The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Availability of HeroWars?
Started by: Snowden
Started on: 12/18/2004
Board: HeroQuest

On 12/18/2004 at 4:50pm, Snowden wrote:
Availability of HeroWars?

Does anyone know if there are any plans afoot to make HeroWars available now that it's been superceded by HeroQuest? I wasn't able to find anything on the official website, but I know there's a pretty huge community of Gloranthaphiles out there; are there any places I might find resources on the stuff that got cut or changed during the transition to HeroQuest?

Message 13732#146275

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...from around 12/18/2004

On 12/19/2004 at 9:40pm, Donald wrote:
Re: Availability of HeroWars?

Snowden wrote: are there any places I might find resources on the stuff that got cut or changed during the transition to HeroQuest?

Very unlikely I would think. The amount of stuff which wasn't included in Heroquest is very small and at least some of it will appear in future supplements. The main differences are that the rules system is less easy to understand, the books are generally less well written and there's no index.

The useful bits are:

A section on characters from Black Horse County including chargen which will probably be rewritten as a homeland in some future book.

A section on religions for Lunar characters. Badly needed but should appear next year in ILH2.

The paragraph or so on berserks mentioned in another thread.

Some rather odd Herobands.

Rules for mysticism as a fourth magic system. Greg has now said they're wrong which was why they weren't included in Heroquest. I'm not sure how many people ever understood them.

A few introductory scenarios which might be worth making available on the web.

If you really want the stuff I'd ask around for a second hand copy, there were a lot of people who were very disappointed with it so there should be a fair number of copies available.

Message 13732#146316

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On 12/19/2004 at 10:05pm, Brand_Robins wrote:
RE: Availability of HeroWars?

There's also a good chunk of Hero Wars material on the Glorantha website.

For example, the Lunar keywords are here:


Black Horse Clans:


There are also references to abilities not in HQ in the conversion documents. has a few, especially about converting edges. The rules for tapping and poison are in

Message 13732#146317

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On 12/21/2004 at 8:50pm, Snowden wrote:
RE: Availability of HeroWars?

Thanks; those links look very helpful!

Message 13732#146478

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On 12/21/2004 at 10:32pm, Doyce wrote:
RE: Availability of HeroWars?

I also noticed from the few chapters of Herowars that are online that they have (to me) a valuable aside on how different disciplines handle magical flying -- it was really helpful in understanding applied magic from the various types of magical thinking.

Message 13732#146494

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