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Topic: Inu-Yasha as inspiration for Sorcerer & Sword
Started by: Spartan
Started on: 11/25/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 11/25/2004 at 9:04pm, Spartan wrote:
Inu-Yasha as inspiration for Sorcerer & Sword

I've been away for a while, but here we go...

Lately I've become addicted to an anime series called Inu-Yasha, and I can't help thinking of Sorcerer every time I watch it. It's kind of campy in places, but if you can handle Gardner F. Fox, then you should be good to go. ;)

The basic premise is that a young girl from modern Tokyo ends up in the Japanese Feudal era, with all kinds of demons and whatnot gallavanting about. She allys herself with the half-demon Inu-Yasha, whose goal is to become full demon. The show deals with humanity issues (tritely for the most part), and some of the demon powers from Sorcerer (esp Transport, Big, and Special Damage) are displayed to nice effect. A whole taxonomy of demons could be derived from the show at the least, and a whole host of telltales. Also included are examples of the bonuses for appropriate quotes used in combat. All in all, I find it a not too bad inspiration for S&S campaigns, albeit from an anime viewpoint.

As an aside, I'm gathering players for a S&S game, and have read a ton (20+) of the books mentioned by Ron in S&S. I'll be back to geek out and give some mini-reviews for the curious who are looking to prioritze their S&S lit reading. :)


Message 13478#143607

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On 11/28/2004 at 1:01am, Gabe McKean wrote:
RE: Inu-Yasha as inspiration for Sorcerer & Sword

Inu-Yasha kicks some serious ass. I hadn't thought about it in terms of Sorcerer before, but you're right that it would make a cool S&Sword setting.

The resurrected priestess Kikyo makes a creepy passing demon, bound in a very dysfunctional relationship with Inu-Yasha (with the binding strength heavily in her favor, of course). Inu-Yasha's magic sword is also interesting to look at in terms of Sorcerer: it could be represented as an object demon, but its function is actually to increase Inu-Yasha's humanity. Hmmm, could be interesting to play a sorcerer whose demon's Need is for you to do things that earn you humanity gain rolls...

Message 13478#143734

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On 11/29/2004 at 8:51pm, Spartan wrote:
RE: Inu-Yasha as inspiration for Sorcerer & Sword

Gabe McKean wrote: Inu-Yasha's magic sword is also interesting to look at in terms of Sorcerer: it could be represented as an object demon, but its function is actually to increase Inu-Yasha's humanity. Hmmm, could be interesting to play a sorcerer whose demon's Need is for you to do things that earn you humanity gain rolls...

You know, I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're absolutely right.

Kikyo is of course, a passing demon with a Need to feed on human souls, and a desire to destroy Inu-Yasha (kind of specific for a desire, but it works). Inu-Yasha's telltale is his dog-like ears, and Kikyo's is that she's cold as the clay from which she was made.

Good ideas, Gabe.


Message 13478#143878

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On 11/29/2004 at 8:58pm, Fabrice G. wrote:
RE: Inu-Yasha as inspiration for Sorcerer & Sword

Gabe wrote: Hmmm, could be interesting to play a sorcerer whose demon's Need is for you to do things that earn you humanity gain rolls...

Or maybe it's time to use the angels' rules from Soul ? :-)

I dunno nothing about that anime, but the way you're speaking about that sword, it instantly makes me think about the angels as depicted in the Sorcerer's Soul.


Message 13478#143879

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