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Topic: Open artist call on The Shadow of Yesterday
Started by: Clinton R. Nixon
Started on: 10/29/2004
Board: Connections

On 10/29/2004 at 6:54pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
Open artist call on The Shadow of Yesterday

When I published Donjon, I did a program like this: after all commissioned art was done, I let artists submit work to me that they would like to have published. I accepted about half of it, and not only got more artwork for the game, but helped make some careers. Colin Theriot, who went on to illustrate My Life with Master, submitted the most, and his style became a major component of the game.

I'm doing that again. Anyone is eligible to submit art. Either read the game at or e-mail me for a suggestion at before you submit. All accepted art will get you a big honking credit, and a free copy of the game, signed by me. It doesn't include payment, but will definitely get you exposed to the public.

Message 13245#141412

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On 11/2/2004 at 1:20pm, Tony Irwin wrote:
RE: Open artist call on The Shadow of Yesterday

Do you have a deadline for submissions? Also what are you looking for in terms of file format/resolution etc?

Also do you have any rules for how you wanted your different races/cultures depicted?

The art you've already got is amazing! Real art, not just pictures, I'm really stunned by it.

Message 13245#141636

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On 11/2/2004 at 2:48pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Open artist call on The Shadow of Yesterday

Tony Irwin wrote: Do you have a deadline for submissions? Also what are you looking for in terms of file format/resolution etc?

Nov 13th is the latest I'll accept art - although later pieces could be used for an "Art and Inspiration" page on the website. I prefer .GIF or .PNG files, although TIFF is fine, and 300dpi is the minimum resolution.

Also do you have any rules for how you wanted your different races/cultures depicted?

The art you've already got is amazing! Real art, not just pictures, I'm really stunned by it.

Thanks! Part of the reason it came out so well is that I asked the artists to interpret. The Ammeni soldiers in James West's pictures of Zaru don't necessarily look like the Ammenites in Keith Senkowski's pictures of Ammeni, and that's good. So, I don't have any rules as to how they're depicted. (Well, one. Ratkin look like nutria. It's a different face than rats.)

Message 13245#141642

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...from around 11/2/2004