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Topic: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?
Started by: Space Cowboy
Started on: 11/30/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 11/30/2004 at 12:22am, Space Cowboy wrote:
Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

Hey guys,

As part of the continuing process to build up the content on the Wild Sphere website, I've been alternating adding atmospheric stuff for the RPG with adding chapters of the WS novellas. In the Background Section, I already have content covering some of the major NPCs of the WS universe, Space Cowboy slang, and the major governments.

Does anyone have any suggestions for further additional atmospheric stuff that people might want to know about the WS universe or that are just generally helpful/useful things to know about any RPG universe?

Many thanks in advance!

Message 13518#143903

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On 11/30/2004 at 11:59pm, MisterPoppet wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

Flags and Emblems of Major Corporations, Nations, Groups and the like. My group loves to have their stuff covered in logos. It can also cause them remember through such indentification. Such as knowing how well an item or tool works through it's logo (we do it in the real world, why not in RPG's too).


Message 13518#144025

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On 12/1/2004 at 10:45pm, Space Cowboy wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

MisterPoppet wrote: Flags and Emblems of Major Corporations, Nations, Groups and the like. My group loves to have their stuff covered in logos. It can also cause them remember through such indentification. Such as knowing how well an item or tool works through it's logo (we do it in the real world, why not in RPG's too).


Hey Poppet,

Thanks heaps for your post! All good ideas here. I'm actually writing up brief summaries of some of the major Megacorporations, and I sketched some ideas for corporate logos yesterday which I will present at the bi-weekly Wild Sphere Artists' Meeting. Our artists have completed flags for two of the major nations, and the flag of the third is in progress, and I'll also work on write ups for the major organized crime syndicates.

Again, many thanks!


Message 13518#144181

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On 12/2/2004 at 1:48am, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

I don't have any suggestions for what you should add. My first thought was artwork. A picture is worth a thousand words and all that. But I see you already have artwork, some of it pretty darn cool. So, I guess I'm suggesting more artwork. Most of what you have on your site (I've looked at some but not all of it) looks good and is well presented.

I do suggest that you remove the lifted quotations. The ones I picked out are from the film Army of Darkness. Get rid of them, and anything else you've lifted. First, its plagiarism. Second, even if you do have permission from the owners of the IP's in question to use their material, doing so undermines your credibility as a creator of original material.

Message 13518#144190

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On 12/3/2004 at 5:43am, Akasha4evr wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

I'm with Greer on the artwork idea--it sells the gamers on the whole world that they're in. I like the stuff you've done with art of uniforms in that it helps develop what kind of people are living in the different political systems. I'd love they type of stuff Poppet talked about too, perhaps some of the art could be incorporated into the files for the novellas you're uploading?

Message 13518#144313

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On 12/3/2004 at 6:14am, Alan wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

ethan_greer wrote: First, its plagiarism. Second, even if you do have permission from the owners of the IP's in question to use their material, doing so undermines your credibility as a creator of original material.

It's not plagiarism if you attribute to the source. And the fair use clause of copyright allows use of quotes of limited length.

That said, I think you don't want to use quotes from genres outside the one you're trying to support.

Message 13518#144319

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On 12/3/2004 at 2:39pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

If they're attributed, I didn't see it. (Well, they are attributed, but not to the original source.) If I had seen it, I wouldn't have used the term "plagiarism." So, apologies if they're attributed and I missed it. My advice about getting rid of the quotes still stands, though.

Message 13518#144337

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On 12/3/2004 at 5:14pm, Space Cowboy wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

Alan wrote:
ethan_greer wrote: First, its plagiarism. Second, even if you do have permission from the owners of the IP's in question to use their material, doing so undermines your credibility as a creator of original material.

It's not plagiarism if you attribute to the source. And the fair use clause of copyright allows use of quotes of limited length.

Hey Ethan and Alan,

Thanks heaps to both of you for your posts! Thanks to Ethan for your kind words about the artwork- I shall pass them along at our bi-weekly Artists' Meeting this Sunday.

As for the plagerism issue, my intent was not to rip anyone off, but rather to reference as homage some great movies. However, having spoken with my Business and Legal Counsel, he agrees with Ethan and we are currently reviewing all the Random Quotes.

As Alan notes, Fair Use Doctrine may apply to at least some of the "homage" Random Quotes. Those that do not qualify under Fair Use will be removed.

Once again, thanks for your posts!

Message 13518#144364

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On 12/3/2004 at 5:19pm, Space Cowboy wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

Alan wrote: That said, I think you don't want to use quotes from genres outside the one you're trying to support.

Hey Alan,

I'd like to think that we've created a rich, complex sci-fi universe that supports a wide variety of genres. WS at its core is a space western/space opera, but I've been stretching it and have incorporated Political Thriller, and Pulp elements, and now I'm trying to incorporate Noir and Cyberpunk.

Like I was saying to Ray, our Marketing Director, last week, I'm trying to create a universe where the Sphere truly is wild. Let's see how it goes. LOL.


Message 13518#144367

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On 12/3/2004 at 5:30pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

To be fair, I do like the technique of having random quotes as flavor text. I bet you could just invent a few snippets of dialog pretty easily to replace the ones you cut, and get the same results without being derivative. (The results being that the reader gets a little peep-hole into your setting.)

Message 13518#144369

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On 12/3/2004 at 7:15pm, peacecraft wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

MisterPoppet wrote: Flags and Emblems of Major Corporations, Nations, Groups and the like. My group loves to have their stuff covered in logos. It can also cause them remember through such indentification. Such as knowing how well an item or tool works through it's logo (we do it in the real world, why not in RPG's too).


I agree. With the proliferation of advertisements on everything these days, you've got to figure some of the tech would be plastered with so many logos they'd look like frikkin' NASCARs.

Message 13518#144390

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On 12/4/2004 at 5:43am, MisterPoppet wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

"This Space Cowboy is brought to you in part by... Cactus Cola. All that refreshing taste in a little metal can!"

Heh heh... cactus...

I suggest that you make the frame border invisible and either use the star background thoughout the site or not use it. the site looks a bit clunky with it on one page.


P.S. I also suggest using Cactus Cola in the game. I'm even willing to design can. Cactus Cola! The choice for bounty hunters!

Message 13518#144466

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On 12/5/2004 at 8:16pm, Space Cowboy wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

ethan_greer wrote: To be fair, I do like the technique of having random quotes as flavor text. I bet you could just invent a few snippets of dialog pretty easily to replace the ones you cut, and get the same results without being derivative. (The results being that the reader gets a little peep-hole into your setting.)

Hey Ethan,

I also agree that the Random Quotes do a pretty good job of showing different aspects of the WS universe. Some of them are also really funny. What kinds of dialog do you think would make good Random Quotes?

Message 13518#144549

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On 12/5/2004 at 8:22pm, Space Cowboy wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

peacecraft wrote:
MisterPoppet wrote: Flags and Emblems of Major Corporations, Nations, Groups and the like. My group loves to have their stuff covered in logos. It can also cause them remember through such indentification. Such as knowing how well an item or tool works through it's logo (we do it in the real world, why not in RPG's too).


I agree. With the proliferation of advertisements on everything these days, you've got to figure some of the tech would be plastered with so many logos they'd look like frikkin' NASCARs.

Hey Poppet and Peacecraft,

Thanks heaps for your posts!

Poppet, those are excellent suggestions. Two of the three flags for the superpowers are done and the third is in the final stages of completion. When they are done, they will go up on the website. Also, I thought of corporate logos for three (thus far) of the Megacorps: General Galaxy, Kyodai Ryu, and MIT-Tesla, so they have also entered the production pipeline.

Peacecraft, LOL, I'll pass that along to our artists!


Message 13518#144551

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On 12/5/2004 at 8:26pm, Space Cowboy wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

MisterPoppet wrote: "This Space Cowboy is brought to you in part by... Cactus Cola. All that refreshing taste in a little metal can!"

Heh heh... cactus...

I suggest that you make the frame border invisible and either use the star background thoughout the site or not use it. the site looks a bit clunky with it on one page.


P.S. I also suggest using Cactus Cola in the game. I'm even willing to design can. Cactus Cola! The choice for bounty hunters!

Hey Poppet,

Yeah, the site is a bit clunky. I'll pass your suggestion along to our Web Designer.

LOL. If you want to design the can for Cactus Cola, we'll see what you can do! Send me a PM and let's talk!

Message 13518#144552

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On 12/6/2004 at 6:59pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

Space Cowboy wrote: What kinds of dialog do you think would make good Random Quotes?

I'd say the same kinds of things you've got. The flavor and the variety seems good to me.

Message 13518#144658

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On 12/9/2004 at 9:23pm, Space Cowboy wrote:
RE: Good atmospheric stuff for an RPG website?

ethan_greer wrote: I'd say the same kinds of things you've got. The flavor and the variety seems good to me.

Hey Ethan,

LOL. Cool beans. Thanks for the compliment! Also, I believe that all of the questionable Random Quotes have been removed. If you see anything that you think should be flagged, please let me know.


Message 13518#145078

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