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Topic: More groovy sorcerer anime
Started by: Bailywolf
Started on: 2/5/2002
Board: Adept Press

On 2/5/2002 at 1:39pm, Bailywolf wrote:
More groovy sorcerer anime

Over the weekend I did one of those, "oh jeeze, I knew this already!" things... I binged, rewatching most of the anime run of 3X3 Eyes- a top-flight anime series (get it Subed if you can... the dub is... painful at times). This things is pure sorcerer.

Like most anime, the aparent power level is huge (everything from huge bridges to a harbor district get magicaly nuked anime style), but this generaly boils down to special FX, as the actual characters themselves are rarely seriously injured... and one is immortial enough that his horrible maiming are almost an in-joke!

It demonstrates some great permutations on sorcerers- including the idea that certain immanent demons are themselves sorcerers, served by lesser beings in a sort of shadow world social structure. Low-order animalistic demons used for utility, with higher order, more versitle demons serving more complex tasks... but demonstrating at least human intelligence. The line between demon and sorcerer, human and other blurs here. It would be a great setting to allow demon (or somewhat demomic) player characters.

The three-eyed main character (a- I believe- sangyion, my spelling isn't likely correct...) is an awesome blending character. Sorcerer, demon, and human all blended into one character. So easy to build with Sorcerer... the third eye could be set up like a parasite... or a possesser... it Needs to sleep within Pi after using it's Abilities...

And the Wu. An insane way of creating a loyal demon bodyguard- absorb a human's soul. Some armor, vitality, perhaps a Boost or two, mayhaps Link. A great pair of player characters; one magicaly awesome but erratic, the other sarcasticly stedfast.

At every turn this series was packed with sorcerer goodies I could adopt whole cloth... the amount of actual adaptation required is minute... and even better fit than my previous Blue Seed anime spaz.

If unfamiliar, check it out ASAP. If you know it, watch it again.

I'm going to try and score the manga.

Message 1362#12740

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