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Topic: &Sword setting - Last Rites of the Dark Gods
Started by: sirogit
Started on: 11/26/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 11/26/2004 at 12:02pm, sirogit wrote:
&Sword setting - Last Rites of the Dark Gods

Sword & Sorcery setting I'm shooting for running after my current Sorcerer game, out of the fact that one of the current players is a major S&S fan and it'd be really cool if his girlfriend joined as she seemed fairly versed in stuff.


Idea: Revoloution against the Gods with a terrible price, lotta inspiration from Conan, Elric, Exalted, and Charnel Gods.

Setting: The world takes something from greek mythology in that, the mortal world is inhabited by beings far greater, and thus, far more egoist than mortal men, capable of acting without repercussion or human morality. A difference is that the game is from the mortals perspective, lives wracked by paranoia and oppression from the uncaring Gods.

Sorcerers are the few people who have the capability of dealing with these beings on their level, having access to Demons, terrible fountains of power put on earth by even more incomprehensible beings than the Gods. Sorcerers intertwine humanity's hope and dread insperably.

- "Gods"
- Passers, wholly physical being. Appear as huge beasts, with some anthropomrphic or unnatural features.
- Can be Pacted with, but no other rituals apply.
- Desires related to satiating their astronomical egos, Needs ranging from trivial to gross and nasty.

- "Demons"
- Objects or Parasite, uncommunicative outside of when they confer power and reliant on their Sorcerers for their use. Always bear some bad omen-aesthetic about them. The objects are primarily either black, white or red, and the parsites create some black, white or red effect on their masters.
- All rituals apply.
- Desires relating to straight up destructive or diabolical natures, Needs are always complicated to obtain and Humanity-risky, but not as gross as the God's needs.

I'm on the fence for Humanity. I know I want it to be very much about maintaining the heroic qualities of being human versus being a God in human's skin.

Human Empathy - Good, but not exciting.
Charnel God's "Doing good for the world"
Restraint - Responsiveness to Taboos. Nice because it applies to a wider range of activities than just being a bastard to humans, and ties into the idea of complex iteraction with the community of the Gods to be Humanity-risking.

Message 13482#143635

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