The Forge Reference Project


Started by: xiombarg
Started on: 10/28/2004
Board: Connections

On 10/28/2004 at 8:28pm, xiombarg wrote:

Okay, guys, I seriously need external playtesters for my upcoming game, Unsung.

You can download everything you need to play from here:

The files are PDFs, and they're just raw text, with no layout. Try to imagine the SIDEBAR bits are actually sidebars and skip over them during your first read-through. The final version will, of course, be layed out and have pretty pictures and everything.

Ignore the feedback questions at that URL. At this point, I want to know if an external group, one that does not include me, can successfully take the game, run it, and enjoy it.

I will, of course, be available to answer questions and clarify things. Plus, any playtest group that gets back to me with serious feedback gets free print copies of the game when it comes out, of course.

Unsung, for those of you who don't know, is a game of morality under pressure. It's framed for mostly the "gritty cop show" genre, but it works equally well for a war story or even a game surrounding faternity brothers.

Message 13238#141282

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On 10/28/2004 at 10:48pm, bcook1971 wrote:

I was checking the dates on that link. Just curious: did you fix all that stuff Ben brought to light?

Message 13238#141302

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On 10/28/2004 at 11:32pm, Ben Lehman wrote:

bcook1971 wrote: I was checking the dates on that link. Just curious: did you fix all that stuff Ben brought to light?

BL> Funny, I was actually just talking about it with Kirt today.

The short answer is No, and that's not a bad thing.

The long answer is that a lot of the text which surrounded the Retirement system, in particular, but also many of the other subsystems was very confusing as to what the goals of said systems were. So apparently some of that text has been straightened out.

Kirt, can you hit me up with the most recent version? I have a lot of games on the docket, and not a lot of time to play them, but I'll see if I can't squeeze in a one-shot.


Message 13238#141308

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On 10/29/2004 at 4:36am, xiombarg wrote:

I added a sidebar to Chapter 6 that covered some of the issues Ben had. As for the rest -- such as editing issues -- if you see something specific, let me know.

The link above goes to the corrected text. I haven't yet scrubbed it for all the references that seemed to trouble Ben, because I can't see exactly which passages lean the way he suggests. But Chapter 6, at least, is different as of today.

I probably need to add a sidebar explaining the reasoning behind the way the Gift system works, but reasoning or no, I know that it does actually work in practice -- though an external test is to double-check that. But the link above -- or, more accurately, the links in the entry linked above -- will always go to the most recent text.

Short version: You can't go wrong, dates or no, with the above text, at least for testing purposes.

Message 13238#141331

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