The Forge Reference Project


Topic: HeroQuest and Sorcerer at Pandemonium 22 (Toronto, Canada)
Started by: epweissengruber
Started on: 12/10/2004
Board: Conventions

On 12/10/2004 at 4:15pm, epweissengruber wrote:
HeroQuest and Sorcerer at Pandemonium 22 (Toronto, Canada)

Pandemonium 22
2035 Kennedy Road
Toronto On
Date: February 25,26,27 2005

Here is what I am offering:
#1 Hero Quest: Blood and Sand
You will play one of four mighty gladiators battling for survival in the Colisseum of Furthest, the Lunar Empire's frontier city in occupied Dragon Pass. How far are you willing to go to win your freedom?

#2 Hero Quest: Rain of Fish
When a mysterious rain of fish begins to fall in the rainy foothills of the wild Far Point region of the occupied kingdom of Sartar, storm-worshiping barbarians and lunar imperialists must collaborate to prevent an ecological and magical catastrophe. Sharp swords and quick wits will be needed to stop the rain.

#3 Sorcerer: My Way, Your Way, Anything goes Tonight
Welcome to the jungle -- Los Angeles, l989. You are a demon-taming sorcerer attending a party at the lavish mansion of notorious pornographer and coven leader Jackie Treehorn, who can offer you great power if you submit to his will and great pain if you defy him.

Message 13632#145143

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