The Forge Reference Project


Topic: More of the Same
Started by: Epoch
Started on: 2/6/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 2/6/2002 at 12:33am, Epoch wrote:
More of the Same

My fanatical groupies (yeah, right), will notice that this is a concept that I've approached over and over again, looking for a good way to do it. This time, I'm going D20, which may disqualify it as "indie" game design.

Hidden Magic, an attempt to blur the line between magical and mundane actions.

Message 1365#12777

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...from around 2/6/2002

On 2/6/2002 at 6:29am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: More of the Same

Why does it have to be D20/OGL?
Couldn't the GM just roll 10 to 20 dice of whatever type of dice is used most often in the game being played?

Message 1365#12796

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On 2/6/2002 at 6:48am, Epoch wrote:
RE: More of the Same

Nomad wrote:
Why does it have to be D20/OGL?
Couldn't the GM just roll 10 to 20 dice of whatever type of dice is used most often in the game being played?

It doesn't have to be D20/OGL. I post it here half-in-hopes that someone will use it for some other game. Since I chose to use D20 as a good example, I put it under the OGL because... Hey. Why not?

There are implications to moving away from D20, of course. Rolling a 7 on a D20 happens 5% of the time. Rolling it on a d10 happens 10% of the time. Rolling it on a d100 happens 1% of the time. So, while the basic idea is pretty universally applicable to any non-die-pool system (and I've used close variations on the idea for die pool systems, too), you'd need to work a little to fit it to the commonality of magical effects and your base die type.

Message 1365#12797

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Epoch which Epoch participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 2/6/2002