The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Silven articles on indie RPGs and politics and RPG
Started by: caio_maximino
Started on: 11/3/2004
Board: Connections

On 11/3/2004 at 2:53pm, caio_maximino wrote:
Silven articles on indie RPGs and politics and RPG

It may be of interest that the new Silven Trumpeteer issue is now online, featuring the first part of the indie publishing article, by J. Carpio (; and the debut of my new column, named Politics and RPG, where I dabble about role-playing as a political act ( Check it out in
Critics and review to my article are very welcome.
I also started a new guild in Silven Crossroads, on indie RPGs ( It is not supposed to substitute The Forge forums or any other forums on independente role-playing games, but to infuse discussion on this topic in an environment where it did not exist previously. I would very much appreciate if you could join the guild and start the discussions ASAP, instillating vitality to this attempt. We could start by posting links to your own productions.
Thanks very much,
Caio Maximino de Oliveira

Message 13288#141746

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