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Topic: [GroupDesign] Thread Index and progress
Started by: Tobias
Started on: 10/26/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/26/2004 at 7:56am, Tobias wrote:
[GroupDesign] Thread Index and progress

This thread cataloges the different posts in the GroupDesign effort - a design effort by several people from the forge, on the forge. Purpose of this thread is ease of navigation and documenting progress.

It all started here, when I asked about group design on the forge.

We then went into a system and setting brainstorm. This went on for quite a bit, and the concept of Archivists was developed. They are non-corporeal entities, posessing humans in a quest answer questions. In that thread, 2 clusters were defined to work on, and the first cluster was handled.

A thread then followed that handled clusters 2 and 3 which were "maintaining a balance" and "when things go bad"

When this thread wrapped up, three thread were spawned:

-Time travel party! - dealing with issues of time travel and group interaction for the Archivists
-Core vs. Optional - dealing with the issues of having a 'core' design and the several different setting options that derive from them.
-Nailing Mechanics, where we got down to nuts and bolts of the system.

I then had to go on a week-long business trip, and passed on Foot status temporarily to Sydney Freedberg, who made two new threads, that I haven't gotten around to assimilating yet, but will hopefully do so today or tomorrow. These threads are:

- Advanced Archivism that gets into more detailed investigation of the nature of archivists
- Mix your own Metaplot, which tries to define how a campaign plot would work.

For newcomers to the GroupDesign effort, the 'Nailing Mechanics' thread would probably be the best place to start.

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 12367
Topic 12432
Topic 12791
Topic 12823
Topic 12822
Topic 12821
Topic 13091
Topic 13092

Message 13216#140897

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...from around 10/26/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 2:12pm, Tobias wrote:
RE: [GroupDesign] Thread Index and progress

Little blip: I've read all the new threads. I've decided to try to do a core write, like Sydney's already done, also incorporating the concepts that came by. I don't know how long it will take, though.

Message 13216#141061

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On 10/27/2004 at 9:43pm, Andrew Morris wrote:
RE: [GroupDesign] Thread Index and progress

Great idea, Tobias. Also, I'd like to point out that we've elected Tobias the "Foot," as he mentioned. Basically, the group has given him voluntary moderator-like powers. If a discussion goes off topic, he can point us back in the right direction. Also, Tobias (and only Tobias) will create new threads or call for votes if we are deadlocked on an issue (unless he delegates those powers to someone else, of course).

And the most important part, I believe, is that everyone is welcome to participate. You can contribute as much or as little as you want. Just because you haven't been posting doesn't mean you can't chime in on an idea you see in the GroupDesign threads. Obviously, there are a few of us who have committed to being part of this process from start to finish, but feel free to drop an idea or comment, then run off and never post again, if that's what you'd like.

Message 13216#141141

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On 11/9/2004 at 9:22am, Tobias wrote:
RE: [GroupDesign] Thread Index and progress

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am spawning the following threads, and adding the name Schrodinger's War as Title to the game:

1. Feel of play. Why play this game? What's cool about it?
2. Nailing Axes.
3. Nailing HTT & the GL.

I may spawn a new thread on nailing posession, but some voices have indicated the advanced archivism thread might very well get there on it's own. Please let me know if you find that thread useful enough still (through PM, please don't add to this thread).

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 142138
Topic 142139
Topic 142140

Message 13216#142141

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On 11/11/2004 at 9:06am, Tobias wrote:
RE: [GroupDesign] Thread Index and progress

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am doing it again - starting this monday, until the 23rd, I will not have computer access (due to being in Madeira).

In this interim, I am appointing Sydney my left foot (I PM'd him, but he's not had a chance to accept yet, as I'm sure he will). If he declines, he's free to offer up anyone else as foot. I don't really think it'll be needed anyway, given the freshness of the new threads. Please remember to keep tightening towards mechanics in those threads labeled 'nailing'.

Have fun, and I'm REALLY curious as to what'll happen when I'm away. I'm not going to veto anything cool. ;)

Your grateful and humble Foot.

Message 13216#142343

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On 11/25/2004 at 8:57am, Tobias wrote:
RE: [GroupDesign] Thread Index and progress

A quick reading tip for everyone:

Also follow the link to the game mentioned.

I'm not saying it's on-topic fully, but you might take away something from the thread anyway.

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 13447

Message 13216#143591

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On 12/2/2004 at 3:10pm, Tobias wrote:
RE: [GroupDesign] Thread Index and progress

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Due to business at my end, I will not have time to keep the overview over Schrodinger's War that it requires. I will keep looking and firing off suggestions, but Foot-ness will be transferred to Sydney (under the assumption no-one has serious issues with this). He, too, will have a busy month, but December is generally slow anyway.

Thanks from me to Sydney for taking up the mantle (foottle?) and to everyone else for participating. You'll see me around!

Message 13216#144249

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On 12/3/2004 at 6:44pm, Sydney Freedberg wrote:
RE: [GroupDesign] Thread Index and progress

I want to express my thanks to Tobias -- as I'm sure everyone else does -- for originating this project and shepherding it so far; and I look forward to his input and occasional hysterical laughter from the sidelines as I flounder forward as Foot.

In the first use of my semi-mighty powers, I would like to declare the human time tunnel & archivist time tunnel concepts adequately "nailed" and that thread closed. (Contracycle's objections asking for less handwaving and more rigor are noted, but I think the majority of participants were satisfied). If anyone's unhappy with this, please PM me.

And I urge everyone to join in what I think will be the final push to nail axes (and/or themes), as we're within striking distance on that one. Once that's settled we'll discuss a new thread.

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 13330
Topic 13329

Message 13216#144385

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...started by Sydney Freedberg which Sydney Freedberg participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 12/3/2004

On 12/11/2004 at 2:28am, Sydney Freedberg wrote:
RE: [GroupDesign] Thread Index and progress

The axes being reasonably nailed, I have opened a new thread devoted to Drafting Mechanics, where all the creativity that's been bubbling up about potential rules to embody our ideas can be channelled, disciplined, and hammered into something play-testable.

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 145221

Message 13216#145222

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...started by Sydney Freedberg which Sydney Freedberg participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 12/11/2004