The Forge Reference Project


Topic: My New Idea... And Some Other Stuff...
Started by: Galfraxas
Started on: 1/28/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 1/28/2002 at 6:43am, Galfraxas wrote:
My New Idea... And Some Other Stuff...

Hey All,

I realize that I haven't been doing or saying much lately, but that's because I've been in a creative slump. At least until 2 days ago when I looked at my website stats, and realized that somebody out there must like me because even though it's not the most popular site on the planet, I still get between 2-7 visitors a day... odd stuff... Well, that little notion has improved my spirits, as did the fact that I found my website listed in the October issue of PTGPTB (thanks to those guys for the free ad, promo, thing... ) when I was going through their large list of links. So anyway, back to the topic. I'll do the other stuff first... I've restarted a rewrite of MCD, look for it by the end of February. Umm... I may buy a copy of Acrobat soon, and then I can make pretty copies of all my games. On to my new idea... I'm working on an RPG following 2 themes... Post-Nuclear-Apocalypse, and Samurai/Kung Fu action... something along the lines of Six String Samurai, but without the rock and roll. Just thought I'd share it with the peoples here. Oh, one other thing... Has anybody actually sat down and played any of the games I've made so far? If you have, how did it go? If you haven't, why not? I'm more than accepting of honest (and constructive) criticism.

Tim "Galfraxas" Boser

Message 1320#12370

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