The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Dungeons/Dummies] Draft 3 - The Assembled!
Started by: daMoose_Neo
Started on: 11/11/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 11/11/2004 at 5:31pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
[Dungeons/Dummies] Draft 3 - The Assembled!

Current [D/D] threads:
[Dungeons/Dummies]So much fun its illegal! - Actual play notes
[Dungeons/Dummies] Monsters and Adventurers
[Dungeons/Dummies] Dungeon Design 101
[Dungeons/Dummies]Rough Draft 1 - The Imps

This thread is primarily to get the current version up and online.
What it includes:
- Discussions from the Rough Draft 1 post on Fears and differing Praise and Guts points
- Some notes on Dungeon design, Monsters and Adventurers
- Additional Abilities: Teleportation, Fire Breathing, Pull Stuff out of Thin Air, and Animate

Link: Dungeons/Dummies Draft 3

Thoughts, questions, remarks, suggestions are all welcome!

[Edit] Forgot to mention, the notes for Dungeons are a touch scattered yet. Check the Dungeon Design 101 thread for additional notes and possibly a better idea how they work.

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