The Forge Reference Project


Topic: SRD-based "Steampunk" rules, playtesters required
Started by: Strutinan
Started on: 11/21/2004
Board: Connections

On 11/21/2004 at 3:21am, Strutinan wrote:
SRD-based "Steampunk" rules, playtesters required

Yeah yeah, I know "Ick...isn't that a WotC-based rules set?" Why yes, it is, but I'm NOT using the d20 STL. I'm using the much more firendly Promeus license run by the Open Gaming Foundation :)

And in any case, we don't know yet if we are going to botehr publishing them. They are really only so that w have a place-holder game between me finishing up Under Cover of Darkness and starting Universal Decay.

So what I'm looking for is a group of people wanting to playtest the Steampunk mechanical rules I'm developing for this interrim game. I figure it can't hurt to see if the rules set is viable, as I'm putting so much work into it ANYWAYS. Yes this is only a rules-set, I am not DMing an the DM is making the setting up so I have a chance to PLAY for once ;)

So if you are interrested, post your comments (are you DMing or playing), the number of folks in your group, and your contact info so i can get ahold of you. I hope to have the rules-set up and ready to be played by this thursday sometime. At the moment I'm 1/5th the way through PrCs, and 1/3rd the way through gear.

Message 13433#143210

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