The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Code of Unaris - Actual Play II and a Conclusion
Started by: GaryTP
Started on: 12/19/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 12/19/2004 at 11:56pm, GaryTP wrote:
Code of Unaris - Actual Play II and a Conclusion


I've updated my livejournal with the latest transcript from an online Code of Unaris session.

It's here.

Some conclusions (some of which I already knew and a few new ones).

Hacks could be used in any system, even with die rolling resolution, but diceless play makes the story flow in a seemless fashion while still giving it structure.

I need to put the whole Unaris book online as a continously updated, hyperlinked project. This would facilitate and community and ease of use that isn't currently supported by a paperback book and some downloads.

Speed of play within Unaris is one of the most rapid types of rpg play available. Just look at the time on the entries of the transcript and how much action transpires in a few minutes. Diceless helps this as does the focus on words which lets you get beyond maps and specific distances.

I need to put out a number of one-page single session adventures. This would simplify the work of the gm a lot more and take some of the work out of preparing an adventure. It only takes a simple framework to set the tone of the game. It can then be manipulated by the players in session.

I'll be putting out a lighter version of the game (skill-wise) in the future. I've played this with 1/3 of the skills with little effect on the fun of the session.

Having people who know each other play works well, but even complete strangers can quickly jump in and jive together with little problems. I think this is due to the speed of the game. You don't have time to dwell on an issue, you must react. Kind of like mixing Tetris with rpgs.


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