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Topic: [FATE] Sword & Sorcery - The Letter
Started by: Yokiboy
Started on: 10/28/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 10/28/2004 at 11:14am, Yokiboy wrote:
[FATE] Sword & Sorcery - The Letter


The subject of this post could have said Sorcerer & Sword instead of Sword & Sorcery, as my inspiration comes for the Sorcerer supplement by that name (it's a must read if you like S&S).

Here's the setting introduction I gave the players:

It's a dark world, built on the ruins of a forgotten civilization. A class-based, chauvinistic society where the strong rules over the meek; racism a matter of fact; slavery natural; abrupt death expected; conquests common; priests terrifying; demons lurking in every shadow; life is short, action-packed and worth less than the sword that takes it.

Our story takes place in the metropolis of Massimiera, also called la Città di Intrigo (the City of Intrigue). Massimiera is strategically situated as a commercial hub. The city thrives on commerce, as it is a crossroads for caravans from the east, south, north and northwest. It is situated on the shores of the Great Bay, and the ocean known as Oceano di Maredio. Many shipments change their mode of transport in the city, from caravan to ship and vice versa. Mercato del Mondo, situated in the mercantile district, is the civilized world’s largest known marketplace, and what can’t be found there you should just stop looking for.

Il Regno della Baia Grande, or commonly Reg Baia, is the Kingdom of the Great Bay. The kingdom dominates Erewhon both culturally and by force. It is civilizations highest hope and pearl of the west. The royal capital, il Recapitale, is a long ways from Massimiera which was originally a frontier town of Reg Baia. The city is now full of people of all races, and has developed its own dialect consisting of bits and pieces of languages from all over Erewhon. Massimiera has become the entry point to of the entire kingdom.

Gran-duca Benedetto Zione del Massimiera, that is the Grand Duke of Massimiera, is in power. By his side sits Gran-duchesa Tenta Zione, the Grand Duchess. While the city answers to the king, at least on paper, it pretty much operates as a state in itself.

The city is home to the Grand Duke’s Red Brigade, the red-clad city watch and army all rolled into one. Barone Ortega Pancia Grande rules over the Red Brigade with an iron fist, he is known as untouchable and highly respected by his men, many whom would die for the Baron.

In short, the city is full to the brim of gold and silver, leading to dozens of vile plots and secret murder by various powerful factions and secret organizations. The streets and taverns are often packed with wild brawls, and less scarred people should avoid going out after dark.

I have previously posted the characters for this story in the Evil Hat forum, please check them out, but here's a short reminder:

Gang Member [ ]
Highwayman [ ] [ ]
Spy [ ]
Revenge [ ]
Goal: Bloodthirst [ ]
Kicker: Earlier today Teder spotted the Grinning One in the city, and immediately set about getting revenge. He tracked him to an inn called the Green Light, waited for nightfall, and then snuck through the window into the Grinning One's room. He stabs and slashes at the form under the sheets, but just then the door kicks open to reveal the Grinning One and two of his goons!

Wenon Krazin
Stable Boy [ ]
Anger [ ]
Caravan Guard [ ] [ ]
Greed [ ]
Goal: Investigator [ ]
Kicker: Wenon wakes up. Ugh, his head is pounding! There's no sign of the wagon, nor his horse, and with them all the goddamn money and jewelry! He finds that he doesn't even have his trusty axe or mail of armor. Man, does his head hurt! And where the hell is he? He staggers to his knees, thinks he recognizes the house in front of him ... isn't that Orton Dolb's estate?

Ymer Haraldsson, Seventh Son of Harald the Brave
Savage Nomad Upbringing [ ]
Strong Brute [ ]
Personal Honor [ ]
Adrenaline Junkie [ ]
Naive to the Lures of Civilization [ ]
Goal: Lust [ ]
Kicker: When Ymer decided to pleasure a young noble lady's curiousity regarding the question of how, if at all, savages differ from civilized men in bed, he had not counted on the fact that he'd be rudely interrupted only a few minutes later of a scream of rage, the rattling of mail, and the sound of a sword being drawn from its scabard!
"Are you married?" sputtered Ymer in a truly confused manner to the now slightly chocked lady. A moment later her apparent husband, from the look of it a high ranking officer in the city watch, violently kicks in the bedroom door. His chubby face is red from the exertion it took him to run home fully armored. He's howling of anger like a hell hound, and with a murderous look in his watery, sunk-in little eyes.
Just then Ymer recalls that his clothes and trusty sword are spread in the entrance hall, where the young lady with certain experienced finesse had removed them.

First Mate Jock Leidraad
Drunken Sailor [ ]
Samson the Monkey [ ]
Bonk the Hunchback [ ]
Peg Leg [ ]
1st Mate [ ]
Goal: To captain his own ship and run his own business
Kicker: Jock has become suspicious of the fact that very few of Orientus' ships have been attacked by pirates, while other shipping companies are suffering. Jock confronts Inéz de Faucon with his thoughts, and finds himself abducted by a couple of thugs. They chain him by the wrist to the bars where Massimiera's sewers make their deposit into the bay. Samson is nowhere to be seen, and the tidal water starts filling the sewer tunnel. What to do? What will happen? Will Jock survive to find proof of the "Iron Lady's" suspect business ethics, and what will he do in that case?

[edited to add in the Kickers]



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Message 13235#141192

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On 10/28/2004 at 12:40pm, angelopampalone wrote:
Re: [FATE] Sword & Sorcery - The Letter

Hello, being Italian and noting that some name are composed using the Italian Language and grammar, I must propose some correction to the name you have used.

Yokiboy wrote: Città di Intrigo (the City of Intrigue)

Citta di Intrigo mean the City owned by Intrigo
the City of Intrigue is la Città dell'Intrigo

The royal capital, il Recapitale

il Recapitale isn't a Italian word, if this is intenctional all is ok,
otherwise the translation is la Capitale reale

Gran-duca Benedetto Zione del Massimiera, that is the Grand Duke of Massimiera, is in power. By his side sits Gran-duchesa Tenta Zione, the Grand Duchess

Like the previous case
Gran-duca and Grand-duchesa are Granduca and Granduchessa

I Wish this can be of any help


Message 13235#141196

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On 10/28/2004 at 12:51pm, Yokiboy wrote:
RE: [FATE] Sword & Sorcery - The Letter


We kicked off our new Wednesday night campaign yesterday.

It was two weeks since we finished up our second player character creation session, but even then I was handed the final kicker (Jock's) two days prior to the game session. I had some basic concepts and ideas in my head already, but with the final piece to the puzzle in my hands I raced to complete my prep work. I barely got it done, at work, earlier in the day. I didn't have quite as complete a list of Bangs as I was hoping for, but it would've to do, plus four kickers would take a while to game through right?

Unfortunately one of the four players called out sick at the very last moment (actually sent an e-mail 10 minutes prior to the game - grumble). This left me scrambling trying to change the Relationship Map and look over my bandolier of Bangs as I knew I now had to tack on a few more. I found that the map didn't really have to change much, just one section would be kept out of the story, for now. We decided to go ahead and start the game, as we were all eager to try this NAR business.

This meant that we had about a little over an hour's worth of game time, and Jock, Wenon, and Teder's players at the ready. Here's the story.

The first scene had Teder sneaking across the roof of the Inn of the Green Light, towards the window of the room his nemesis the Grinning One was staying in. He breaks in through the window, and stabs the sleeping shape in the bed, but to his surprise only witness feathers flying through the air instead of blood splatter. The door is kicked in and in the opening is the Grinning One framed by two large Krimizados (citizens of a neighboring country called Krimiza).

Teder whips a shredded pillow through the air in an attempt to cover his escape, but the Krimizados are faster, one tearing the pillow out of Teder's hand, the other punching him straight in the face. "Where is the 'cash', you know the 'money'" says one Krimizado, "Yeah where is it?" repeats the other. Teder claims not to have any money and gets punched in the stomach.

Meanwhile Jock is in bed, his head spinning following a binge at the Sea Star Tavern, pondering his confrontation with Inez de Faucon earlier today. Waking up from a drunken stupor, to find a sack covering his head, as he's dragged through the misty streets. He asks what's going on, but is simply told not to stick his nose where it doesn't belong. He is in no shape to resist (Jock's player accepted a FUDGE point to be drunk out of his mind).

He is forcefully dropped into the sewers and dragged through the damp, smelly tunnels. One of his arms is slammed against something and he finds himself clamped in irons. Two narly sailors that taunt him to mind his own business and say that they can’t wait to spread the word that Jock Leidraad is dead remove the sack and laugh at him. Jock looks around and finds himself chained to a sewer grate dumping waste into the ocean, and the tide's already on the way in!

Early the next morning Wenon Krazin awakes on Orton Dolb's finely manicured lawn, and finds that Orton himself along with a retinue of people has his escape cut-off. He finds out that the Black Snakes have Murianda and have demanded a hefty ransom from Dolb. Wenon notices a letter sticking out of his lining, but discreetly shows it into his pants. Dolb gives him 48 hours to return his daughter or pay with his life! Dolb doesn't buy any of Wenon's weak bluffs.

Back to the previous night, the Grinning One comes over and cuts Teder's cheek with the point of his sable, saying, "Can it be that the 'great' Teder has been had? Or don't you know of Gold and Silver? Perhaps Geld and Solg refreshes your mind?" Teder tries a bluff, only to be met by snickers from the Grinning one. After further refusals by Teder to say where his two girlfriends can be found, one of the Krimizados loses his patience. Teder futilely tries to duck, but it's lights out!

The tide is up to Jock's nipples by now, and man is the water cold. Oh and his tobacco is getting ruined, damn those scabby dogs. Jock tries to pick the lock with a knife he had hidden in his boot, but that proved futile as he just breaks the tip off. "The rats will probably gnaw my bones too," he thinks, "Wait, rats! That's it, perhaps Bonk is around." Jock takes off his peg leg and starts banging the grate with it.

Wenon tries to leave Dolb's estate, but his bodyguard moves in to give Wenon a parting present, and unable to dodge he gets his jaw smashed out of its socket. He sputters some blood and teeth and leaves. Outside the gated grounds he stops to have a look at the letter. It has two black snakes on it. Inside there's a note saying, "Thanks for the delivery" signed "The man in the black robe."

Jock has never been so happy as when he spots Bonk's ugly mug at the top of the sewer tunnel (Jock's player spent an Aspect to have this happen). Bonk happily whistles at the sight of Jock and scrambles over to free him, after some encouraging curses from Jock. Bonk has a the key to the grate, and while not the best of swimmers, manages to unlock the grate and slip the chains over the end and swim for the surface.

Teder is rudely awoken by a bucket of cold water and a big, burly bastard of a man, smelling like horse manure, lumbers over him asking what he's doing here? Teder manages a bluff and escapes.

Wenon stumbles into a barbershop he happens to pass by, in order to have his teeth looked at. He knows that he has no money, but dang his jaw hurts. Inside two big, burly, Krimizados that we all recognize from last night’s scene with Teder, greets him. They strap the reluctant Wenon into a chair and begin to put his jaw back into its socket. Wenon goes berserk, but to no avail.

Jock spends the night in Bonk's home in the sewers, while Teder goes to pay Geld and Solg a visit.

And that wraps up the first session. I am normally an over-writer of the worst kind, and had to really restrain myself in order to keep the above as short as it is, but otherwise I know that I'll tire of posting and never complete the story.

In retrospect, reflecting on the game last night, it didn't feel quite like roleplaying. We're so accustomed to deep immersive SIM play, and this felt more like being in the middle of an action movie, in no way not enjoyable, just different. As the GM I was amazed at how much we accomplished in only an hour's worth of gaming. We were all happy to break where we did, as it allows Ymer's player to join us next week, as we get deeper into the mystery.

I also greatly enjoyed being surprised by a few of the players action, and love the fact that the story hinges on their actions, not my plot. Ron Edwards a genius, but Fred Hicks is not far behind him - thanks guys!

The system is perfect, as an old-time FUDGE fan I found myself quickly at home with it. However, using Aspects didn't come natural to us as a group. Jock's player almost felt embarrased to invoke his Bonk the Hunchback Aspect. I guess we'll get used to this eventually.

I'd be happy to share my backstory and Relationship Map if you PM me your e-mail address. The documents are in MS Word format.



Message 13235#141197

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On 10/28/2004 at 1:08pm, Yokiboy wrote:
RE: Re: [FATE] Sword & Sorcery - The Letter

Hello Angelo,

I love the fact that the first bit of feedback I get is on my poor Italian. :D

I was messing with Alta Vista's Babelfish translation engine, and am not surprised that the results are a bit silly. Thanks for the pointers though.

angelopampalone wrote: Hello, being Italian and noting that some name are composed using the Italian Language and grammar, I must propose some correction to the name you have used.

the City of Intrigue is la Città dell'Intrigo

Consider it adopted, thanks.

angelopampalone wrote: The royal capital, il Recapitale
il Recapitale isn't a Italian word, if this is intenctional all is ok,
otherwise the translation is la Capitale reale

Actually, this was a play on words. "il capitale reale" was shortened by myself to "il Recapitale", thinking of how language evolves and place names get shortened to local nicknames. I honestly don't know the difference between "il" and "la" in Italian, but since it's fantasy... :D

angelopampalone wrote: Gran-duca and Grand-duchesa are Granduca and Granduchessa

That's my mistake, I'll correct that.

If you want I'll be happy to send you the MS Word document that contains all my semi-Italian translations, I could certainly use a proof-reader by the looks of it.



Message 13235#141201

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On 10/28/2004 at 4:41pm, ScottM wrote:
RE: [FATE] Sword & Sorcery - The Letter

Wow, that reads like a lot of play for only an hour. Did you get to any of the bangs you'd prepared-- this looks like it was mostly response to their kickers, at least so far.

I found it interesting the Ymer and Wenon explicitly separated themselves from their armor and weapons in their kicker. Any idea why they both worked it in?

Were there any big "choose between these equally desirable things" moments last night? I didn't really spot any... but I can certainly see that there are opportunities for that stuff to crop up later.

Sounds like a great game.

Message 13235#141239

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On 10/28/2004 at 4:50pm, iago wrote:
RE: [FATE] Sword & Sorcery - The Letter

Hey hey hey, Rob Donoghue deserves at least as much credit as I do for Fate. I just happen to be louder than him on occasion. :)

Sounds like a great session, all told.

Did you find yourself 'compelling' any of the players aspects against them? I've more often had the experience of players using aspects to score rerolls combined with the GM hitting the players with fate points to compel aspect-based actions out of them, with the whole story-editing bit often playing second fiddle. I just think more gamers tend to find that to be a comfort zone.

Message 13235#141242

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On 10/28/2004 at 4:57pm, iago wrote:
RE: [FATE] Sword & Sorcery - The Letter

ScottM wrote: Wow, that reads like a lot of play for only an hour.

I also meant to note that, yeah, I've tended to find that Fate can really pack the eventfulness in. Combining it with Sorceror techniques seems to amplify that effect.

Message 13235#141244

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On 10/29/2004 at 7:08am, angelopampalone wrote:
RE: Re: [FATE] Sword & Sorcery - The Letter

Yokiboy wrote: Hello Angelo,

I love the fact that the first bit of feedback I get is on my poor Italian. :D

I was messing with Alta Vista's Babelfish translation engine, and am not surprised that the results are a bit silly. Thanks for the pointers though.

If you want I'll be happy to send you the MS Word document that contains all my semi-Italian translations, I could certainly use a proof-reader by the looks of it.



Hi, you can send me the word doc. I will take a look at it. I send you a pm with my email.

PS: All you have writte seem a great game session!.

Message 13235#141338

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On 10/29/2004 at 6:09pm, Yokiboy wrote:
RE: [FATE] Sword & Sorcery - The Letter

ScottM wrote: Wow, that reads like a lot of play for only an hour. Did you get to any of the bangs you'd prepared-- this looks like it was mostly response to their kickers, at least so far.

Not really, not as written anyhow. The letter in Wenon's belt was one, but it was originally meant to say something different. Teder was supposed to be "rescued", or given a chance to break away by the guy with the water bucket breaking up the fight, but Teder was beaten too severly earlier than I had thought (could be that Wenon's player, which played one of the Barbers, simply found it so delightful to kick Teder around).

I do have a nice handful of Bangs for Jock that we didn't get to, although his was one of the most entertaining scenes, the humor of it really made the other two seem more desperate. I guess you had to be there... :)

ScottM wrote: I found it interesting the Ymer and Wenon explicitly separated themselves from their armor and weapons in their kicker. Any idea why they both worked it in?

Well to be honest Wenon's Kicker was spiked a little bit by yours truly. As orginally written he was fully armored and equipped, but I thought this would be much more fun. :D

Ymer, however, came up with that all by himself. He was also the only one who didn't define the main NPC of his kicker, leaving it all up to me. That Barone Ortega mentioned in the intro, yup, that would be who's wife Ymer's messing around with.

ScottM wrote: Were there any big "choose between these equally desirable things" moments last night? I didn't really spot any... but I can certainly see that there are opportunities for that stuff to crop up later.

No, but I'm hoping we can get to that in a later session.

ScottM wrote: Sounds like a great game.



Message 13235#141408

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On 10/29/2004 at 6:13pm, Yokiboy wrote:
RE: [FATE] Sword & Sorcery - The Letter

iago wrote: Hey hey hey, Rob Donoghue deserves at least as much credit as I do for Fate. I just happen to be louder than him on occasion. :)

Sorry Rob, didn't mean to diss you, great work!

iago wrote: Sounds like a great session, all told.


iago wrote: Did you find yourself 'compelling' any of the players aspects against them? I've more often had the experience of players using aspects to score rerolls combined with the GM hitting the players with fate points to compel aspect-based actions out of them, with the whole story-editing bit often playing second fiddle. I just think more gamers tend to find that to be a comfort zone.

Only with Jock, and that drinking binge, in order to make sure that he couldn't resist the abduction. Wenon also started to rage a bit at the barbershop, but I didn't think of forcing it to blows by invoking his Anger Aspect, I really should've, but it's not too late yet... ];)



Message 13235#141409

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