The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Resources on open session design
Started by: RobNJ
Started on: 11/16/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 11/16/2004 at 12:27am, RobNJ wrote:
Resources on open session design

I'm sure they're somewhere around here, but I don't know where. I'm looking for a way to incorporate some of the session design ideas that are more open and player-centric that I've heard about from here. Stuff like bangs, relationship maps, etc.

Is there a good article on the main site? Some way I can familiarize myself with the lingo and incorporate it into the sessions for the series I am about to start running this Saturday?

If you're interested, I have a thread about this series at the World of Darkness forum.

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On 11/16/2004 at 12:46am, ScottM wrote:
RE: Resources on open session design

Here's a good overview that helps set expectations-- what's new & different, and what's the same.

Probably the best example of all of these things comes from Ron's Art Deco Melodrama, where he builds a game using this stuff... and explains his thought processes each step of the way. They're here: 0, 1, 2, 3.

If you're looking for a contrasting example, Peter Nordstrand generated a scenario for a HeroQuest. He started here, and first works out some bangs here.

Hope they prove useful to you.
-- Scott

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Message 13381#142654

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On 11/16/2004 at 12:55am, RobNJ wrote:
RE: Resources on open session design

Thanks, I'll check these out.

Message 13381#142655

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