The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Casefile ZODIAC] Looking for playtesters
Started by: scobie
Started on: 11/4/2004
Board: Connections

On 11/4/2004 at 1:49am, scobie wrote:
[Casefile ZODIAC] Looking for playtesters

OK, I have messed around, delayed and procrastinated enough. I have what I hope is a playestable version of Casefile: ZODIAC ready to go and I was wondering if anyone was interesting in give it a burl?

The game has a weird 1970s espionage setting and the system is hopefully a fluid and simple one, but I need some help in making it all make sense. I have read it too many times...

Anyway, the files come to about 5 meg (lots of art) and can be found at:

Zodiac Part A -
Zodiac Part B -
Zodiac Part C -
Zodiac Part D -
Zodiac Character sheet -

Any comments gratefully received.


Message 13292#141787

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