follow them
Government is large and over-arching
Undead? Spirits only, anscestor spirits
Magic comes from Ancestor Spirits?
Magic comes from familiars who chose to bind with a "worthy" master
Large Religion, part of the Imperia Galactica
Balance between Gothic and Epic Space Fantasy
Plant of Graves, haunted - tended to by the dead
Fire fly technology
Lasers only function in space (oxygen powered)
Instead of lasers, maybe Nukes?
Nukes are a banned weapon used only by the most vile of pirates
Hyper Space travel must be done through portals that meld magic and tech
High-Tech armor is rare - metal of that strength is reserved for space-travel and space-stations.
Once mighty and noble empire, now broken and crumbled - visably so
Angels and Demons are High Sorcerers
Outlanders are magical
Nova Imperium are technological
A small measure of inter-mingling has occured.
New threat is affecting occuring on the edges of the galaxy.
Many Hyper Portals have been destroyed in the wars, 85% of the galaxy is abandoned
Abandoned societies grown on their own
Barons and Senators of the Nova Imperium are carving out thier own pieces of the galaxy, seeing that the Nova Imperium is in its Death Rattle.
At the new edges of space and the re-explored Hyper Portals entire ships are vanishing, explorers are remaining absent.

The big thing I'm looking to do here is get some ideas and assistance on a mechanic that might help reflect the idea of a Gothic Space Fantasy. Its not a common genre, and I'm looking for an epic tone so I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to even start when considering mechanic and conflict resolution, not to mention any manipulation of narrative control.

Message 13168#140377

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On 10/21/2004 at 12:09am, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Gothic Space Fantasy (Untitled as of yet)

Well, I think the first thing is: What do characters DO in this setting? What is the crux of all this flavor?

Message 13168#140378

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On 10/21/2004 at 12:29am, The_Confessor wrote:
RE: Gothic Space Fantasy (Untitled as of yet)

Well the main thing to "do" is exploration. That is supposed to be the main crux of action. Alone in the void of space with an unknown entity that may or may not be out there and if it is can probably destroy you quite easily.

The Barons and Pirates are added as secondary plot ideas and to re-enforce the sense of decay in the Empire as well as pose potential antagonists (or protagnoists) for the PCs.

Message 13168#140381

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On 10/21/2004 at 12:36am, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Gothic Space Fantasy (Untitled as of yet)

So why should they want to explore? It sounds like it leads to death at best and soul-ravaging agony at worst.

Is there a chance of a "big score"? What can the players do to pursue that ever-receding goal?

Given that they can't actually get the "big score" free and clear (as it would lead to the removal of their reason to participate in the game) what kind of thing can keep them trying?

Message 13168#140382

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On 10/21/2004 at 12:41am, The_Confessor wrote:
RE: Gothic Space Fantasy (Untitled as of yet)

TonyLB wrote: So why should they want to explore? It sounds like it leads to death at best and soul-ravaging agony at worst.

Actually, that's part of the problem - I haven't developed the setting enough to specifically decide exactly why anyone from the Empire or the Outlanders would be willing to explore. I'm thinking of developing some kind of connection between this THING and why the Outlanders came to this galaxy in the first place, but to be honest I haven't gotten anything concrete yet.

Message 13168#140384

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On 10/21/2004 at 12:50am, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Gothic Space Fantasy (Untitled as of yet)

Well, while you're waiting for inspiration to strike on the carrot that draws people to exploration, you could relax your mind a bit by imagining the various sticks that drive people away from civilized society.

Firefly had it's "great war" and resulting authoritarian hegemony, which provided the drive for at least four characters of the ensemble to keep on the move, keep taking risks, even if there were no real reason to believe that they'd make a big score.

So what's wrong in your universe that effects some people (i.e. the player characters) more than others? What makes the Empire so unacceptable that these guys shuck it all and take off for the far horizon? Why are they unable to endure it (whatever it is) when so many people manage to live their lives in the Empire's comforts?

Message 13168#140387

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On 10/21/2004 at 1:49pm, Vaxalon wrote:
RE: Gothic Space Fantasy (Untitled as of yet)

People might be shoved into the unknown in order to get them out of civilized space, as in Australia and Georgia.

People might go into the unknown in order to find a place to be free of oppression, as in Massachusetts.

People might go into the unknown in order to make a profit, as in Virginia and Mexico.

This applies to colonists.

For explorers, profit is pretty much the only motive.

Message 13168#140429

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On 10/21/2004 at 1:55pm, The_Confessor wrote:
RE: Gothic Space Fantasy (Untitled as of yet)

I'd never thought of colonists. Good idea... thanks!

Message 13168#140433

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On 10/22/2004 at 5:27am, scobie wrote:
RE: Gothic Space Fantasy (Untitled as of yet)

The colonial component sounds interesting and certainly would connect into the space-victorian flavour. Think of colonial literature like King Solomon's Mines but rework it. Actually Lost in Space did this with Swiss Family Robinson - but that's another story.

Maybe you could start making a list of other games/books/films that are similar to your setting (eg Fading Suns) and start jotting notes about why yours is different to them - might help bring out is distinctive flavour and identity.

Message 13168#140508

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On 10/22/2004 at 8:36pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Gothic Space Fantasy (Untitled as of yet)

As far as mechanics, have you looked at Primetime Adventures?

Message 13168#140587

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On 11/8/2004 at 1:50am, zephyr_cirrus wrote:
How about this?

The PCs try to escape the civilized world in order to make a decent living?
The PCs try to escape the civilized world because they are convicts/refugees?
The PCs try to escape the civilized world because they are on a religous pilgrimage/calling of some sort?
The PCs try to escape the civilized world because they are spies/diplomats/merchants?
The PCs try to find a rare commodity that is both highly valuble and necessary to society as they know it (this could possibly be their job)?
The PCs get lost on a routine voyage between two trade worlds because of a mistake and accidently stumble upon a portal.....?

Your world's concept is solid, so these are a mere sampling of some of the ideas you could use for possible campaigns/characters/motives/themes/other ideas.

Message 13168#142034

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