The Forge Reference Project


Topic: True Beer and Pretzel Mechanic
Started by: oversoul01
Started on: 1/2/2005
Board: Indie Game Design

On 1/2/2005 at 8:57pm, oversoul01 wrote:
True Beer and Pretzel Mechanic

Hey all I just thought of a great mechanic that would be really fun for a BnP game. The mechanic uses twist off bottle caps and pretzels. You have your stats like in any regular old game. You decide on an action the GM tells you what stat to use and gives you a numerical Difficulty. You pick up a number of bottle caps equal to your stat and you lug'em Every cap that lands right side up counts as a "Hit" Hits greater than the difficulty makes the action successful. At the begining of the game the GM gives everyone a bowl of pretzels. Pretzels can be given to the GM to add another "Hit" to the total. They can also be snacked on during the game. its kind of silly but it could be fun. What do you think?

Message 13840#147150

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...from around 1/2/2005

On 1/3/2005 at 2:42am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: True Beer and Pretzel Mechanic

Hi Bobby,

For this topic to work, you'll have to provide a little more structure for discussion than "what do you think." For example, are you really designing a game? If not, frankly, there's no reason to reply to the post at all. This site isn't for casual conversation.

If you're more serious than that, though, then I have a few game references for you that might help: Prince Valiant and UnderWorld, both of which use a coin-flip mechanic a lot like what you're describing.


Message 13840#147165

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 1/3/2005