The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Looking for a few good Reviewers...
Started by: Matt-M-McElroy
Started on: 11/12/2004
Board: Connections

On 11/12/2004 at 1:14am, Matt-M-McElroy wrote:
Looking for a few good Reviewers...

Hey folks,

Flames Rising is seeking a few good Reviewers. Flames Rising is an online resource for Horror & Dark Fantasy RPGs, fiction and more. We have a growing Reviews page, Industry Interviews, News and more...

I'm looking for a couple of people I can rely on to write regular objective and informative reviews of a variety of products. Once I know I can rely on a person (who is interested in writing reviews regularly) I can provide occasional review material (books, pdfs, CDs, etc) to this person as a "perk" for them (in addition to getting the review up on the site, which is good for me).

Any questions or comments, let me know...


Matt M McElroy

Message 13357#142402

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