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Topic: [Burning Wheel] Scripts in Action!
Started by: taepoong
Started on: 1/13/2005
Board: Actual Play

On 1/13/2005 at 11:51pm, taepoong wrote:
[Burning Wheel] Scripts in Action!

One of the most difficult things many Burners have to learn to accept is the Scripted Combat mechanic. It's definitely the hardest sell for the game. Since we've been having such a blast with scripts over at The Arena, I thought I'd share one of my favorites. It's between two master martial artists, one of them being our very own Thor Olavsrud! I think it does an excellent job of showing the relationship between the script, the dice, and what really happens during a BW combat. Enjoy!

The Arena wrote: Jin Linghzi's staff moves with amazing speed, striking out at his opponent's vulnerable legs. But with some amazing footwork, Lei Bao Zhong avoids the assault and manages to get right up to Jin, face to face.

Whipping his spear behind Jin, Zhong pins his opponent against himself. Rolling backwards, he tucks his feet up and vaults Jin into the air! Before Jin slams back down, Zhong has rolled back onto his feet and spins to face him!

Jin hits the packed earth hard and has the breath knocked from him!

The crowd is rioting with pleasure! Never before have they seen such two great warriors giving such a thrilling show!

Lei Bao Zhong Volley 2:
Action 1: Lock Devolves to Get Inside
Action 2: Great Throw
Move: Dash

Jin Linghzi Volley 2:
Action 1: Strike - Called Shot to Legs
Move: Dash

Action Results:
Strike versus Get Inside:
Jin gets 3 successes on 5 grey dice minus 2 for both Dashes, minus 1 for Called Shot to Leg! He misses!
Zhong rolls 3 successes on the Get Inside minus 2 for Dashing penalties! Jin rolls only 1 success minus 2 for Dashing penalties on his ND. Zhong is inside!

Great Throw:
Zhong rolls 5 successes minus 2 for Dashing penalties! Jin gets 2 successes on 4 grey dice minus 2 for Dashing penalties and resists the throw! (ND for Throw include Agility, Speed, and Skill.) Jin gets thrown for 6 paces! Jin takes a B4 wound for being slammed into the dirt!

Volley Results:

Jin Linghzi is suffering from a Superficial and a Midi wound. Thus he is -2 dice and +1 Obstacle to all tests. He is also lying on the ground.

They will begin Volley 3 at 6 paces apart.

Now, all the numbers in the Actions Results may seem daunting, but actually I wrote them out in a complicated manner. Most players know these modifiers by heart after only a few combats. I just list them for reference.

Message 13956#148185

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