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Topic: Indie RPG Awards for 2004: One Month Left to Publish!
Started by: Andy Kitkowski
Started on: 12/2/2004
Board: Publishing

On 12/2/2004 at 1:51am, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
Indie RPG Awards for 2004: One Month Left to Publish!

Just wanted to throw this out there to the folks who are working to get their final bits of PDF and print material together.

The third (and last for me, but hopefully it will continue) Indie RPG Awards will be going down next summer. December 31st is the cutoff point for your supplements and full games, so make sure to get them out there.

It's going to be an interesting run next year. Personally, I've got my eves out there on some heavyweight solid game contenders like Chad Underkoffer's Dead Inside and Keith Senkowski's Conspiracy of Shadows, not to mention the other dozens of games that came out at GenCon and the like (PTA, NPA entries, Fastlane, etc). It's gonna be painful at times, cause so many good games will be going head to head. But damn, it'll be exciting.

So, if you're waffling on publishing but you're at that last step, make the leap if you want to get into the 2004 Indie RPG Awards.


Message 13543#144191

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On 12/2/2004 at 3:27am, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Indie RPG Awards for 2004: One Month Left to Publish!

Thanks, Andy. Like I needed any more pressure.

Still maybe if Vesperteen doesn't get done this year, it won't have to compete with Dogs. But instead, I get to compete with Polaris. You guys never make it easy on a designer, do ya? :)

Bring it.

Message 13543#144205

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On 12/2/2004 at 5:18am, jdagna wrote:
RE: Indie RPG Awards for 2004: One Month Left to Publish!

Heh... here's an interesting technicality.

My latest supplement, Fera Vita, is at the printer now, and will return sometime around the 17th. I'm selling pre-orders on the website now, with intent to get them out by Christmas, but the official release date is January 14th (to give time for it to get through distribution channels).

So which year do I qualify for?

Message 13543#144215

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On 12/2/2004 at 7:22pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Indie RPG Awards for 2004: One Month Left to Publish!

jdagna wrote: Heh... here's an interesting technicality.

My latest supplement, Fera Vita, is at the printer now, and will return sometime around the 17th. I'm selling pre-orders on the website now, with intent to get them out by Christmas, but the official release date is January 14th (to give time for it to get through distribution channels).

So which year do I qualify for?

Heh, this is the Indie RPG Awards, not the Academy Awards, we're not nearly as strict. :-)

General rule, if you have them in your hand by Dec 31st, and are able to take orders for it (that is, receiving money and begin the process of shipping them to people) in December, that's good enough for me.

Though, as I do in cases like this (like with CAH in the first year), you can choose yourself whether you want it submitted for 2004 or 2005. Since the 2005 awards are currently up in the air, I recommend the 2004 awards, personally.


Message 13543#144273

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On 12/9/2004 at 10:03pm, chadu wrote:
Re: Indie RPG Awards for 2004: One Month Left to Publish!

Andy Kitkowski wrote: It's going to be an interesting run next year. Personally, I've got my eves out there on some heavyweight solid game contenders like Chad Underkoffer's Dead Inside and Keith Senkowski's Conspiracy of Shadows, not to mention the other dozens of games that came out at GenCon and the like (PTA, NPA entries, Fastlane, etc). It's gonna be painful at times, cause so many good games will be going head to head. But damn, it'll be exciting.

Muchas gracias, Andy, for the props. (I've been feeling a little invisible for the past couple months, due to doing some writing for other publishers).

The products that came out this year were all spiffy as hell (from the ones I've seen and the scuttlebutt on the ones I plan to see). Frankly, it's an honor to be in the same company.

(aside) Hey, did I ever send you a copy of either Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot: the RPG or Cold, Hard World for review? Let me know by email, to keep the boards clear.


Message 13543#145085

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On 12/13/2004 at 5:52am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: Indie RPG Awards for 2004: One Month Left to Publish!

Just to toss this one out there, is there room for a 'First Forge Attempt - RPG/CCG Hybrid'? ^_^ At least I think Twilight is a first for the

Just checkin ^_^

Message 13543#145429

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