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Topic: The Shadows of Yesterday - Zexies Midnight Runners
Started by: sirogit
Started on: 1/11/2005
Board: Actual Play

On 1/11/2005 at 9:01am, sirogit wrote:
The Shadows of Yesterday - Zexies Midnight Runners

I just got finished with a game of Shadows of Yesterday I just ran. Everyone had a totally awesome time.

This game is special because I wanted to test a subject of debate between my brother and I on the importance of knowledge of system, by running a pretty innovative and original game without reading the book except for 30 minutes before the game started.

The intended players were:
Chris M
Chris H

There were some initial problems:

Rose was sick and couldn't attend.

Chris M was so sleepy that by the middle of character creation he barely spoke words.

Eeyore! was doing great until I mentioned concern over his character manipulating other people and how that would put him at risk, and than he felt bothered somehow and mentioned being turned off for the character.

Everyone wanted their sheets to list all the skills they could have. After filling these in, they forgot to mention what pool is what appropiate for and than had to put those in. I would strongly suggest listing all of the open abilities in a future character sheet.

I threw a pair of glasses at Eeyore! which really hurt his lip. This is unusual because we hit each other with a lot of things and he's very much more impenetrable to me judging from the time that I poked his eye and he didn't really feel it or blink.


Later on, Chris M completely fell asleep. This did not impede our game, nor did it stop him from criticizing the game.(See below.)

Eeyore! And I worked out the problem he had, so he was intereasted in the character again and we were good to go. I'm also gonna try to stop throwing things at the moment.


Here were the characters they came up: I would like to note that even though there wasn't a whole lot of relevance to each other's character or my specific scenario, I think they are totally fucking awesome and fit what I want to do with the game perfectly. They also started with 15 Advancement points because James Norwick(?) gave Eeyore! 10 advancement points in his online game and I can do more.

Chris M:
Playing an Ameni Goblin modeled after Saladfingers(From Newsgrounds), creepy little mercenary guy that just wants some neat rusted things. Goblin secrets and the keys of fear and something I forgot.

Chris H:
A Qek Elf, a conan-esque bold adventurer into the unkown relying on his primal skills and necromantic Savvy. Necromantic secrets mostly with keys about discovery, bloodline, and the dealing with undead thing.

A Maldorian Human, working under the elder wizard John Dodge whilst secretly allied with another patron. Very sneaky, manipulative and self-intereasted. Insane thrallment ability, some other powerfull magical Secrets and keys related to Manipulation and Guardianship, both very centered on John Dodge.

The play to follow.

Message 13928#147890

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