The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Goldleaf Games is looking for a game designer.
Started by: GaryTP
Started on: 11/27/2004
Board: Connections

On 11/27/2004 at 1:28am, GaryTP wrote:
Goldleaf Games is looking for a game designer.

Goldleaf Games, LLC is looking for a game designer to partner with us on a (slightly different) game project to be released early spring 05.

Moderate to strong mathematics skill.
A writing style with a sense of humor.
Able to deliver by a deadline (important).

This is a paying job (includes a small advance and five percent of retail sales) for the life of the product. Goldleaf Games will retain the copyright on the game produced.

A signed non-disclosure.
Weekly discussion by emails.

Please send your qualifications to Include writing/game samples, games you've worked on, and/or roleplaying games you enjoy (and why).

We'll chose a candidate no later than Dec 3rd.

Thank you,


Message 13491#143685

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On 11/29/2004 at 3:12am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Goldleaf Games is looking for a game designer.


I hope this post doesn't get mis-understood.

1. It is currently perfectly all right for Gary to post this here, because we've never thought about restricting the content of Connections to independent-only.

2. Clinton and I have to decide about whether to establish any such restrictions (as in Publishing and Indie Design). We'll announce our conclusion.

That's all. For now, all is OK.


Message 13491#143803

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On 11/29/2004 at 4:34am, GaryTP wrote:
RE: Goldleaf Games is looking for a game designer.

Sorry Ron, I always considered myself an independant since I own the Company, wrote and designed the game, etc. I could have easily just remained an imprint vs. and LLC. I'll abide by whatever you decide.


Message 13491#143810

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On 11/29/2004 at 5:45am, Trevis Martin wrote:
RE: Goldleaf Games is looking for a game designer.

I think, Gary, that there isn't any question of you being independent because you retain complete creative and financial control over your game. I'm pretty sure Ron (Adept Press) is an LLC or something too. I think the question is, since the Forge as a whole is developed for the encouragment of indie RPG's (those that meet the definition of being creator owned and controlled) weather this forum ought to allow connection posts where you are soliciting someone for their creative effort in game rules design but that person not retaining financial and creative control over their work. Ron has said at the moment that there isn't any such restricition but he and Clinton haven't decided if there should be, given the overall focus of the Forge.



Message 13491#143817

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On 11/29/2004 at 11:16am, GaryTP wrote:
RE: Goldleaf Games is looking for a game designer.


That helps a lot. I'd like to have the Forge remain the free-thinking venue it has always been. I'll voluntarily limit my postings to personal and progressive rpg posts from here on out.

Ron, go ahead and archive/delete/move this post so that it is inaccessible.

Thanks much,


Message 13491#143831

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On 11/29/2004 at 2:06pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Goldleaf Games is looking for a game designer.

Rrrgghh! I hate apologies in response to moderation.

More substantively, Gary, "haven't decided" means "haven't decided." I'll let you know. Please feel free to benefit from this thread or to post more on it in the interim. Everyone, let's have all further posts here be about Gary's topic.

Trevis is 100% correct regarding the independence issue.


Message 13491#143840

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On 11/29/2004 at 2:26pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Goldleaf Games is looking for a game designer.

I'm potentially interested, but I want to know more.

What kind of word count are we talking here? 5000? 50000? Just a rough estimate would be nice to give me and others an idea of the commitment.

For math, exactly how skilled is "Moderate to strong?" I'm decent at algebra and geometry, but my trig is pretty stale and I have no calculus. Do I qualify?

At this point Gary should apologize to Ron for his earlier apology, but that would just be silly.

Message 13491#143841

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On 11/29/2004 at 6:02pm, GaryTP wrote:
RE: Goldleaf Games is looking for a game designer.

Those last two posts so made me laugh. Thanks for the continuation during the interim, Ron.

Here is a bit more info on what we're needing.

We're needing a "story" management system developed for a game. It involves to careful thought from a mathematics perspective to keep it balanced, allow for scaleability, variations, etc. There is also some humorous writing (for the same game) that we would need. Not more than four thousand words. I'll be co-designing/co-writing the game with the selected designer and will carry a good deal of the workload.

Re: Word Count.
Not more than four or five thousand well-written words. The difficulty in the assignment is the system.

Re: Percentage.
The selected designer gets 5% of retail, plus an advance. This is for the life of the game, and all subsequent versions that use the system developed.

I'm about to send out a deeper explaination to interested parties. Email:


Message 13491#143855

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On 12/8/2004 at 5:35pm, GaryTP wrote:
RE: Goldleaf Games is looking for a game designer.

I just wanted to thank everyone who submitted (all 59 of you). There are a lot of bright minds out there, all wanting to publish. In the end, we chose your own Eero Tuovinen to partner with. Stay tuned this spring for the results of our efforts.

And thanks, Ron and Clinton, for keeping this thread open.


Message 13491#144901

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