The Forge Reference Project


Topic: The Fortune Convention: A new beginning
Started by: madelf
Started on: 11/27/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 11/27/2004 at 5:04am, madelf wrote:
The Fortune Convention: A new beginning

Well, I've been doing brutal things to my game system. It only slightly resembles it's original form (and it's a hell of a lot shorter). And I'm hoping you guys will be willing to take a peek and let me know your thoughts.

Some backstory:
Originally I just wanted a system to stick my world to, so I went shopping around. I looked at D20 (couldn't stomach it at all), I looked at Action (tolerable but didn't thrill me & I don't like the OGL anyway), I was looking everywhere. Then this guy (Matt Drake) said he could write up a system for me (all mine, no dealing with licenses, etc) in exchange for providing art for one of his books.

So I jumped on it. I made some notes about what I wanted to happen, we talked back and forth and he wrote me a game system. Seemed like a pretty good one too, nothing groundbreaking that I know of, but perfectly servicable. I was happy.

But every now and then I'd get to thinking... "Why am I doing this when it's not that different from other games? Why do this one just to avoid licensing issues, when licensing a known game would probably be more profitable? And if I'm not thinking that my system is the best damn thing since electric lights, why am I forgoing profit potential to use it? But there were little things about it that I really liked, every time I tried to paste my concepts onto another system... it just didn't feel right. So I went back and forth, back and forth.

After awhile I think hanging around here started to have an effect. I was thinking less about the setting, and more about the system. After awhile, my thoughts were less "what system can I use for my game?" and more "What do I want my game to be?" I figure that has to be your guys' fault.

So I started looking around, and asking questions, and looking around some more. And doing a lot of thinking. I identified some elements from different games that really seemed to synch with the things I like about games, and identified some elements that I don't like about games (and was slightly surprised at how much of the later, and how little of the former was present in my existing system).

This, combined with a growing urge (likely also something I caught here) to do things my way or no way, I decided to start over. I told myself I was going to put together a system that appealed to me more than any other system I have ever seen, or I was going to use an open system and the hell with it.

I took my existing system and deleted everything I didn't really, really like about it. Then I took the elements I had found from a couple of other games and glued them to the side, tweaking them mercilessly to work with my base mechanic. I sprinkled on some ideas I'd picked up here and there, and then I wrote some new stuff to fill in the gaps.

And... I think I've got a system.

I don't know if it's going to work like I think it will (playtesting will tell), but I'm hopeful. Of course it's still not innovative (though it's certainly more "modern" than it was), but I think it's going to be cool. For the first time I feel good enough about my game system to post it here, and let you guys shoot it full of big, smoking holes.

I put together a current draft, and if anyone feels like looking it over and offering comments (let me know if I'm missing something important, or you spot something I botched, or whatever), I would be eternally grateful.

Link here:


Message 13495#143707

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On 11/27/2004 at 3:08pm, madelf wrote:
RE: The Fortune Convention: A new beginning

I've realized that my general "What do y'all think" post was not really helpful in stating what I need in an outside viewpoint.

What I'm kind of looking for at this stage is an overview. I know the mechanics themselves should work (I assume they did in the games that have used them before). My concern is more in the mesh that ties them together.

Is my resolution system conflicting with my magic system? Have I addressed Skills sufficiently? Do the various elements hold together as I have presented them or is trying to read it a bumpy ride? Are there any huge gaping holes in the system where I've blanked out on some basic need?

Hopefully that helps clarify what I'm looking for.

Message 13495#143718

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...started by madelf which madelf participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 11/27/2004