The Forge Reference Project


Topic: VA - Manassas - Adventure author seeks DnD players
Started by: Vaxalon
Started on: 12/27/2004
Board: Connections

On 12/27/2004 at 1:59pm, Vaxalon wrote:
VA - Manassas - Adventure author seeks DnD players

Okay, here we go. Attention!

I'm looking for four players for a DnD game, to be held at my house in Manassas, VA. We'll be playing in the evening, either every other saturday or every other sunday, starting mid-January.

We'll be playing an adventure I'm writing for publication, supporting the Wildwood setting from Bastion Press. This adventure is fairly lengthy, and is planned to take six to eight sessions to complete. If interest remains when the adventure is complete, we will continue playing.

Characters will start at 7th level. We'll roll dice for attributes, the standard 4d6 drop lowest method.

There are several rule variants in Unearthed Arcana that I plan to use, unless there are complaints from the players. These include:

Craft Points (p. 97)
Character Background (p. 100)
Item Familiars (p. 170)
Incantations (p. 174)
Contacts (p. 179)
Reputation (p. 181)

Interested parties should email me (othaherzog - at - yahoo - dot - com) to start making arrangements.

Message 13792#146784

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...from around 12/27/2004

On 1/18/2005 at 2:58pm, Vaxalon wrote:

Okay, update...

The venue has changed, to the Game Parlor in Chantilly, VA.

Our first game session will be on January 29th, at 8pm.

There's still one slot left, please contact me if you wish to participate.

Message 13792#148589

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...started by Vaxalon which Vaxalon participated Connections
...including keyword:

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...from around 1/18/2005