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Topic: The Moose Strikes Back
Started by: Jared A. Sorensen
Started on: 5/22/2001
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 5/22/2001 at 8:07pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
The Moose Strikes Back

Hardcoremoose has done it AGAIN.

Great stuff!

Message 132#890

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...started by Jared A. Sorensen which Jared A. Sorensen participated Memento-Mori Theatricks
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...from around 5/22/2001

On 6/2/2001 at 5:04pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: The Moose Strikes Back

For all you WYRD fanboys out there, I recently updated my webpage with some extra stuff. Included are some sample creatures and whatnot, as well as some rules as to how Heroes can sometimes trick Fate. Check it out and let me know what you think.


Message 132#1423

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On 6/9/2001 at 3:38pm, blå wrote:
RE: The Moose Strikes Back

Its a cool game,
but more info on the world would be great. I guess its on the way but I thought you might give out some clues on whats to come! I mean is it German folklore or some of that ole norse"friend die, cattle die, but I know one thing that doesnt die..."religion?

Sorry for being annoying but I just wanted to know... :smile:

Hugin & Munin
vila på mina

Message 132#1673

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On 6/9/2001 at 4:45pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: The Moose Strikes Back

Thanks bla, :smile:

Actually, I have multiple "setting" ideas for WYRD.

The first, and probably most dull, directly involves the players in the epic Beowulf by asking them to play young Geats who pick up the sword after their leader-hero's demise.

I have another setting I'm working on called 'Ymir's Bones', which casts the players as dwarves in Midgard just after its creation. The Viking creation story posits that when Odin killed the frost giant Ymir, the giant's corpse became the world, and the dwarves came from the maggots feeding off his flesh. I'm taking that literally and portraying the world as though it is nothing more than a shallow grave for an enormous rotting corpse. Meanwhile, as the players navigate the rather grim landscape of Midgard, they become involved in the war between the Aesir and the Vanir.

A friend of mine is working on a third setting called Eihhaljar, in which the characters have already died, gone to Valhalla, and have been impressed into service into one of the private armies of the gods. There they train for the coming Ragnarok, and fight for the honor of who will lead the armies into the final battle.

I don't know when I'll get this stuff done - I've been pretty busy on some other projects - but it is on my plate for the near future. I hope to have at least the Beowulf setting done to include in an ashcan that I want to give away at GenCon.

Message 132#1675

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On 6/10/2001 at 9:16am, blå wrote:
RE: The Moose Strikes Back


I especially like the one about the dwarfes, grim & dirty yet epic in a way...

Being kinda interested in the Norse mythology this is straight up my alley. Wouldnt it be cool with a setting during Ragnarök, you know ordinary folks trying at first to get by in a sunless land during the time of axes and swords. Aggression, hatred and deception is everywhere and the only difference between everyone else and the heroes is that they decide to do something about it... or a story taking place during the building of Nagelfahr the boat built out of the nails of those who died "OUT of battle".. or something... :smile:

Im rambling ... and I gotta work some :smile:


Message 132#1681

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On 6/10/2001 at 4:43pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: The Moose Strikes Back

Hey Bla,

If you know something about Norse mythology that you think would make a good game setting, feel free to write it up and send it to me. I've got other friends doing the same, and if I ever get up the scratch to publish the damn thing (which is a goal of mine), I'll want to include as much setting material as possible. At the very least, I could post it along with the rules at my website.

Take care,


Message 132#1685

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On 6/11/2001 at 5:51pm, blå wrote:
RE: The Moose Strikes Back

Will do, shall do, have done! :smile:

Message 132#1722

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