The Forge Reference Project


Topic: MACE after action report
Started by: abzu
Started on: 11/16/2004
Board: Conventions

On 11/16/2004 at 3:43pm, abzu wrote:
MACE after action report

I was at MACE in Highpoint, NC this weekend. To my eyes it was a well-run small con. Attendance was probably 300-400 people. The overwhelming emphasis seemed to be on LARPs, with wargames falling in second place (prolly tied with card games).

There were enough RPGers there to keep me busy, though. Andy K and Jeff Schecter came out to wave the indie rpg flag. And, much to my surprise, Greg Porter was already there, stalking the halls like the ninja assassin of indie rpgs that he is.

Apparently, North Carolina is Steve Long of Hero Game's stomping ground. So he was there with a gaggle of fans in tow. And Pinnacle (Savage Worlds) is in Virginia, so they were there as well. Nice folks all.

I was taken off guard by the sheer quantity of small/mid-tier press RPG folks who were there. (Not to mention the quality.) It was a veritable hot bed!

While it seemed to me that it would be easy to oversaturate this con with game designers, I got enough of a response and recognition of my work that it is definitely worth it to make this part of my regular con circuit.


PS Andy K, Jeff, Big Jeff, Travis, Bob, et omnes it was great seeing you and hanging out. Hopefully I'll see you again soon.

Message 13389#142703

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On 11/27/2004 at 10:48am, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: MACE after action report

The adventure was great.

I just can't believe I ate all those nasty Orange Kit-Kats. Bleh.

Message 13389#143714

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