The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Need help explaining the Social Contract in my RPG
Started by: Palaskar
Started on: 10/23/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/23/2004 at 8:15pm, Palaskar wrote:
Need help explaining the Social Contract in my RPG

Ok, I'm revising my indie RPG, and I get to the session with the Social Contract. I get feedback asking for more examples and details on how to settle problems (like, what do you do when a gamer doesn't show up?)

I figured it would be better to ask people here to explain the Social Contract than try and answer it myself, as this method worked really well on my "What is an RPG?" section.

So here's the Social Contract, with feedback:

Before actually beginning gameplay, the participants should come to several agreements. The first apply to the group as a whole, while the second decides individuals' roles in the game.

"But why are these agreements necessary? What is their purpose? What would be the consequences if I don't follow this advice?" All these questions need to be answered. If you are interested in Narritivist gaming, or you are a Forge denizen, you know why a Social Contract may be necessary, and its purpose, but otherwise I think most people would have no clue.

Group agreements

First, do not screw over the others.

Ok, what would happen if you do not agree on this point?

Where do we play?

It would be nice to explain which kinds of places are appropriate for gaming and why.

How long do we play?

How long must an RPG session last?

What sort of behavior is expected of us?

Examples: in-game conversation vs. out-of-game conversation. Themes and behavior to be enforced. How important is this point related to the kind of game you are interested in? What do we do with people who don't show up? More practical information on how to solve this problem, i.e., should anyone else play with the absent player's character? How can this character be "put on ice" until the player shows up, etc.

Well, that's it. I think I can handle the second part (individuals' roles in the game) but again, I figure Forgers could explain this first part much better than I could.

Message 13192#140657

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On 10/23/2004 at 10:18pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Need help explaining the Social Contract in my RPG

You might get some help from the Plain English Explanation of Social Contract thread that has been running in RPG Theory.

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 13166

Message 13192#140665

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On 10/23/2004 at 10:47pm, Palaskar wrote:

Thanks Tony. Heading over there now.

Message 13192#140669

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