The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Get out the vote .. for game design!
Started by: Matt Snyder
Started on: 11/1/2004
Board: Connections

On 11/1/2004 at 11:08pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
Get out the vote .. for game design!

On Election eve, I want to take this opportunity to earn your vote.

I'm in a game design rut. Lost my mojo. So, I've created a process to help me get some feedback on my next game design foray and rekindle the magic.

Here's the deal. On my LiveJournal, I've posted a list of about 13-14 game ideas I've had over the last couple years. I'm asking people to read the list and reply/comment with their top five favorites. From those "election primaries" I'll create a final list of five. Then, I'll put it to a vote, and let people select the next game I design.

Once decided by vote, I'll devote myself over the next weeks and months to design and publish the game (HTML and PDF versions, likely). Of course, I'll chronicle the design as I go here on on my blogs.

Please check it out. It should be a good bit of fun, and I hope that the design chronicles will be insightful.

Click this link to read the list of games, and reply/comment your 5 favorites on my LiveJournal blog
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Message 13269#141601

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