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Topic: [Advice] Media packs -- create them!
Started by: Jared A. Sorensen
Started on: 1/3/2005
Board: Publishing

On 1/3/2005 at 3:33pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
[Advice] Media packs -- create them!


If you're going to sell your game online, please do the following:


Ideally, you should have a directory where people can download hi-rez images of your covers, your logos and your company's logo. That way reviewer/news sites have hi-quality images to use when talking about your game, fans can schlep up a fan website and have the game/company logo there and people wanting to promote your game don't have to travel hither and thither to acquire decent images for flyers and catalogs and stuff.

So do it!

Because if you paid for the cover art, you might as well get your money's worth.

- J

Message 13848#147199

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On 1/3/2005 at 4:47pm, inthisstyle wrote:
RE: [Advice] Media packs -- create them!

I know you are talking to me, Jared, and I will definitely do this. It is good advice. You don't want a blurry version of your cover showing up on, say, a flyer.

Message 13848#147205

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On 1/3/2005 at 8:49pm, jdagna wrote:
RE: [Advice] Media packs -- create them!

Excellent advice, Jared! I've heard from other people that you want at least a 2x3 image at 300 dpi for the cover of each book.

It's also a good idea to include promotional text, either from the back cover of the product or a flier. Many stores want something they can quickly add to an online product description and I've found they often take that description from a variety of places if you don't give them something with a big sign saying "USE THIS!"

(From my own experiences, online stores have used my text from Games Quarterly Catalog, from my own catalog pages, from my listing, from the front page of my site, and from the product pages on my site. Not all of these are really optimized for the game consumer or for a particular product, so it would be better if I'd provided them with something specifically intended for that purpose).

Also, many game companies put up humorous pages to describe their history, founding and the principal owners/employees/reps/whatevers. This is great for your average fan, but if a news organization or reviewer, for example, wants to mention a biographical note or provide a list of key people, they might not have the right information available.

Message 13848#147246

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