The Forge Reference Project


Topic: "Distributed Gaming" Dark Fantasy World
Started by: caio_maximino
Started on: 11/19/2004
Board: Connections

On 11/19/2004 at 3:54am, caio_maximino wrote:
"Distributed Gaming" Dark Fantasy World

I'm trying to put down some ideas on a distributed-gaming, open source, collective effort on creating a dark fantasy world. Part of the "bibliography" suggested to those who would like to participate in the project is some Forge articles. Is there anyone who is interested in the project, or could give me a few hints?

Message 13419#143026

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On 11/19/2004 at 8:50am, Strutinan wrote:
RE: "Distributed Gaming" Dark Fantasy World

I own DaemonEye Publishing, and one of my products is the "Dead Stars" sci-fi/horror game. I wrote a section in the core rule book on the nature of fear, and as the entire book is open-source you can easilly use it (for proper credit of course). I'm also heavilly involved in the Free Gaming Association's open gaming initiative, called "Prometheus".

Somehow, I think the two of us could really "hit it off" on this ;)

Give me an e-mail.

Jay Tyler Barrell

Message 13419#143044

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On 11/19/2004 at 9:16pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: "Distributed Gaming" Dark Fantasy World

Could you tell us some more about it?

Are we talking online collaboration here? A Wiki, perhaps?


Message 13419#143131

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