The Forge Reference Project


Topic: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil Font...
Started by: Paul Czege
Started on: 2/4/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 2/4/2002 at 5:52am, Paul Czege wrote:
The World, the Flesh, and the Devil Font... now available for download.

Intended to aid in the creation of dice for the game, it provides five fabulous icons (World, Flesh, Devil, and plus and minus symbols in the same style), all designed and incarnated as a font by the Forge's own Ben "Amazing Kreskin" Morgan. I was totally geeked when Ben sent me the icons, and I still can't thank him enough for all the hard work he put into them.

Click here for the download page.


Message 1354#12709

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On 2/4/2002 at 9:14am, Joe Murphy (Broin) wrote:
RE: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil Font...

The icon for The Devil looks a bit like The Phantom, but apart from that, great work. =) Really intriguing designs. The imagery reminded me of the open-endedness of good tarot artwork.

You should include a link to a pic of Blue Clamp, too, it's a piece worth looking twice at.


Message 1354#12710

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On 2/4/2002 at 8:06pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil Font...


Ha! That's exactly what Matt (Eloran) said about the Devil image when we first laid eyes on it. It's still cool, although the World is my favorite.


I just want to take this opportunity to plug you and your website. I've pillaged it for Fonts over the past few months and have found it to be an excellent resource. You've outdone yourself now - the stuff you created for TWTFATD is cool beyond words (perhaps only rivaled by the uber-cool runestones our buddy Tom made me for WYRD). Hats off to you sir. And if anyone out there hasn't seen Ben's website, check it out. They don't call him "Amazing" for nothing.


I don't think I've ever publicly come in out in support of TWTFATD, but I have to say, it's damn impressive. I envy your committment to the game, and think this new font goes a long way towards making it more accessible to the public. I'm very much looking forward to our run of it...

Take care,

Message 1354#12722

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On 2/4/2002 at 9:17pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil Font...

We were having accessibility problems, and know what we did? Made cards. Everybody gets a hand of 6 World, Flesh and Devil cards, their choice, and the GM gets 5 each of plus and minus cards (one each red). Choose six and fan them for the player to draw from, like old maid.

The font would work fine for cards, too, of course. I made our cards pre-font, so I just used typefaces that look like the title on the web page.

I love the cold purity of design of making your own dice, but you might consider cards a backup.


Message 1354#12723

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On 2/5/2002 at 1:09am, Ben Morgan wrote:
RE: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil Font...

It was supposed to be a really plain, naked face, but when it was finally imported into the font program, the lines for the eyebrow, the jawline, and the ear got too close together, and it ends up looking like a mask (though I guess that, in and of itself, could feed into the Devil concept, couldn't it?). Oh well. If no one complains about it, I won't consider it broken. :)

Thanks! It's great to hear that the site's actually useful for something other than just draining my bank account. Pretty soon (read: when I get around to it), I'll be adding about 270+ more fonts to the archive. Feel free to pillage away. It's what I did to at least two dozen other font sites (so much so that now I can't even attempt crediting them all, though that would be the Right Thing To Do). :)

Everyone else,
If you haven't seen my site recently, I've completely redesigned everything, with nifty javascript and CSS and everything. Also of note, IMO, is the character sheet section - my real pride and joy. There's a new sheet for Sorcerer there, among other things. It's the same layout as the one in the book, but I like to think that this one adds to the atmosphere of the game.

By the way (and I know this part really should be in the Publishing forum), if anyone needs help with regards to artwork (computer- or hand-drawn) or graphic design, I'm available. :)

Message 1354#12728

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On 2/6/2002 at 12:48am, James V. West wrote:
RE: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil Font...

Cool images. Very nice work, Kreshkin.

Paul, this makes me want to get back to working on Sigil. :-)

Message 1354#12778

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