The Forge Reference Project


Topic: LoserQuest: Seeking long-term playtesters...Hooray!
Started by: Suvordaeus
Started on: 11/19/2004
Board: Connections

On 11/19/2004 at 1:07am, Suvordaeus wrote:
LoserQuest: Seeking long-term playtesters...Hooray!

Loserquest is a somewhat offensive game along the lines of a post-apocalyptic Married with Children or Family Guy. It uses the COR system, which is designed to be simple, but is still missing long-term balance. In particular, it's the amount of fights a party of losers can handle before needing a break, and how many foes are suitable for parties of various size. If you are interested, e-mail me at and I will give you everything you need (mostly .xls tables, but there's other things if you want them). Thanks.

Message 13417#143018

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