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Topic: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs
Started by: Doyce
Started on: 12/16/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 12/16/2004 at 8:54am, Doyce wrote:
[Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs

Okay, as most of the poor folks reading the Heroquest board know, I'm getting ready to run Well of Souls.

* This will be my second time GMing Heroquest.
* This will be my first major departure into serious narr play for the DnD Friday Group that I've been GMing for 4 years on the same bloody d20 campaign. None of them have ever played HQ before, and of the group, only about two have played in any other 'narr' game I've run.
* I am incredibly jazzed about this, and the players seem very excited about their characters.
* I crave input and thoughts.

I will, of course, have actual play up after the game runs on Friday, but for now, I wanted to set the stage by sharing the Player Briefing I sent out, and the characters I got back in reply.

I set the game (so I wouldn't have to do setting conversion on top of everything else) in the default Glorantha Kingdom of Seshnela -- I think it's a perfect place to introduce longtime trad.fantasy.rpg players to HQ, since it feels very much like the stuff they're used to, with some fun monotheistic elements that most mainstream fantasy games don't try to capture.

Here's what I sent them:
In the Barony of magical Spring Fountain, Lord Eustef has fallen ill. He sleeps a dreamless sleep from which none can wake him. His two sons (Guilbert and Hugo) and his men prepare for a quest to retrieve his soul, or at least see it safely to the afterworld.

Meanwhile, those loyal to Eustef's sons, the Church, merchant guilds, and the neighboring fiefs are all looking to profit from the situation or shift it in their favor. Should Lord Eustef pass on, many are angling to see that his heir is favorable to them.

The Barony of Spring Fountain, also known as Trymirwal. Your basic Feudal Society with knights, barons, counts, and dukes ruling a large population of bonded peasants, influenced heavily by a strong Church presence that frowns on independent or pagan magical practice.


Your character concept needs to include ties to three of the NPCs listed below, and it's important that something is at stake in the relationship. Be gutsy, because none of this stuff is so set in stone that it can't be altered a bit.
* If you want your character to be the third son of the knight in charge of running one of the towns, fine.
* If you want to BE that knight, that's fine too.
* You want to be the illegitimate son of Father Rance? No problem.
* You want to be Eustef's only daughter? Cool.
* If you want to be the supposed third son of the Knight of Biche, who's really the illegitimate son of Maslin and secretly learning sorcery from Lady Colette, while conducting an affair with Eustef's only daughter? Now we're getting somewhere.


Lord Eustef : the Baronet of Spring Fountain __is in a coma__.

Alfan: Lord Eustef once saved his life. He is a loyal supporter of the Lord.

Lady Colette: Lord Eustef’s Sister-in-law. They are very close. Probably in a relationship ever since Eustef's wife (Colette's sister) died, but they are handling things discreetely, so there has been no scandal.

Sir Serge Farengil of the Crescent Sword: One of Eustef’s vassal knights (he runs the town of Boyenne). He is a hard liner who handles the rough stuff for Eustef. He is loyal to his lord, respected by his peers, and feared by the peasants.

Guilbert : Eustef’s eldest son and heir to Trymirwal. Well liked by most.

Etienne: Guilbert’s closest friend. Etienne knows how to make a good time for everybody.

Deliam: Etienne’s father. A merchant who controls the important dye monopoly.

Raoul de Nesle: A merchant with big city connections. Deliam’s competitor and rival.

Sister Josette: A young nun, and a major part of reform and improvement in Spring Fountain. She has helped restore churches, feed the homeless, etc. She has a major crush on Guilbert, and he seems to be the only one who has not noticed.

Ecclesiastical Assessor Ratier: Arrived some weeks ago. Works for the bishop. Is here to assess Josette’s work to decide whether she will receive further funding or not.

Hugo : Eustef’s younger son. More quiet than his older brother.

Brier: A young girl who was taken in as a servant by Hugo when her mother (Hugo’s nanny) died.

Sir Maslin: An old, old man, who was an advisor to Eustef’s father. He is now retired, living on his own manor, and technically in charge of the town of Mime. He is a friend of Hugo, who is often invited to his home.

Xavier: Swordsmaster and trainer of the militia. He is also Hugo’s personal swordsmanship trainer.

Trencavel: Leader of the garrison of Wells (the largest town in Spring Fountain).

* Ruler: Lord Eustef of the Fountain, Bannerette and Protector of Spring Fountain
* Population: 1750 adults, and about as many children.
* Settlements: Boyenne, Mime, Wells, Stalos, and numerous lesser villages.

Spring Fountain includes four vassal holdings: Biche, Boyenne, Mime, and Stalos. Boyenne is ruled by Serge of the Crescent Sword, Mime is ruled by Old Maslin. The two remaining knights can be created by me, if necessary, but if one of the PCs is a knight or a petty noble, one of these lesser holdings may belong to them.

The Kingdom of which Spring Fountain is a part is ruled by a king, closely allied to the Ecclesiarch of the "One Church" -- the largest organized monotheistic religion in this part of the continent. It's a big, heirarchical, patriarchal religion with clery, bishops, archbishops, and the Ecclesiarch over all of it, allied closely-but-cautiously with the King.

The peasants of Spring Fountain have always held on to some of their ancient religious practices ways. To this day, they offer propitiatory worship (i.e.: "here's a sacrifice - please stay away") to Rascarl of the Slippery Dark, who was banished in mythic times, but who is said to still hide in the crevices of reality; brooding and vengeful. Should the peasants ever stop their practice, they believe the realm would again be invaded by fiendish Snake Things. If the church knew about the secret practices of the commoners of Spring Fountain, they would surely do their best to eradicate the heresy.

Lord Eustef has managed to stay remarkably independent from his superiors. His liege lord is technically the Duke that his Barony is a part of, but he is largely autonomous: most matters between Eustef and the duke are handled through an intermediary, a Constable appointed by the Duke. The Baron owns the fruits and hunting rights of all Spring Fountain as long as he can muster twenty-five foot soldiers, according to ancient custom (it is a small barony). The barony tithes wine, dressed venison, and several dozen bolts of it's finest dyed cloth during the year as well.

Obviously, neighboring powers, the Church, and the mercantile community will all have a stake in the outcome of Trymirwal’s rulership. Once the news gets out, expect these groups to act for someone who benefits them, or against someone who is counter to their goals. The neighboring fiefs may make border incursions, appeal to higher political powers for the right to take Spring Fountain under their "protectorship", or annex it completely.


In the following post, I'm including the PCs.

Message 13710#145982

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On 12/16/2004 at 8:56am, Doyce wrote:
RE: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs

So, I pitched that setup from the previous post, and 125 emails later, this is what I have.


Emilie duLancre

Background: Young female squire serving Guilbert. Yes, that's highly irregular -- she got dispensation to work toward knighthood on... well, something of a technicality, and has yet to be forced out. (Started at 7 as a page, and is now 16.) When she was made a squire at 14, Sir Serge Farengil assigned her to Guilbert, perhaps thinking the young noble would do something terribly *wrong* and she could be blamed for it -- hasn't happened yet. Serge doesn't like her, she has a bit of a no-nonsense approach to Guilbert, and Lady Colette is a friend of her mother's. She has been seen at times with Zelana Farengil.

Goal: Become a Knight!


* Homeland: Barony of Trymirwal: 17
* Species: Human
* Occupation: Squire: 17
* Magic: Order of Saint Ehilm, the Watchful Sun: (Concentrated)


Homeland: Barony of Trymirwal: 17
* Assess social standing
* Barony Customs
* Barony Geography
* Diplomacy: 17*
* Obey superior
* Rural survival
* Speak Native Tongue

Species: Human
* Adaptable 10
* Hardy 13

Occupation: Squire 17
* Archery: 18 [1]
* Care for Armor and Weapons
* Care for Horse
* Etiquette
* First Aid
* Make Camp
* Mounted Combat 19* [2]
* Mounted Mass Combat: 17
* Orders of Chivalry (Heraldry, code of Chivalrous behavior, et cetera)
* Riding: 19 [2]
* Rule of Law
* Sword and shield fighting: 7W [10]
* Tactics

* Agile 13*
* Dodge 13*
* Scan for Danger 15* [2]
* Scouting 14** [1]
* Unarmed Combat 15* [2]


Homeland: Barony
* Obedient 17

Occupation: Squire
* Brave 17
* Combative 17
* Determined 17

* Fear Dragons 17
* Quick-witted 17* [4]



* Guilbert's Squire: 17
* I am my horse's master... usually: 17
* Dislikes Serge, Knight of the Cresent Sword: 17

* Member of SpringFountain Church: 17 (10% of time or HP)
* Member of Order of Ehilm: 17 (15% of time or HP)

* Semi-adoptive neice of Colette (friend of my mother): 17


'Appleblossom' (sidekick) * [2]
* Agile Horse17
-* Sure-footed: 7W (4s)
-* Bite & Hoof Attacks: 2W (9s)
-* Know simple commands: 15 (2s)
--* Disagreeable cuss: 17 (free!)


Magic: Order of Saint Ehilm, the Watchful Sun

Formulary: Ten Dozen Horses(talisman a golden disk, mounted on sword pommel)
* Burnish Armor: 17
* Dazzle Foe: 17
* Flaming Blade: 17
* Heal Horse: 17
* Radiant Shield: 18 [1]
* Rally Footmen: 17
* Speak to Horse: 17
* Stay Awake: 17

Piety - Know Saint Ehilm: 17

Special Items
* Croaking Toad Stone: 16* [3]
* Bruise Balm: 13*


* Light armor & Shield (+2)
* Sword (+3)
* Bow and arrows (+3)
* Cleaning equipment
* Copy of the Formulary of my Order



* - One of the ten 'freebie' abilities
** - A Starter skill point used to buy a freebie


Message 13710#145983

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On 12/16/2004 at 8:57am, Doyce wrote:
RE: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs

Guy DeGex

Background: Guy was trained at the wizardly Academy of Lordly Advisory, which specializes in wise assistance to the nobility of the kingdom. He is still young and perhaps not as straitlaced as instructors might like -- he is part of Guilbert's entourage and, while he doesn't usually try to talk Guilbert out of Etienne's hare-brained schemes, he's quite good at lessening the political damage they might do to the young heir. (He may, in fact, be one of the reasons that Guilbert hasn't gotten in enough trouble to get Emilie cast out.)

Goal: Have Guilbert Betrothed to Sister Josette by the end of the Year.


* Homeland: Barony of Trymirwal: 17
* Species: Human
* Occupation: Petty Noble 17
* Magic: Lordly Advisory Academy (Rokari Wizardry): 17


Homeland: Barony of Trymirwal: 17
* Assess social standing: (+4) 1W
* Obey superior
* Rural survival
* Barony Customs 1W (4)
* Barony Geography
* Speak Native Tongue 1W (4)

* Member of the Holy Church: 17 (10% of your time or HP)

Species: Human
* Adaptable: 10
* Hardy: 13

Occupation: Petty Noble: 17
* Dueling: 2W (5)
* Exert Authority: 2W (5)
* Grooming
* Identify Social Status (rolls into Access Social Standing as a +4)
* Politics
* Protocol
* Ride: 2W (5)
* Write & Read
* Poetry

* Quick-witted 1W* (8)
* Dance 13*
* Identify Foe 14* (1)
* Spot Trouble 13*
* Noble Demeanor 14* (1)


From your Homeland:

From your Religion: Lordly Advisory

From your Occupation:
* Gregarious 17

* Socially Inclusive: 13*
* Open-minded: 13*


From your Homeland:
* I'm Guilbert's gentleman's gentleman: 17

From your Occupation:
* Ying to Etienne's Yang: 17
* Master of my Lackey: 17

From your Religion/Magic:
* Member of the Academy of Lordly Advisory: 17


*Retainer-- Ponche' (Lackey): 17


Magic: School Lordly Advisory (15% of your time or HP)
* Use Abiding BookGrimoire: 17

* Use Loyal AdvisorGrimoire: 17
-* Assess Appropriate Payment: 17
-* Be Understood by Anyone
-* Calm Stranger: 17
-* Encourage Trust: 14* (1)
-* Help Him Fight: 17
-* Preserve Darkness
-* Read Anything

* Use Humble ServantGrimoire: 17
-* Avoid Discovery
-* Clean Up Master: 17
-* Darken Window
-* Deflect Inquiry: 18 (1)
-* Lessen Master's Pain
-* Sober Up: 17

* Create Portal of Power: 17

* Symbolic Sight: 17

Special Items:


* A horse
* Dueling sword (+3)
* Fine clothes (+1)



* - One of the ten 'freebie' abilities

Message 13710#145984

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On 12/16/2004 at 8:57am, Doyce wrote:
RE: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs

Lucas Fresleven

Background: Lucas is the third and youngest son of the Baron. Although a fair student with a dueling sword, Lucas is no soldier, and was sponsored by Father Rance to attend the Church's wizardly Academies, at which he apparently performed ... well enough. He has since returned home and done what he can to aid the Barony. He makes no attempt to get along with his brothers (with whom he has little in common), but is quite loyal to his father.

Goal: Take over rulership of Spring Fountain


* Homeland: Barony of Trymirwal: 17
* Species: Human
* OccupationPetty Noble: 17
* Magic: School of the Black Way (corrupted Rokari Wizardry): 17


Homeland: Barony of Trymirwal: 17
* Assess social standing: (+4) 1W
* Obey superior
* Rural survival
* Barony Customs
* Barony Geography
* Speak Native Tongue

* (False) Member of the Holy Church: 13* (10% of your time or HP)
* (Member) Edicts of the Black Way: 17 (10% of your time or HP)

Species: Human
* Adaptable: 10
* Hardy: 13

Occupation: Petty Noble: 17
* Dueling: 18 (1)
* Exert Authority
* Grooming
* Identify Social Status (rolls into Access Social Standing as a +4)
* Politics
* Protocol
* Ride
* Write & Read

* Speak Ancient Brithi: 13*
* Convincing Liar: 19* (4**)
* Sense Lies: 13*


From your Homeland:
* Thinks Guilbert's a buffoon: 17
* Thinks Hugo is slow: 17

From your Religion: The Black Way
* Arrogant: 17

From your Occupation:
* Ambitious: 1W (4)


From your Homeland:
* Loyal to Father (Eustef): 17

From your Occupation:
* Guilbert's youngest brother: 17
* Hugo's younger brother: 17

From your Religion/Magic:
* Sponsored to the Rokari School by Father Rance: 17
* Member of the Black Way School: 17

* Member of Rokari School: 13*
* Wants Sister Josette to be His: 15* (2)


*"Evan", demonic servant* (2)
-* Keyword: Thief (mugger): 17
--* Move Unseen: 18
--* Cause Illness: 18
--* Clawed Hands: 18

* Ixxth (retainer) *
-*Keyword: Messenger demon: 17


Magic: School of the Black Way (corrupted Rokari Wizardry) (15% of your time or HP)
* Use Abiding BookGrimoire: 17

* Use The Black WayGrimoire: 18 (3)
-* Convince Superior: 17
-* Create Shadow: 17
-* Hide item
-* Overcome Rival
-* Preserve Darkness
-* Walk Unseen in Shadow: 17

* Use Dark Servants of EthGrimoire: 17
-* Call Demon Servant: 17
-* Command Broo
-* Command Darkness Demon: 18 (1)
-* Command Messenger Demon: 17
-* Command Trollkin
-* Command the Walking Dead
-* Raise the Walking Dead

* Create Portal of Power: 17

* Symbolic Sight: 17

Special Items:
* Mirgonthe Blade: 13*
* Hater Ring: 13* (reacts to baleful thoughts directed at wearer)


* A horse
* Dueling sword
* Fine clothes



* - One of the ten 'freebie' abilities

Message 13710#145985

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On 12/16/2004 at 8:59am, Doyce wrote:
RE: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs

Zelana Farengil

Background: Sir Serge's apparently-illegitimate (he was seduced by a Dryad), half-acknowledged daughter. She and her father don't get along (when they bother to acknowledge each other). She spends quite a lot of time out of doors, does some work in the community as a healer and maker of medicines, and is good friends with Hugo Keirsted (whom she met while accompanying her father to Church services in Wells). Guilbert occassionally makes foolishly overwrought overtures in her direction, attracted by her earthy but remarkable beauty. Her parental history is a secret.



* Homeland: Barony of Trymirwal
* Species: {{Aldryami}} half-breed (dryad)
* Occupation: Healer
* Magic: Aldrya Spirit Tradition
**"My Big Friend" Common Magic


Homeland: Barony of Trymirwal: 17
* Assess social standing
* Obey superior
* Rural survival
* Barony Customs
* Barony Geography
* Speak Native Tongue

Species: Aldryami half-breed (dryad)
* Song of Aldrya: 19
* Lithe: 14
* Greenish-tinged brown-hair: 13

* Earthy beauty: 13*
* Gold-flecked brown eyes: 13*

Occupation: Healer: 17
* Calm Patient
* Carry Wounded
* First aid
* Herbalist
* Make Medicine
* Recognize Disease
* Treat Disease
* Treat Poison

* Aldrya Tradition Knowledge: 17
* Great Tree Practice Knowledge: 17

* Climb: 13**
* Hide: 13*
* Know Animals: 13*
* Retrace Path: 13*
* Run Fast: 13**
* Sarcastic wit: 13*
* Swim: 13**


From your Occupation:
* Calm: 17
* Empathic: 1W


From your Homeland:
* Estranged from Father (Serge): 17
* Likes Hugo a lot: 17

From your Occupation:
* "Little Ionni", Serge's squire (and healer): 17

From your Religion/Magic: Aldrya Tradition
* Worship Aldrya: 17
-* Worship Great Tree: 17

* Friendship with "Wolf Howler": 17
* Friendship with "Sapling Warrior": 17

10% of time to the Tradition, 10% to the Practice and 10% to the Spirit Friendships.

* An object of Guilbert's affection: 13

* Mentor to Tinder (follower): 13
* Master to Bear (Sidekick): 17


TinderSprite: 17 *

Black Bear Sidekick: 17 * [2]
* Grapple and Bite: 1W (includes being Large and Strong)
* Move Quickly: 17
* ((Something Unusual)): 13
-* [Still has 15 "Sidekick Points" to spend on these three skills.]


Magic: 'My Big Friend' Common Magic
* Avoid Clergymen: 17 (active)
* Escape Fight: 17 (active)
* Fight Illness: 17 (active)
* Fix Wound: 17 (active)
* Healing Bandages: 17 (active)

Magic: Aldyra Tradition
Spirit Face: 17*

Open Spirit World: 17*

* Find wild food: 17 (passive)
* Fish Swimmer: 17 (passive)
* Oak Strong: 17 (passive)
* Deer Runner: 17 (passive)
* Willow Bend (defense): 17 (passive)

Magic: Great Tree Practice
* Fetish: Wolf Howler
-* Be a wolf: 20W
-* Jealous pack leader: 15W (Flaw. Free! :)

* Fetish: Sapling Warrior
-* Join the Grove: 17
-* Binding Root and Vines: 17

Special Items:


First aid kit with bandages, salves, and medicines

Wealth:Common (except when with Father)


* - One of the ten 'freebie' abilities
** - A starter skill point spent as an additional 'Freebie'

Message 13710#145986

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On 12/16/2004 at 8:59am, Doyce wrote:
RE: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs

Jacques de Molay

Appearance:Jacques de Molay is a hard young man. He's lived a spartan existence, though he is well versed in high society and proper manners thanks to his monastic lifestyle. As a soldier, he is equally comfortable with a tent and a saddle.

Background: The de Molay family was once a well-landed and -respected family in the Barony with a small estate on the outskirts of the town of Stalos (the northern hill-country of the Barony). During the last major purge of heretics, Jacques' father was exposed as the leader of a cult of demon worshippers, one who had committed terrible crimes up to and including ritual sacrifice against the people. The very name de Molay elicits religious genuflection and warding of salt in the peasants of the region. Jacques only survived the purge of the family because he was very young, and Lord Eustef himself spoke up to spare an child. The boy was given to the church at the age of four. Recently (apparently due to noble service), the Church has restored the de Molay lands and wealth confiscated when his father was brought to justice. Jacques has returned to an estate that has gone nearly twenty years with only cursory attention from the Baron.

Goal: Shows the world he is nothing like his father was.


* Homeland: Barony of Spring Fountain 17
* Species: Human
* Occupation: Cavalry Soldier, Shock 17
* Magic: Order of Saint Gerlant 17


Homeland: Seshnelia17
* Assess social standing
* Obey superior
* Rural survival
* Seshnelian Customs
* Seshnelian Geography
* Speak Native Tongue

Species: Human
* Adaptive 10
* Hardy 13

Occupation: Cavalry Soldier, Shock 17
* Camp
* Care for Horse
* Command Underlings
* Etiquette
* Identify Foe
* Lance Combat: 17*
* Mounted Combat: 2W* [5]
* Mounted Mass Combat
* Riding
* Rule of Law
* Scan for Danger
* Scouting: 14
* Sword and Shield: 9W [7, +5 Shock cavalry bonus]

* Know Scripture of the Abiding Book: 17
-* Know Order of Gerlant: 17

* Know Heresy: 15 * [2]
* Winter Survival: 15 * [2]


Homeland: Kingdom
* Hard Young man: 17

Occupation: Cavalry Soldier, Shock
* Disciplined: 20
* Valiant: 17 *
* Vigilant: 15 * [2]

* Determined/Fanatic: 20 [3]
* Hate Heresy: 17 *
* No tolerance for animist beliefs: 17 *

* Lives under a shroud of darkness: 13


* Lord Eustef spared Jacques as a boy: 17
* Raoul de Nesle - I won't sell him the de Molay estate: 17

* Sir Serge Farengil - professional respect: 17
* Master of Followers: 17

* Member of Order of Gerlant: 17 (15% of time or HP)
* Member of Holy Church: 17 (10% of time or HP)

* Community: de Molay name elicits religious genuflection and fear: 17


* Duchamp, a manservant: 17*


Magic: Order of Saint Gerlant

Piety - Know Saint Gerlant: 17

Formulary:Miracles of the Saints, Volume IV (Talisman: Sword)
* Burn away Pagan Magic: 17
* Burn Pagan: 17
* Burn Wound Closed: 17
* Commanding Shout: 17
* Defend Superior: 17
* Flaming Sword: 17
* Heal Me Now: 17
* Ignite Kindling: 17
* Keep me Warm: 17
* Protect Him: 17
* Rally Followers: 17
* Surprise Ghost: 17
* Sword Cutting: 17

Special Items
*Chanson du Meute: 16* [3]
-* (Family sword, recently returned to Jacques. Hilt in the shape of the wolf's head. Howls (to a greater or lesser degree) in the wielder's mind if it detects non-Church magic.)


* Strong Horse (Strong 12W)
* Sword: (+3, +1 for magickal: see Special Items)
* Heavy armor & Shield (+5, +3, or +1, depending on what you're wearing)
* Lance (+5)

Wealth: Landed knight


* - One of the ten 'freebie' abilities

Message 13710#145987

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...from around 12/16/2004

On 12/16/2004 at 9:00am, Doyce wrote:
RE: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs


Appearance:A young centaur maid, rescued from death by Sir Maslin and allowed to live and work on his estate as an assistant groundskeeper. Her mother was in a centaur group that was attacked while she was gravid. She foaled before she died, and Maslin's border patrol found the colt and brought her home. [[Attach:eilwen.jpg]]

Background: A young centaur maid, rescued from death by Sir Maslin and allowed to live and work on his estate as an assistant groundskeeper. Her mother was in a traveling centaur herd that was attacked while she was gravid. She foaled before she died, and Maslin's border patrol found the filly and brought her home. She has been a loyal retainer -- practically human -- ever since.

Goal: Eilwen's Goal is to see Hugo declared the rightful successor to his father. Her married to Hugo, in some way. Also she wishes to make both Maslim and her Mother, proud of her. Gain more acceptance for outsiders, and generally be the best she can be.


* Homeland: Barony of Trymirwal: 17
* Species: Centaur
* Occupation: Hunter 17
* Magic: "Little Saints" Common Magic 17
-*Centaur Spiritist Tradition: 17(after a fashion)


Homeland: Barony of Trymirwal: 17
* Assess social standing
* Obey superior
* Rural survival
* Barony Customs
* Barony Geography
* Speak Native Tongue

Species: Centaur
* Agile 13 (1)
* Hoof Fighting 14
* Jump 1W
* Large 10W
* Run Fast 1W
* Strong 5W

Occupation: Hunter 17
* Archery 1W (4)
* Butcher
* Dodge
* Hide
* Keen Senses 1W (4)
* Know Animals
* Know Local Areas
* Retrace Path
* Skirmish Combat
* Track
* Wilderness Survival 1W (4)

* Follower of Centaur Tradition 13 *
* Bowyer/Fletcher 17 *(4)
* Spear Fighting 13 *
* Perfect Pitch 15 *(2)
* Sings like an Angel 13 (1)
* Plays Flute like a Natural 13 (1)
* Eyes in the Back of Her Head 13 *


Homeland: Barony
* Obedient 17

Occupation: Hunter
* Patient 17
* Solitary 17
* Wily 17

* Fear Dragons 17
* Outsider 13
* Shy 13
* Stubborn 13


Homeland: 17
* Loyal to Sir Maslin 17
* In Love with Hugo Keirsted 17
* Friends with Brier 13 *
* Trained by Xavier 13 *

* Mentor: Martin Oakhollow: Gameskeeper 17
* Loves Hunting Dog "Baby" 17

* Worships/Reveres Mother's Spirit 17 *


Occupation: Hunter
* Sidekick Mastiff/Wolfhound Hunting Dog: "Baby" 17 *(2)
-* Skills
-* Sniff out trouble 2W
-* Powerful Jaws 16
-* Large 16


Magic: Little Saints Common Magic 17
* Hide feat
* Douse Fire talent
* Find Wild Food charm
* Distract predator charm
* Confuse predator spell

Magic: Centaur Spiritist Magic 17
* Wind in My hair charm
* Strength of My Ancestors charm
* Feel the Shot charm
* Stones Endurance charm
* See My Enemy charm

Special Items
* Heavy Black Oak Boar Spear 15 *(2) (+7 in combat. 2-handed.)


* Bow and arrows: +3
* Human clothes
* Skinning knives
* Survival Gear

Wealth: Minor


* - One of the ten 'freebie' abilities

Message 13710#145988

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...from around 12/16/2004

On 12/16/2004 at 9:24am, Doyce wrote:
RE: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs

Okay, my first thought when I look at all these guys is "powderkeg".

Jacques the pagan-burning knight with something to prove was the first submitted PC, and from there followed three or four PCs that he would happily tie to a pyre and set on fire. He's got a lot of 'returning to the possibly-still-corrupted-evil-family-stomping-grounds stuff going on, and his history with Serge (recently) and Eustef (distantly) ties him in well.

Emilie and Guy play off each other just beautifully -- she trying to keep Guilbert out of trouble... he trying to cover up the trouble, but not really doing much to prevent it in the first place. I need to remember to give Emilie the "Secretly Wishes she worked for Hugo" attribute she asked for.

Then you've got your pagans and evil heretics. I love the effect of Serge's bastard daughter on Serge's background (that he was seduced by a dryad in his youth), and I'm particularly impressed with with Evil-but-Loyal Lucas, partly because my teenage kid made him up.

The only 'one of these things is not like the other' character is the centaur, who's basically a ... what do you call it when a player settles on ONE CONCEPT as THE NEXT THING I'M GOING TO PLAY, REGARDLESS OF SETTING OR SYSTEM? Well, whatever that is, that's what the centar is... at least the player went through the work of tying her into the setting decently. It was second character submitted, and I was originally pleased with how it tied in, but after seeing what other folks came up with, it's feels a little weak to me.

Anyway, it's very late, so I'll wait to post my thoughts on Bangs til tomorrow -- but I WELCOME any evil ideas the rest of you have :)

Message 13710#145993

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...from around 12/16/2004

On 12/16/2004 at 7:51pm, ScottM wrote:
RE: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs

I like the setup and the characters so far. But wow, I had no idea that HQ characters are so long-- previous summaries have just glossed the high points. I guess I can see why 125 emails is required to get to this point- but they're quite cool.

There seem to be a number of implied kickers- do the characters submit explicit ones, or is the situation so tight that they're unnecessary? The ties and internal conflicts seem strong enough to obviate them this time.

I'm looking forward to your Actual Play post.

Message 13710#146061

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On 12/16/2004 at 8:27pm, Doyce wrote:
RE: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs

ScottM wrote: Wow, I had no idea that HQ characters are so long-- previous summaries have just glossed the high points. I guess I can see why 125 emails is required to get to this point- but they're quite cool.

If you're talking short-hand, you can usually do the characters in much more abbreviated format, especially if you've got your HQ-fu on as a group.

You could list a character with just Keywords, her Goal, and list her unique skills, higher-than-average skills, personality traits, and relationships, special items, and be done. The rest would be assumed to fall to the keyword level, including which skills specifically fall within the realm of the keywords at all.

I sort of cheated by just posting the full, ready-for-play character sheets, complete with notes on what points were spent where and all that... it's what I had available, because with my group I'm doing it in full detail.

This is partly to teach myself the game in very strict terms so that I can loosen up later, and it's also because I'm introducing it to a bunch of new players who like to see everything listed and accounted for -- it's generally made the transition much smoother for the dnd grognards.

There seem to be a number of implied kickers- do the characters submit explicit ones, or is the situation so tight that they're unnecessary? The ties and internal conflicts seem strong enough to obviate them this time.

Well, the big kicker is, I suppose, that the Baron is in a coma -- that sets everyone in motion and starts the fingers pointing. BANGS I will still need... the place is complicated enough that I've considered drawing it up like a Town from Dogs in the Vineyard; at least the part where you show what all the NPCs want from the PCs.

I'm looking forward to your Actual Play post.

I'm looking forward to actual play! (Which, I'm pleased to note, is a message that most of my players have sent me this week as well.)

Message 13710#146065

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...from around 12/16/2004

On 12/16/2004 at 8:31pm, Doyce wrote:
RE: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs

Also, as regards player's Kickers... I did request that they be tied in some way to at least three NPCs in the setting and that something was a stake in each relationship... their interpretation of that tended to result in a couple Kicker-type setups here and there.

Message 13710#146066

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