The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Social Contract and upset players (Split)
Started by: TonyLB
Started on: 11/2/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 11/2/2004 at 10:45pm, TonyLB wrote:
Social Contract and upset players (Split)

In GM is God,

Tomas HVM wrote: The socalled "social contract" is an agreement on what to do and how to do it. When someone shouts out about injustice or malpractise the social contract is broken. Whether it is rebuilt or not depends on both parties' ability to communicate, and any necessary will to change.

"Broken" and "violated" mean different things here, yes?

Broken: An attribute of a Social Contract, see also defective, non-functioning and poorly-understood.

Violate: To contravene the Social Contract, whether said contract is broken or functional, explicit or implicit.

Under those terms you seem to be saying that if someone shouts about injustice it implies that the Social Contract is Broken. Do you also believe that the Social Contract must have been Violated?

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On 11/3/2004 at 6:03am, Tomas HVM wrote:
RE: Social Contract and upset players (Split)


I beg your pardon, but I'm not very interested in discussing this issue. I mentioned it on the side in another discussion which engage me far more.

I seem to be at odds with the popular opinion on the Forge about the socalled "social contract", maybe due to my conviction that this "contract" at best is a temporary understanding.

I do see the importance of discussing such issues, but do not care to involve myself in it.


Message 13279#141725

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