The Forge Reference Project


Topic: (Sorcerer) The Metamorphosis v 2.0, call for players
Started by: Picador
Started on: 11/29/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 11/29/2004 at 10:56pm, Picador wrote:
(Sorcerer) The Metamorphosis v 2.0, call for players

Here's the new version of The Metamorphosis in PDF form. (The original thread for this setting is here.)

I'm also including some links for further reading about stage magic in the setting: here's a general history, and here's an interesting piece on two African-American magicians in the period which draws a parallel between escapism and the Underground Railroad -- ripe, ripe stuff for the setting!

Finally, I'd like to actually play this setting at some point, and I have little hope of rounding up interested players in my social group. Anyone on the forums interested in taking the setting for a drive online some time this winter? No commitment required -- I'm just polling for interest.


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On 12/8/2004 at 1:15am, Picador wrote:
RE: (Sorcerer) The Metamorphosis v 2.0, call for players

Oh, and some rules additions:

I think we'll go with the Multiple Covers and Humanity Trading rules from Sorcerer & Sword: the former jibes with the self-reinvention theme and allows for a "used to be a male prostitute, but now I'm a Master of Illusion" schtick; the latter covers things like kung fu masters with superhuman Stamina.

Message 13515#144829

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