The Forge Reference Project


Topic: LotFP: RPG site live; Playtesters Wanted!
Started by: JimLotFP
Started on: 10/23/2004
Board: Connections

On 10/23/2004 at 11:08pm, JimLotFP wrote:
LotFP: RPG site live; Playtesters Wanted! is live as of today! Small details are still being ironed out (mostly wording issues) but come take a look at what we've got so far.

And... after a too-soon call for playtesters in early summer, the manuscript is COMPLETE as of right now with local testing being done, and we're wanting 30 groups to take a look at the game system and rip it to shreds. Mailouts of playtest material will begin on Monday Oct 25. has the information on what we're looking for.

Drop a line to if interested. Thanks!

Message 13195#140672

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On 10/24/2004 at 10:27pm, JimLotFP wrote:
RE: LotFP: RPG site live; Playtesters Wanted!

Somehow in putting the site live, the email address was assigned for a mailing list. *grumble grumble*

Fixed now, if anyone had tried to send an email and got a strange return message.

Message 13195#140731

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