The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Game genre or world
Started by: Doehring
Started on: 12/28/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/28/2004 at 4:22am, Doehring wrote:
Game genre or world

I reciently saw a post about creating a world and someone said that most will create there own world if they like the game.

I am woundering when you are focusing on creating a game, what order of importance do you put the game type, game world, and game system.

As with D&D (The best example I know of) there are severial worlds and most people I know like the new system over the last, but the type of the game has alweys been fantasy.

By game type I mean Anime, Fanticy, Horror, Sci-fi, Space age and so on

Message 13805#146850

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On 12/28/2004 at 2:46pm, Troy_Costisick wrote:
RE: Game genre or world


This is probably more of a RPG theory question, but I'll answer it here until it gets moved.

I am woundering when you are focusing on creating a game, what order of importance do you put the game type, game world, and game system.

You're not really asking the right question here. When you design a game, it doesn't matter which (world or system) you work on first or the one you put more time and effort in creating. What is important is answering the question: What do characters in your game do?

In some games, the world is just color: Sorcerer. In other games, the setting is vital: HeroQuest. Some people will always design their own worlds to go with their favorite game. Some never will. Either way, they have to like your game to play it.

So when working on yours, keep that in mind. Characters in your game must have a purpose and be fun to play. That is first IMHO on the list of importance.



Message 13805#146874

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...started by Troy_Costisick which Troy_Costisick participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 12/28/2004