Topic: Article draft comments wanted
Started by: M. J. Young
Started on: 12/17/2004
Board: Connections
On 12/17/2004 at 5:59am, M. J. Young wrote:
Article draft comments wanted
I've taken up GB Steve's request for something summarizing RPG theory as it currently stands, and have drafted a three-article series that I think does a fair job of covering quite a bit of it. At the moment, he's got the drafts, and will be looking over them, but he liked the outline so there is almost certainly going to be a series of articles something like this. It is slated to appear in Places to Go, People to Be sometime next year.
When I wrote Applied Theory, I asked several Forge regulars to provide some feedback on it before officially submitting it. I'd like to have some feedback on this, but rather than contact people directly I'm posting here.
• It's about ten thousand words; that's a lot of reading, and I really don't want to put anyone on the spot for that.• It's not slated to appear here at The Forge, so it's a rather different sort of situation.• There are really more of you whose comments I would like on it than I would have time to read, so I'm figuring that asking for volunteers rather than calling on individuals will give me people who want to see them instead of people who are doing me a favor. That's probably going to give me better feedback anyway.
I'm not sure how long it will be before I get them back from Steve (I'm not rushing him--he's the one with deadlines to meet), and I'm not in a terrible hurry, so it won't be before next week and might not be until after Christmas that anything more is done. However, if you would like to give your thoughts on how I can improve my presentation, check whether I'm properly crediting all the people who should be credited for things, and otherwise give me a hard time about my articles, drop me an e-mail (my message box is probably full here), and I'll get back to you and send at least some of you copies of it as soon as the editor says to go forward with that.
--M. J. Young
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