The Forge Reference Project


Topic: New "Dead Stars" book needs donated artwork
Started by: Strutinan
Started on: 10/23/2004
Board: Connections

On 10/23/2004 at 9:40am, Strutinan wrote:
New "Dead Stars" book needs donated artwork

As I posted on the "Site Discussion" sub-board, I'm publishing an expanded version of the free Dead Stars Rule Book for small change, and need some doanted artwork to help out with it.

My goal is to FINALLY get enough cash together that I can actually make a print run but my funds for the project are (as is usual with thimble-size companies) nonexistant.

So please download it from, and let me know if you can help out. I can't pay much (like anything really), but I can provide free DL links to the final product, your name in both the acknowledgements and on every piece you donate, and only ask for right-of-use. I figure, "if I can't pay, I shouldn't ask for ownership". I'm a poor person, not a jerk.

And if in the meantime you decide to start a topic on the game, please let me know so I can take a look ;)

Message 13189#140641

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On 10/24/2004 at 8:26pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: New "Dead Stars" book needs donated artwork


Is there any particular style of artwork you are looking for? (for reasons of consistency in presentation/overall graphical cohesion)

Message 13189#140726

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On 10/24/2004 at 8:49pm, Strutinan wrote:
RE: New "Dead Stars" book needs donated artwork

Realistic b/w or grayscale, with a dingy "Mad Max" tone. Robots, energy weapons, and cybernetics all exist, but are more haphazard than manufactured.

Message 13189#140727

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...from around 10/24/2004