The Forge Reference Project


Topic: TechWoodCon (Atlanta, GA) : January 7 - 9, 2005
Started by: Judd_da_GM
Started on: 11/4/2004
Board: Conventions

On 11/4/2004 at 10:28pm, Judd_da_GM wrote:
TechWoodCon (Atlanta, GA) : January 7 - 9, 2005

For those of you interested in a gaming convention in Georgia that is affordable and fun, please consider browsing to to check out TechWoodCon 2005.

The con is located on Georgia Tech campus, but serves the Atlanta Metro area. Last year's con base was, without massive advertisement, largely students and faculty, but management has been more active in advertising the con to local gaming and comic stores as well as video game outlets.

The Con is dedicated to RPGs, LARPs, MMORPGS, board games, card games, video games, and LAN PC games and will be happy to feature dealers and demonstrators from any of these genres.

We are dedicated to developing quality, ongoing relationships with dealers and manufacturers as well as the fanbase they are trying to reach. Simply put, we are trying to build an epic games-dedicated con with a reputation for showing off the latest in games innovations.

Naturally, I wanted to appeal to the Forge community.

The gaming rooms are open to running demo games of any indie games out there. We will make space for you to demo your game, or we will have staffers who will run demo games as their schedules allow. These will be on a first-come-first-serve basis, so please get int ouch with me via PM if you want a staffer to run a game or if you want to schedule a table for a demo.

Dealer spots also welcome per the contact info on the website.

If you can be there, please do so. This is the second TechWoodCon run under this management and we had a great run for TWC 2004. Questions, suggestions, etc. are always welcome at our forum.

Hope to see you there!

Message 13297#141875

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