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Topic: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity
Started by: Doctor Xero
Started on: 1/14/2005
Board: RPG Theory

On 1/14/2005 at 1:09am, Doctor Xero wrote:
Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity


Marion Woodman once wrote: We live in an increasingly complex and dangerous world. To survive in it, we need think that somehow, it all means something. Where does that meaning come from? That's the myth.

In other words : myth as existential recognition, what the late Joseph Campbell once referred to as “the mystery of a presence and the presence of a mystery.”

J.R.R. Tolkien once wrote: Legends and myth are largely made of truth, and indeed present aspects of it that can only be perceived in this mode; and long ago certain truths and modes of this kind were discovered and must always reappear.

In other words : myth as the inexpressible Truths pointed towards through story and poetry.

John Clute once wrote: Stories have a habit of getting tied in knots, and then unfolding. First they entangle their protagonists, whose actions sometimes seem dictated by the needs of the story in which they have become engaged; then the light dawns, and the labyrinth becomes a path. . . . the literatures of the Fantastic positively glory in the fact that they present and embody Story-shaped worlds. . . .
For Aristotle, Recognition marks a fundamental shift in the process of a story from increasing ignorance to knowledge. . . . It is at this moment of Recognition that the inherent Story at the heart of most fully fantasy texts is most visible . . . most revelatory. At this moment in "the structurally complete fantasy tale" (Brian Attebery’s phrase) protagonists begin to understand what has been happening to them (he may have been an Ugly Duckling awaiting the moment he becomes king; she may have been re-enacting a Creation Myth in order that the Land be reborn; they may discover what Archetype serves as an underlier figure and defines their fate; etc.). They understand, in other words, that they are in a Story; that, properly recognized (which is to say properly told), their lives have the coherence and significance of Story ; that, in short, the story has been telling them.

In other words : myth as inflected through literatures of the fantastic.

Many researchers argue that myth and folklore help individuals develop a vital, necessary existential ability -- the ability to recognize underlying patterns. This pattern recognition ability is the basis of science, scholarship, and appreciation of the Arts. For example, empirical science is grounded in recognition of patterns of frequency, the scientific method in recognition of patterns of cause-and-effect ; I do not think it is a coincidence that people with little background in myth (of some shade!) often demonstrate a poor grasp of the recognition of underlying causal patterns (although over-awareness is just as bad, wringing superstition from happenstance).

All of the above depends upon a sense of identification with the protagonist, usually a hero.

In other words, the protagonist becomes a metaphor for the audience, and his or her experiences become metaphors through which the audience can better understand their own experiences.

Thus, recognition of the metaphor empowers each audience member. Use of these recognized metaphors enriches the personal lives of the savvy audience members. This is one of the bases for the popularity in television of Star Trek and Babylon 5, in film of Star Wars, and in literature of The Lord of the Rings
(cf. Henry Jenkins’ seminal work, Textual Poachers for more details).
Henry Jenkins once wrote: fans cease to be simply an audience for popular texts ; instead they become active participants in the construction and accumulation of textual meanings.

In roleplaying games which focus on storytelling or myth, the player’s character becomes a metaphor for the player, and his or her character’s experiences become metaphors through which the player can better understand his or her own experiences. They become the means for the player’s own empowering enrichment.


According to some people, one of the (many) functions of roleplaying gaming is individualized or micro-tribal mythopoesis, i.e. the creation of personalized mythic imagery for the individual and the creation of shared mythic imagery for the gaming group.

However . . .

One of (several) primary functions of myth and fantastical literature involves the discovery and then recognition of the primal Story pattern(s) which underlies all of that reality. It is not the manufacture of Story but the recognition of Story and,
with that Recognition, the empowerment within a person’s world when Story becomes inflected through a person ; in other words, when the character has an empowering epiphany and, through the metaphor of the character, so does the reader or roleplayer.

That sense of discovery, recognition, and subsequent empowerment is possible only when there is an a prior pre-existing pattern to be found -- in the case of gaming, to be found within the campaign reality.


All the above leads to one possible conclusion : that the sense of discovery, the pattern recognition, and the personal empowerment which comes from those, all are impossible in those campaigns in which the gaming reality can be changed at any time by a player.

Players can not discover a pattern if that pattern is one which they have just spontaneously cast onto the gaming reality.
First, they can’t discover the pattern for the obvious reason that the pattern has no pre-existence to its manufacture -- it has not been there to find.
Second, they can’t discover the pattern because, as something which has burst into spontaneous existence, it can not possibly have fashioned and structured any “reality” which pre-existed it.
Furthermore, this means that empowerment within the gaming reality becomes impossible. Why? Any person’s empowerment which pre-dates a specific spontaneous pattern manufacture is now lessened because his or her empowerment could not have possibly incorporated the at-that-time-not-yet-in-existence pattern unless the player has precognitive powers in real life. Worse, any empowerment which incorporates this spontaneous new pattern will become outdated the moment someone else imposes yet another new pattern.

In a cooperative campaign, surfing chaos, not discovery and not cooperative storytelling (both of which depend upon pre-existing patterns), becomes the norm for such a campaign. Perhaps each player focuses on his or her own isolated fiefdom of gaming reality, or perhaps the players enjoy the instability. Or perhaps they institute a voting council to edit spontaneous alterations to preserve some pattern after all.

In a competitive campaign, the norm becomes constant battling among players for control over the campaign reality as each player fights to keep inserting new patterns which empower himself or herself while ignoring whether those new patterns disempower anyone else. Some popular board games and drinking games follow just such norms.

If the players are interested primarily in individual events for each character in isolation, and if the players have no interest in experiencing myth or storytelling together and no interest in any sense of discovery, there is nothing wrong with the above. True, the campaign does not work as a source of storytelling, but not everyone wants enrichment or metaphor. There are even those who have difficulty understanding metaphor, but they have every right to game. There’s nothing inherently wrong with treating a roleplaying game as nothing deeper than a spirited game of Calvinball, so long as a person remembers that Calvinball is not a means of storytelling nor of experiencing myth.

So it seems to me that, in roleplaying gaming, the sense of myth and metaphor and the sense of empowerment is only possible in those campaigns which do not allow player introduction of new patterns which supersede or retroactively rewrite the a priori patterns.

Of course, meaningfulness is not found only in Myth ; it is also found in Philosophy and Art, including non-mythic literature. Existentialism and its heirs replace the recognition of cosmic meaningfulness with the search for individual meaningfulness, but Existentialism is no less legitimate than Myth as an approach to finding meaning. Punk as a genre mode is characterized in part by its existential anger over the failure of communal Myth in the urban world. A campaign with potentially constant spontaneous retroactive continuity would work well at re-creating that punk aesthetic of meaninglessness. Perhaps such a campaign would be the best way to re-create the television series The Prisoner?

Of course, not all Fantastical tales involve Myth, and Myth and the Fantastical are not the only genre modes which appear in gaming : there are also Superhero, SF and Space Opera, Detective Mystery, etc. However, those mentioned require patterns which pre-exist player input. No one can discover the solution to a mystery if he or she can decide upon any solution he or she wants and then spontaneously insert clues to fit that arbitrary solution. SF authors such as Isaac Asimov have railed against “sci fi” series in which “scientific laws” spontaneously manifest so that heroes can solve their current dilemma and then spontaneously disappear at episode’s end, never to factor into any episode again.


Some players want to focus on storytelling, involvement in the metaphor, and/or a sense of the mythic.

Some players want to focus on simply an evening’s diversion, on parallel but isolated authorship, or on testing the player’s skills at ad lib with no real identification with the gaming character.

(Most have interests somewhere in between these two extremes.)

What differentiates these two poles is the degree of involvement with the campaign reality.

Players more interested in storytelling and/or myth want a campaign reality stable enough for them to interact with it. They want their mysteries to have pre-existing solutions and their SF imaginary science to remain consistent ; they want their characters to have a stable “past” from which to develop and mature. They want continuity. To use a comic book analogy, they don’t want Superman’s powers to change every issue. They want a stable continuity with which to interact. Theirs is a Framework of Interaction.

Players more interested in an evening’s diversion and/or parallel but segregate authorship want a campaign reality which each player can individually alter to suit his or her current interests. They want the campaign to be like a chalkboard. In a serious campaign, they want their detective stories to provide opportunities to ad lib exciting action sequences which may have nothing whatsoever to do with any pretense of a plot, and they aren’t interested in whether this episode’s SF imaginary science has any fidelity to last week’s episode and never worry about how it might impact next week’s episode because what matters most is the episode they’re playing now. They don’t want to feel “boxed in” by continuity -- they want to be independent of continuity! Theirs is a Framework of Independence.

The axis of these frameworks can be found throughout narrativist, simulationist, and perhaps even gamist roleplaying games.

Baron Munchausen and Soap are both narrativist games with a strong Framework of Independence from continuity as players compete to alter the past and present “realities” of the other players’ characters, while InSpectres is a narrativist game with more of a Framework of Interaction with continuity. Torg with its storyteller cards and James Bond RPG with its fortune points are both simulationist games which incorporate elements of a Framework of Independence from continuity, while Vampire : The Masquerade is a simulationist game with an intense Framework of Interaction with continuity which either mesmerizes or overwhelms. Illuminati with its advice that rules exist only as a challenge to ignore and get away with it is a gamist game with a particularly competitive Framework of Independence from continuity, while Dungeons and Dragons is a gamist game with a strong Framework of Interaction as players try to exploit the pre-existing possibilities of the setting.


Understanding all of the above helps us hone our game design skills.

When designing a roleplaying game intended for players desiring a higher Framework of Interaction, a large amount of the gamebook needs to focus on either the campaign continuity or on helping a game master pre-design a campaign continuity. This may be represented by a thoroughly detailed setting, or it may be represented by thoroughly detailed patterns which underlie the campaign continuity, such as premise (as in narrativist campaigns) or genre (common in superhero simulationist games). Care must be taken if later campaign supplements appear that they do not violate the existing campaign reality -- a player with a high Framework of Interaction will be upset if, after playing an elf whose sense of self and campaign decisions have been derived from his knowing he is a tree elemental, a supplement retroactively declares that all elves have always known they are water elementals. Whether the game master provides the continuity itself or simply the tools for the game master, that continuity must work well with the narrativist, simulationist, or gamist direction of the game, i.e. it must promote premise, gameworld “realism”, or gameworld tools for competition, respectively. However, the game designer has little need to worry about including more than cursory rules about how to deal with player variations away from the game rules, the campaign setting, or the inviolability of the characters of other players.

When designing a roleplaying game intended for players who prefer a higher Framework of Independence, a large portion of the gamebook needs to focus on how to handle on an ongoing basis player alterations of the continuity, perhaps even alterations of the rules and of the characters of other players. The game designer must decide ahead of time the degree to which he or she wishes to encourage player cooperation and player competition when it comes to the malleable game world reality. Can any player change anything at any time -- if not, what are the limitations and how are they enforced? Does the player need to expend some sort of tokens to input a change? Can another player counter that change or enter into a bidding war over who gets to change what? Is the player restricted to additions, or can he or she retroactively alter past events in the gameworld continuity, perhaps even retroactively change past character decisions and their repercussions? Are the changes restricted to setting, or can they include even game rules and the actions of the characters of other players? These are a few of the questions the game designer needs to address. However, for a narrativist or gamist game, the game designer has little need for anything more than a perfunctory description of setting regardless of these answers. For a simulationist game in which setting matters, the game designer must devise a continuity in which malleability is part of the setting -- these are often the games in which genre matters more than time and locational setting.

Obviously, just as most roleplaying games allow for different agenda, most roleplaying games allow for degrees of both Frameworks rather than being entirely focused on a Framework of Interaction or a Framework of Independence.

By recognizing the axis of these two Frameworks, certain difficulties which have plagued misunderstandings of both narrativist and simulationist gaming can be neatly avoided.

Your thoughts?

Message 13958#148189

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On 1/14/2005 at 2:26am, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Hi Doc,

All the above leads to one possible conclusion : that the sense of discovery, the pattern recognition, and the personal empowerment which comes from those, all are impossible in those campaigns in which the gaming reality can be changed at any time by a player.

I'd like to present an alternative idea to this statement- the sense of pattern that comes from thematic myth can only exist if the group as a whole is participating in it, whether that means one person being the primary author of the mythology as in illusionism and the rest of the group assenting to that, or the whole group applying input to produce the myth.

I wrote entirely about that here:


Message 13958#148195

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On 1/14/2005 at 5:44am, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Welcome back, Doc. It's good to see you.

I see a lot of merit in your ideas, but think there is a fundamental flaw in your reasoning.

The flaw would seem to be that you create two opposed categories but assume that these are fully inclusive, when there is a large middle ground that you overlook.

On the one side, you suggest games in which truth is fixed--someone knows the details of the setting, the answer to the mystery, whatever the facts are, they are facts within the world known to one person before the others learn them. This, you say, makes possible discovery.

Against this, you set a concept in which all things are mutable. Perhaps you don't mean it quite so seriously, but the way you present it, it sounds as if my character could be a gunfighter standing in a saloon finishing a whiskey, then set down the glass, pass through the swinging doors onto the bridge of the spaceship where he's the navigator, who never was that fellow in the saloon. Nothing can be discovered, because nothing that is true right now will necessarily be true in a minute from now. Someone might change it.

An awful lot of role playing follows a model identified here as "no myth" play. This doesn't fit either of the concepts you've suggested. In no myth play, nothing is fixed or real until it is introduced within the shared imagined space--and thereafter, it is immutable. Thus it isn't about changing the past--it's about writing bits of the past that have never been stated before. The world isn't really mutable; it's incomplete, and someone is going to fill in the gaps.

If you've actually got the ability to pregenerate entire universes in which there is nowhere the characters can look that you do not already know what they see, you're a better world creator than I. When I put my players in castles, I know a lot of general things about those castles--things like there are usually tapestries on the walls and these are decorative, frequently with scenes that have significance. I don't, however, know which walls do and do not have those tapestries, or what scenes are on which ones. I make that up if it comes up in play. That means the world is not really complete before play--it's only framed sufficiently that I can create the rest consistently with what already exists.

You further assert that players cannot "discover" the world if they themselves are "creating" it. As an author, I think this is entirely incorrect. When I create a world, I begin with a few starting points, and then I build on them. Gradually the world unfolds. There is a genuine meaning to the idea that I am discovering this world as I write. I realize that those few foundation stones are the beginning of a pattern, and my efforts to create the world are a continued discovery of that pattern, an unfolding of something that is in my mind unrecognized.

There is no reason why that same process of creative discovery cannot be corporate. As the foundation is laid, each player perceives aspects of the world that come alive for him. He contributes those to the shared imagined space, and the other players in turn say, "Yes, I see how that fits the pattern so far; and indeed, if that's the way it is, then this must also be so within that world." The pattern grows and expands. The players discover the world as they create it.

A great deal of my Multiverser play has a lot of this in it. I have a framework of facts about the world, but of necessity it is little more than a sketch. As the player makes choices, I respond to those choices by filling in details. Sometimes the dice guide the way those things are realized. Sometimes the player suggests part of a reality that fits the pattern and becomes part of the world.

I am thus persuaded that creation and discovery are not mutually exclusive in this context. I believe authors do it individually, and that gamers can and often do do this together.

--M. J. Young

Message 13958#148206

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On 1/14/2005 at 7:20pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity


Your discussion of pattern recognition and myth is excellent but, like M.J., I must disagree with your conclusions.

Players can not discover a pattern if that pattern is one which they have just spontaneously cast onto the gaming reality.

Compare this to the act of divination--in the use of runes or tarot cards, the mind "discovers" a pattern made out of a randomly cast set of symbols. The recognition of a pattern is on some level always the creation of a pattern. The concept itself actually refers to the human perception of patterns, which may or may not be founded in reality. It is our way of ordering our experience in the world. Players of role playing games can have the experience of discovering patterns, again and again, while they are in fact reading those patterns in to the kaleidoscope of fictional facts and events that are created in play.

Furthermore, this means that empowerment within the gaming reality becomes impossible. Why? Any person’s empowerment which pre-dates a specific spontaneous pattern manufacture is now lessened because his or her empowerment could not have possibly incorporated the at-that-time-not-yet-in-existence pattern unless the player has precognitive powers in real life. Worse, any empowerment which incorporates this spontaneous new pattern will become outdated the moment someone else imposes yet another new pattern.

In fact what tends to happen is that players invest in eachothers descriptions of reality and build upon them. We craft our new patterns to fit the old. The way our minds work supports this: we try to avoid the cognitive dissonance that arises when things don't make sense with one another. However, if a group cannot communicate well enough to come to common agreement of patterns, or has other (usually social) reasons to not work together, then this tendency may break down.

In a cooperative campaign, surfing chaos, not discovery and not cooperative storytelling (both of which depend upon pre-existing patterns), becomes the norm for such a campaign. Perhaps each player focuses on his or her own isolated fiefdom of gaming reality, or perhaps the players enjoy the instability. Or perhaps they institute a voting council to edit spontaneous alterations to preserve some pattern after all.

How does cooperative storytelling depend up on pre-existing patterns? Why is it that everyone would not, as a matter of course, build off of what one another has created? Both surfing chaos and shared storytelling are possible outcomes, yes. But it is how the game is structured and the actual dynamics among the players that determines which will come true.

Games like Munchausen and Soap do structure play such that players may attempt to change past interactions of events, but they are in a small minority. Even in Soap contested sentences are not intended to change past interpretations although they may ("I'm not really Grant, I'm his evil twin Thaddeus!"), but are about the reality currently being established being contested as it is brought into play.

I think that you are dead on in noting that role play is about the establishment and recognition of mythic patterns, but perhaps a different application might make sense.


Message 13958#148250

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On 1/14/2005 at 11:29pm, ADGBoss wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity


Let me preface what I am about to say with the fact that I am not one of the more scholarly types and generally consider myself a mere spear carrier, awaiting the latest theory to incorporate into design to try another crack at the fortress of Game design.

I had to read the post backwards before I finally got the true gist of it and saw where you were going with it, at least where I think you were going with it. The last sentence sums up the direction pretty well and was one of those "aha" moments. Frankly my first reaction is "What does this have to do with Narrativism and Simulationism again?"

It seems that you are trying to solve an issue that does not exist. Yes some people have a hard time nailing down GNS in general and the difference between N & S in particular. There is the illusion that GNS is a bit of a moving target and hard to pin down. When in reality the different ideas are simply evolving, which I would say is a natural state of such affairs.

I really am not sure what your ideas, as well thought out as they are, are trying to solve. People still debate Time & Space but most people have a good grasp of what they are at the basic level needed for our current level of civilization. I think the same can be said of Nar and Sim. Most people have a basic grasp of the concepts but it does not stop debate and evolution.

Now if you had billed this as an alternative to Nar & Sim, then I think it takes on a life of its own (obviously) and has more merit. I am not sure I could agree with your assessments, based on my own sort of ad-hoc way of thinking, but it doesn't mean I or someone else could never be persuaded. It just does not seem to have much connection to Nar, Sim, and understanding them that I can see.

As far as patterns, I defer to Emily's post as she explains very well what I am sure I would hash up and I generally agree with it. My own perception of what you are saying would, in my mind, preclude any form of Play because patterns added before hand or right now are still products of imagination and environment.

Players can not discover a pattern if that pattern is one which they have just spontaneously cast onto the gaming reality.

Why would someone NEED to discover a pattern that he or she just cast into gaming reality? Creativity is as much a product of environment as it is of imagination and the Player who is adding a Pattern into play would by necessity have had to Perceive/Discover it already. The way I am reading it, almost suggests that you are saying is that Tolkien perceived that Pattern (or truth or whatever) that was Middle Earth and then wrote it all down.

Well that sounds very much the same as saying he made it up in his own mind from his own imagination and experiences.

Change it a bit, he perceived it from his own mind and his own imagination and experiences.

Then Pattern recognition and spontaneous imagination (which I would argue is not really spontaneous) are really the same things. So if an Author can put patterns down to paper without the universe unravelling, I would say a Player can do the same thing whether what lies over the horizon is pre-ordained pattern or one which is added into the game reality when necessary.

So for me it does not solve any perceived Nar & Sim issues and doesn't seem to make any impact on theory at all.

Excellent post though it was very enjoyable to read.


Message 13958#148272

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On 1/15/2005 at 6:52am, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Bankuei wrote: I'd like to present an alternative idea to this statement- the sense of pattern that comes from thematic myth can only exist if the group as a whole is participating in it, whether that means one person being the primary author of the mythology as in illusionism and the rest of the group assenting to that, or the whole group applying input to produce the myth.

I wrote entirely about that here:


You're right, Chris, and I will have to incorporate that into my next draft of this concept. I wish I had read your article before I had written this -- you have some excellent thoughts!

M. J. Young wrote: The flaw would seem to be that you create two opposed categories but assume that these are fully inclusive, when there is a large middle ground that you overlook.
Perhaps you don't mean it quite so seriously, but the way you present it, it sounds as if my character could be a gunfighter standing in a saloon finishing a whiskey, then set down the glass, pass through the swinging doors onto the bridge of the spaceship where he's the navigator, who never was that fellow in the saloon.

Actually, I had hoped I had made it clear that I had merely pegged out two ends of a spectrum, just as a person putting a puzzle together often puts together all the perimeter pieces first. I am one of those deductive scholars who thinks that some things are understood best if we first look at the extreme ends and then work centerwards to where most real life experiences take place.

M. J. Young wrote: If you've actually got the ability to pregenerate entire universes in which there is nowhere the characters can look that you do not already know what they see, you're a better world creator than I.

Hmmm . . . I had hoped I had covered that in the section where I wrote about fidelity to patterns enabling a game master to do something approximating just that.

For ease of explanation, permit me a cliche' example : imagine a game in which all the players want to perfectly imitate a Classic Western but only the game master already knows the tropes, conventions, and cliche's of that genre. The patterns are already there for the game master, so she or he instantly knows whether the men in black cowboy hats are evil even if he had not pregenerated them specifically -- because the patterns which establish the "reality" of those black-hatted cowboys has been pregenerated. On the other hand, if there has been no pregeneration even of patterns, well, the color of them thar hats don't make a darn bit o' difference, pardner!

M. J. Young wrote: That means the world is not really complete before play--it's only framed sufficiently that I can create the rest consistently with what already exists.

M.J., would it be helpful if I went into more detail about pregeneration of patterns? I fear from your response I may not have been specific enough in my explanation. (I kept cutting this post down and cutting it down -- what you have is about a third the length of my original.)

M. J. Young wrote: You further assert that players cannot "discover" the world if they themselves are "creating" it. As an author, I think this is entirely incorrect.

As an author myself, I recognize that a written novel and a roleplaying game are not the same thing.

I can best explain this with a real life example from my early gaming career. I was with a group of players who were investigating a mystery. They would huddle together, discussing and dissecting the clues. Then, one of them found out that the game master was making up clues on the spot, to help them out a little but mostly to help keep them entertained -- this is what he admitted to them when they cornered him about it. Yes, he had managed to keep them entertained, but as soon as they found out that there was no pre-existing solution to the mystery, that when they came up with the most reasonable solution, an NPC would have congratulated them on solving the mystery, all the joy drained out of the game for them. They felt cheated. They said there was no sense of success or challenge to a mystery if there was no real mystery to solve. They never allowed him to run a mystery again while I was with them.

This isn't an issue of illusionism. This is an issue of honesty. If I can use tokens to have 2 + 2 = 5, then any enjoyment in the mathematics of the effort disappears. What matters now is not how clever I am, but merely how many tokens I have managed to acquire.

That said (well, written), I don't disagree with you about the matter of the shared imagined space and its accompanying idea of the social contract. I think a group that wants a puzzle which they can solve or fail to solve will seek more of a Framework of Interaction with a set continuity. I think a group that wants a fastpaced-and-many-explosions action pic may well prefer a Framework of Independence in which they can insert energetic chase scenes whenever they want without worrying about plot or such.

ADGBoss wrote: Frankly my first reaction is "What does this have to do with Narrativism and Simulationism again?"

While narrativism and simulationism are part of it, really my thoughts deal with gaming in general. That's why I gave examples of both frameworks in all three of the G/N/S agendae.

ADGBoss wrote: My own perception of what you are saying would, in my mind, preclude any form of Play because patterns added before hand or right now are still products of imagination and environment.

Take a look at my earlier example of the disenheartened mystery sleuths who lost all joy in the game when they found out that the solution did not pre-exist. I have told this story at numerous gaming conventions across the country, and large numbers of people have told me they had similar experiences and felt similarly cheated.

ADGBoss wrote: The way I am reading it, almost suggests that you are saying is that Tolkien perceived that Pattern (or truth or whatever) that was Middle Earth and then wrote it all down.

Not at all. To use your analogy, I would be stating that each new reader of The Lord of the Rings discovers the pre-existing pattern of what The Professor had written down -- if he had never written anything down, all they would find would be blank pages.

Imagine for a moment if The Professor had written only the Fellowship and Towers books and invited readers for their pleasure to write the final book in groups, round robin style. (Tolkien the game master!) Imagine further that they have his works as a thousand page MS doc.

(This is not so strange as it sounds. There are groups of people who take pleasure in changing the endings to famous works, competing to see who can imitiate the actual author's style best. Many game masters enjoy making such changes : I remember one game master who ran a Star Wars game in which Luke had succumbed to the Dark Side and joined with The Emperor and Vader.)

Individuals who want to discover the patterns in Lord of the Rings, the mythic themes and the characterizations, would read what he has and then delightedly write the final book trying to keep it aligned with what had gone before. This is the Framework of Interaction group.

Individuals who want to take his work in a different pattern would keep going back through the MS doc of Lord of the Rings as they wrote, changing a bit here and a bit there, all acceptable according to their social contract. One person might decide during her turn in the round robin that Aragorn should be half-orc, so she goes back into the MS doc of Strider's introduction in Fellowship and rewrites that part to make Strider a half-orc from the get-go. Later on, another person in the round robin decides that Sam should have stayed at the Shire, so he goes back into the MS doc and erases Sam from every scene outside the Shire in both the Fellowship and the Towers book. This is the Framework of Independence group, with the extreme examples given only for the sake of clarity.

Well, if everyone is happy in both groups, either approach works. However, the approaches are still quite different, and a person from one group would be fairly frustrated working with the other group.

Does this help? What do I need to work on or clarify further?

Doctor Xero

Message 13958#148298

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On 1/15/2005 at 9:26am, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Hmmm, it occurs to me that I have been working off the assumption that players will be predominantly proactive players rather than reactive players (cf. John Kim ). I haven't had much experience with players who weren't predominantly proactive, so I had forgotten about the predominantly reactive type.

For a proactive player, a shared imagined space based in a Framework of Interaction with continuity feels and plays discernibly differently from a shared imagined space based in a Framework of Independence from continuity.

However, I'm not so certain that a reactive player would notice or really even care about the difference between whether a house the player's character encountered was pre-generated or spontaneously generated in the shared imagined space.

Does this differentiation between proactive and reactive players seem relevant? If so, what new thoughts or questions does this evoke?

Doctor Xero

Message 13958#148304

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On 1/16/2005 at 8:17pm, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

I find problems with the approach that begins with stating the extremes and assuming a continuity between them.

One is that the extremes seldom if ever exist in reality, and so become straw men almost inherently. It makes discussion of the spectrum more challenging, because you have to recognize that the endpoints don't really exist, or at least are not represented.

Another is that individual biases always impact the perception and definition of the endpoints. One endpoint almost always appears more reasonable than the other, both in the way it's defined by the person proposing the spectrum and by the perceptions of those responding to it. In this case, the structured end of the spectrum has been placed somewhere shy of the extreme, while the flexible end seems to have been made into something inconceivable by the most flexible of gamers.

In any event, with a hypothetical spectrum the possibility that something can be described that is outside the proposed end points invalidates those as endpoints of the spectrum. That has to be recognized and handled.

Regarding mysteries and puzzles, you have a special case problem there. I certainly agree that a mystery in which there are specific clues pointing to a unique solution is an entirely different kind of play from a story in which players are going to create the solution from their character investigations and discoveries. I'm in the camp that believes the film Clue invalidated itself as a mystery genre piece by offering three different endings without changing any of the details leading to them. That recognizes "mystery" as a literary puzzle in which there must be one unique solution (I believe Dorothy Sayers maintained that as definitive). That's entirely different from a mysterious atmospheric piece such as a thriller in which who does it matters from a character perspective but not so much from an audience perspective. In writing the materials for the forthcoming Vorgo scenario in The Third Book of Worlds, I've created six possible solutions to the crime--but in each case the facts and events must play out slightly differently, such that only one of those solutions is possible when everything is known. The other type of "mystery" campaign, in which the referee invents the clues and the outcome based on player input, is certainly a valid way to play, but that it runs counter to expectations. Those who object to such games do so not because these cannot be a fun way to play, but rather because they were expecting something different.

The mystery and a number of other puzzle-type approaches to games find their appeal in the fact that there is one unknown unique solution. It's a gamist appeal, in the main--the players are challenged to prove that they can solve the puzzle. If in the midst of this you tell them that there is no puzzle, they realize that they've been wasting their time and energies attempting to get an answer to a question that doesn't exist. It would be entirely different if the referee made it clear up front that the players were not facing a challenge to solve but rather writing a story. It's a completely different sort of play.

--M. J. Young

Message 13958#148400

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On 1/16/2005 at 9:06pm, Alan wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity


I too disagree that some rpg fact has to have been created by someone _before_ it is discovered by the players. My objection comes from the point of view of the creator: the very act of creation is a discovery.

Contrary to common myths about the creative act, ideas, whether in science, humanities, or art, do not emerge full grown from the swollen head of a god. A new idea is the collision of several old ideas, either in one human mind, or in a conversation. In a sense, we all carry around a huge archeology of ideas intrelated in ways we have not yet discovered. The "aha!" is the discovery of relationship between the ideas in collision. That discovery is the same discovery that players experience in role-play, whether the original idea is created by the GM then presented later, or whether the idea is conceived by group process.

In fact, I would go further - as others have mentioned- spontaneous group discovery (by creation) is more consistently meaningful for the participants than GM presented discovery. This is for the very fact that the players have contributed the root source ideas, and shared the revelation moment together. Just think about what players talk about in post game conversations: is the detailed setting, or the new interactions that were invented in the group process. I think you'll find the latter dominates.

Message 13958#148406

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On 1/17/2005 at 8:02pm, clehrich wrote:
Re: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Like M.J. and Emily, I cannot agree with your conclusions, in particular those regarding construction and independence.

Doctor Xero wrote: One of (several) primary functions of myth and fantastical literature involves the discovery and then recognition of the primal Story pattern(s) which underlies all of that reality. It is not the manufacture of Story but the recognition of Story and, with that Recognition, the empowerment within a person’s world when Story becomes inflected through a person ; in other words, when the character has an empowering epiphany and, through the metaphor of the character, so does the reader or roleplayer.

That sense of discovery, recognition, and subsequent empowerment is possible only when there is an a prior pre-existing pattern to be found -- in the case of gaming, to be found within the campaign reality.
Yes, but as you are leaning on Campbell and through him Eliade and Jung, these patterns pre-exist in the mind -- as you say, "primal Story pattern." These patterns must be there in any case; the dependence or independence of the player is irrelevant.
All the above leads to one possible conclusion : that the sense of discovery, the pattern recognition, and the personal empowerment which comes from those, all are impossible in those campaigns in which the gaming reality can be changed at any time by a player.
This depends on what you mean by "the gaming reality." If you mean that such things cannot happen in a game in which anything can change at any time, that's probably true. But the norm is quite different, even in the most open-ended play. I (and more recently Jay/Silmenume) have done some analysis of this in terms of bricolage, in which invention and construction occurs constantly and quite freely, but in a manner normal to myth and, I suggest, to gaming. The player is free to construct whatever he likes, but he must construct it out of what is already present in the game-world (and, if you buy such things, out of primal archetypes). That the player may be very independent and able to do this freely changes nothing about the process.
Players can not discover a pattern if that pattern is one which they have just spontaneously cast onto the gaming reality.
First, they can’t discover the pattern for the obvious reason that the pattern has no pre-existence to its manufacture -- it has not been there to find.
Second, they can’t discover the pattern because, as something which has burst into spontaneous existence, it can not possibly have fashioned and structured any “reality” which pre-existed it.
Furthermore, this means that empowerment within the gaming reality becomes impossible. Why? Any person’s empowerment which pre-dates a specific spontaneous pattern manufacture is now lessened because his or her empowerment could not have possibly incorporated the at-that-time-not-yet-in-existence pattern unless the player has precognitive powers in real life. Worse, any empowerment which incorporates this spontaneous new pattern will become outdated the moment someone else imposes yet another new pattern.

In a cooperative campaign, surfing chaos, not discovery and not cooperative storytelling (both of which depend upon pre-existing patterns), becomes the norm for such a campaign. Perhaps each player focuses on his or her own isolated fiefdom of gaming reality, or perhaps the players enjoy the instability. Or perhaps they institute a voting council to edit spontaneous alterations to preserve some pattern after all.
Let's use an example here. Suppose we play a game set in Tolkien's Middle-Earth during the Third Age. Now I, as a player, can construct and invent anything I like, so long as I build it out of the structures handed to me by Tolkien's mythic construction. For example, we don't know all that much about most of the Istarii (the wizards), but we know some basics. So if I formulate a whole bunch of material, quite freely and without GM input, about Radagast's interactions with the Entwives, I only have to be sure that I do not violate what is already given. Further, at a deeper level, the construction must be patterned in a fashion that fits the way Tolkien works. But I can do this all completely openly and freely. Far from constructing instability, I have helped to extend the sense of strength and cohesion of the world -- so that's what happened to the Entwives!
So it seems to me that, in roleplaying gaming, the sense of myth and metaphor and the sense of empowerment is only possible in those campaigns which do not allow player introduction of new patterns which supersede or retroactively rewrite the a priori patterns.
If you mean "supersede or retroactively rewrite" strongly, then yes, this is true, but it's also not the same as player freedom to construct patterns. Not all patterns and information are pre-constructed, even in Tolkien.

And, of course, one can always construct anew out of the debris of other shattered materials. Once myth has been constructed, it is part of the pattern system, and can be reformulated. If it's a fixed object, it's become a work of literature, and is no longer myth.

Thus without considerable freedom to create, through the mythic process of bricolage, you don't have myth in the first place.

So my conclusion is that if you want myth and mythic meaning, strong limitation from the GM is the least desirable quality.

Message 13958#148505

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On 1/18/2005 at 4:11am, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Re: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

M. J. Young wrote: I find problems with the approach that begins with stating the extremes and assuming a continuity between them.

It is a quite common technique in science and scholarship. Ideal gasses don't really exist, for example, but look at all that has been accomplished. Perhaps you simply mislike deductive reasoning?

after going into the differences apropos solving a mystery, M. J. Young wrote: It's a completely different sort of play.

PRECISELY, M.J.! My problem has been with those who claim that the two are ultimately the same or that one sort of play is superior to the other. I am striving to construct a theoretical tool by which that differentiation can be better taken into account.

I have seen this gap between players repeatedly over the years, in hundreds of players at gaming conventions or in the local scene. I don't think we serve ourselves or anyone else by pretending they do not exist.

Alan wrote: The "aha!" is the discovery of relationship between the ideas in collision. That discovery is the same discovery that players experience in role-play, whether the original idea is created by the GM then presented later, or whether the idea is conceived by group process.

One of the problems certain type of scholars and scientists deal with is hearing people outside their fields telling them, "You just made that up! You put that idea onto those facts!" For example, in the current controversy over evolutionary mechanisms, a group of scientists will point to fossil records and more current evidence, point out other findings from chemistry and geology and physics, and state that this evidence indicates evolutionary changes. A group of religious folk without any scientific training will then dispute all the evidence by simply stating, "You made that up!" I recall reading one religious non-scientist who insisted that scientistis made it up when they stated a dinosaur skeleton indicated the evidence of dinosaurs -- the dinosaur skeleton was obviously a biblical dragon!

Alan, when an archaeologist goes on a dig, she will see a world of difference between finding a shard of ancient pottery and using some of the clay in the dig to craft her own pottery and then name it ancient. She is not looking to create something spontaneously -- she is looking to find something. The same goes for many gamers in such situations.

Alan wrote: In fact, I would go further - as others have mentioned- spontaneous group discovery (by creation) is more consistently meaningful for the participants than GM presented discovery.

I have found the reverse in my years at gaming conventions and in local gaming. Are you arguing that we should ignore those who prefer Frameworks of Interaction with the continuity, or that we should tell them that their preferred style is consistently less meaningful? I am not comfortable with telling a large group that their playing style is meaningless or is less meaningful.

I also disagree with you -- I would put forth that the two approaches involve different kinds of meaningfulness.

Your comments remind me of one of my reasons for playing with these ideas. Instead of having one group of gamers tell another group of gamers that their preference is less meaningful, I would prefer that one group of gamers recognize the other group is operating from a different framework of fidelity to continuity.

For the record, I have participated as player and game master both in games in which players wanted pre-set solutions to solve and in games in which players wanted space within the shared imagined space for inserting their own ideas, and a number of games in which there is a place for each. However, something goes wrong if someone ignores continuity in a space framed for interaction with continuity, just as something goes wrong if someone clings to continuity in a space framed for independence from continuity.

clehrich wrote: Let's use an example here. Suppose we play a game set in Tolkien's Middle-Earth during the Third Age. Now I, as a player, can construct and invent anything I like, so long as I build it out of the structures handed to me by Tolkien's mythic construction. For example, we don't know all that much about most of the Istarii (the wizards), but we know some basics. So if I formulate a whole bunch of material, quite freely and without GM input, about Radagast's interactions with the Entwives, I only have to be sure that I do not violate what is already given. Further, at a deeper level, the construction must be patterned in a fashion that fits the way Tolkien works. But I can do this all completely openly and freely. Far from constructing instability, I have helped to extend the sense of strength and cohesion of the world -- so that's what happened to the Entwives!

Actually, this example perfectly supports my contention! What you have done involves a Framework of Interaction with continuity -- in this case, the continuity of Tolkien's mythic construction. The fact that you would bother to make the effort not to violate what is already given involves a fidelity to continuity. If you had decided to be independent from continuity, you would not have cared whether you violated what is already given.

I have witnessed many, many, many games over the decades in which players attempt to do just that at various levels of sophistication, from the player who always plays a ninja even in Victorian Age campaigns to the new player who chooses to insert the Bene Gesserit in a Star Wars campaign, a theoretically possible insertion, but never really considers the ways in which a galaxywide religious conspiracy forces the other players to alter their character conceptions and never thinks to consult with anyone else. (This was almost the norm in Old Skool campaigns in the 1970s and 1980s, when continuity was not something which mattered to players as much as it does now).

On the other hand, imagine that you are in a Tolkien game, and you want to play a character who discovers a great secret about the origins of the Istari. Your game master has read The Silmarillion but you have not, so while he knows the "official" Tolkien answer, you do not. Through your character, you search and interview. How much less rewarding does it become if your game master just turns to you and says, "Oh, hell, whatever secret you want, that's true. Whatever." If you as a player had wanted to insert a change, that would be great, but you wanted the excitement of the hunt, the exploration, the discovery! Now that sense of discovery has been stolen from you.

Doctor Xero

Message 13958#148552

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On 1/18/2005 at 4:17am, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

M.J., Alan, Clerich, thank you for your thoughts.

However, I would like to read some thoughts about the ideas themselves rather than whether or not this is a subject worth having ideas about.

I've played in games in which people who want to solve mysteries and tease out from the game master realistic hidden dimensions of NPCs are playing next to people who want the game master to alter the reality of the campaign to fit whatever solution they want the mystery to have, and such players do not combine together well. I am striving to introduce terminology, in this case the Framework of Interaction with continuity and the Framework of Independence from continuity, both to help us explain this conflict with the shared imagined space and to help us as game designers to take these differences into account.

I'm also curious about whether my theory is significantly altered by reactive players rather than proactive players.

Clerich, I hope you understand why my thoughts do not dispute bricolage but rather deal with a different axis of the creative/mythic process. In case you've forgotten, such ideas are part of my Ph.D. program, but it always helps to be reminded of them -- thanks! That I am already aware of the communal aspects of discovery is, I hope, obvious from my signature at the bottom of my posts.

Doctor Xero

Message 13958#148554

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On 1/19/2005 at 10:19pm, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

I found an article about narrativist gaming which might work well as a further example of my theory.

in their article, devil bunnys Meghann and Jesse wrote: Writing the back-story is where the Narrativist GM focuses his time and effort. He creates all the major non-player characters in much the same way the players create their characters. He makes sure they fit the Premise and that they have passions of their own. Then, he develops a back-story explaining all the events that have come before the game actually begins.

The above would be an example of a game master preparing a campaign for players who prefer to operate primarily from within a framework of interaction with continuity. (The same thing could occur with a group who gather to determine the back-story collectively before the first scenario ever takes place.) The game master provides a solid, pre-existing back-story (which embodies a solid, pre-existing premise) with which the players through their characters can interact. Notice the emphasis upon back-story. This means that players can safely create characters which incorporate parts of said back-story within their character's individualized back-stories.

Compare this with Donjon, in which such a back-story is irrelevant if not non-existent. Donjon is an example of a game which operates predominantly from a framework of independence from continuity -- until rolls are made, no one knows whether a certain magic sword even exists! Thus, players can not safely create characters which incorporate into their own individualized back-stories part of this collective back-story since there is no back-story set! Of course, characters with back-stories is not the point of Donjon, a game which is made for players who are interested in experiencing a different framework from one grounded in a back-story.

Is the player more interested in being grounded within the world from the get-go (whether created primarily by a game master or as part of a group discussion prior to beginning the game)? This player is interested in playing via a framework of interaction with the continuity.

Is the player more interested in continuing impromptu creation on the spot (whether a high degree of improvisation as in Donjon or a more modified degree as in Torg with its storycards)? This player is interested in playing via a framework of independence from the continuity.

Doctor Xero

Message 13958#148739

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On 1/19/2005 at 11:58pm, clehrich wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

I admit I'm confused, as I did think I was addressing your points rather than saying the question is not worth discussing.

Let me ask for clarification by way of a reference.

In this thread on mysteries, a couple posts down, I proposed a semiotics-based method for running mysteries. In this, the GM knows only the basics, and nothing else: he knows who dunnit, and basically how, and has an initial scene-of-the-crime or the like established. Everything else is generated quite freely through the inventiveness of the players.

So with that thread in mind, would you classify such mystery-solving as independent of interacting with continuity? I genuinely do not know what your answer will be, and I think it will help clarify -- for me at least -- what's at stake in your proposal.

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Message 13958#148747

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On 1/20/2005 at 12:35am, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity


Message 13958#148757

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On 1/20/2005 at 2:30am, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Hi Doc,

I don't think anyone is arguing that there is enjoyment that can be had from either playing with predetermined setting elements, flexible ones, or completely spontaneous ones. What I believe is causing a great deal of contention is "conclusions" as the one I've quoted before:

All the above leads to one possible conclusion : that the sense of discovery, the pattern recognition, and the personal empowerment which comes from those, all are impossible in those campaigns in which the gaming reality can be changed at any time by a player.

Emphasis mine-

You are declaring those elements to be completely absent from play utilizing spontaneous elements being introduced. Now granted- spontaneous elements can be misused and abused by folks within the group, usually tearing down vital Social Contract rules("We're playing cowboys, why are you adding space ninjas?"), but that has nothing to do with the fact that there are completely functional forms of that style of play which strongly include and promote those very things you claim to be absent. It doesn't take much play of Inspectres or Dust Devils to understand that all of those things are not just possible, but easy to get to in many cases.

Can predetermined elements serve as springboards for play? Yes. Can flexible elements be abused? Yes. Can a can of corn be used as a weapon? Yes. Just because something is capable of being used in a certain way doesn't limit it to only that use. There are dysfunctional uses of predetermined elements just as much as there are functional uses of elements spontaneously generated.

Now, as far as clarifying your position- you've made some extreme statements and have failed to draw a clear line backing up how you came to this one possible conclusion. If you altered that conclusion to something like, "In any game where all the players consciously know that the elements are being generated spontaneously, they do not have the satisfaction of uncovering a preexisting element", that is something people could say, "Ok, that makes sense."

But as far as producing pattern and myth- whether predetermined or not, people do it all the time, sometimes in play, sometimes after play. Perhaps you should take some time, compare your idea to some actual play(your own and various accounts, here and elsewhere), then come back with it.

I'm very much interested in the discussion of the use of predetermined elements as tools and devices in play- particularly how they focus play and provide direction- but as it stands now, I can't follow where you're getting these conclusions from.


Message 13958#148764

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On 1/20/2005 at 9:11am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

I'm fairly sympathetic to Dr X's argument here. I think that pattern recognition is an automatic process in animals; there are some problems in computer cognition that imply this, I think. And this pattern recognition, as Dr X argues, is fundamental to our ability to understand the world.

Bankuei writes:

You are declaring those elements to be completely absent from play utilizing spontaneous elements being introduced.

It seems to mer that this statement is also an extreme. That is, I doubt the introduction of a single, or a handful, of spontaneous elements would undermine pattern recognition and the sense of comprehension gained thereby. But I do think that if there is not an underlying logic, pattern, then indeed all sense of discovery is impossible, or valueless.

In fact I think this is rather similar to the "tyranny of structurelessness" thread as well. Absent a coordinating principle or pattern, all the problems inherent to structurelessness appear in full force, only more so, being extended to the game space and not just the social space.

Message 13958#148793

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On 1/20/2005 at 10:24am, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Hi Gareth,

I, nor anyone I've seen on this thread have argued for a Dada-ist approach to play. What I am saying is that even with zero predetermined elements, and the potential for each and any player to declare, "It was all a dream...", the elements that Doc is saying are impossible given those conditions- do happen.

One word: Universalis.

The key that keeps it from falling into the trap of the structurelessness is that Universalis gives explicit techniques for the group as a whole to enforce a collective will to protect any patterns and themes produced in play. Narration trading games such as Dust Devils or Inspectres though technically could suffer from a player choosing to abuse the narration rights are almost always kept in check by the collective will of the group, though without the formal mechanics(Lumpley Principle, Social Contract, in full effect).

The coordinating principle is set up in Social Contract, and applied through system as a vehicle of expression for the group to create the myth on the spot. The sense of discovery is "How will our collective ideas fit together?", the pattern recognition is the theme developed through play, "Hey, this is turning out to be a love story!" and the personal empowerment is, "We all contributed to making this really good game."


edited for clarity

Message 13958#148798

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On 1/20/2005 at 10:14pm, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

clehrich wrote: In this thread on mysteries, a couple posts down, I proposed a semiotics-based method for running mysteries.

I remember the thread -- it seemed overall an impressive concept!

clehrich wrote: In this, the GM knows only the basics, and nothing else: he knows who dunnit, and basically how, and has an initial scene-of-the-crime or the like established. Everything else is generated quite freely through the inventiveness of the players.

So with that thread in mind, would you classify such mystery-solving as independent of interacting with continuity? I genuinely do not know what your answer will be, and I think it will help clarify -- for me at least -- what's at stake in your proposal.

Ah, I think I understand the confusion. First to answer your question, and then to answer your confusion in the next post.

We've already established pure examples of each pole, just as we establish pure examples of global/holistic thinking and sequential/linear thinking or pure examples of liberalism and conservatism before we go on to note that most people fall on a line in the spectrum between those two poles. Then we recognize that most episodes will be somewhere along the spectrum.

Personally, I would state that, when it comes to the solution to the mystery, such a game has some fidelity to interaction with continuity, and it uses this continuity as the springboard to determine what improvisations are acceptable. But it is closer to the middle rather than to either pole of the spectrum.

For comparison, somewhere (on The Forge? on the Internet? I don't recall) I encountered someone who borrowed Donjon's basic mechanics for a mystery game. Players competed to prove their pet theories were correct, and each time a player wanted to find a clue to prove something, his or her degree of success rolled determined whether or not that clue existed and whether or not other players could modify it to fit their own pet theories instead. Such a game would be a game with little fidelity to interaction with continuity, since there is no pre-existing solution to said mystery.

Next post, I answer your confusion (I hope! *grin*). But I need to address other posters as well right now.

Bankuei wrote:
All the above leads to one possible conclusion : that the sense of discovery, the pattern recognition, and the personal empowerment which comes from those, all are impossible in those campaigns in which the gaming reality can be changed at any time by a player.

Emphasis mine-

You missed a key phrase -- "which comes from those" -- and without that key phrase, my meaning is lost. To what does "from those" refer?

If you read the paragraphs which precede my statement, you will notice that I am referring to the sense of discovery, the pattern recognition, and the personal empowerment which come from myth, from story, and from the recognition of metaphor (related to though not identical with the narrativist concept of premise).

Bankuei wrote: But as far as producing pattern and myth- whether predetermined or not, people do it all the time, sometimes in play, sometimes after play.

I have studied mythology and folklore for more than two decades, and in all those years, without exception, what is produced in games with high levels of immediate ad-libbing fails to qualify for the term "myth" according to every definition for myth by any scholar or scientist I have yet encountered.

(Before someone points out the phenomenon of children and adults spontaneously generating mythic tales utilizing archetypes and other universal motifs and tropes, I point out that this only occurs when there is some fidelity, unconscious or not, to said archetypes et al. Many is the time I've also heard children spontaneously generating nonsense or playing merrily ignoring each other except to argue. As for adults : stream of consciousness may be brilliant in the hands of a master such as Joyce, but it is still not myth.)

If I had seemed at all aggressive, Chris, if comes from my frustration at seeing the word "myth" misused so badly by those who claim to create it in their games of high spontaneous play. I am no more nor less perturbed by this misuse of the word "myth" than a political philosopher might by the persistent application of the word "anarchy" to a medieval absolute monarchy -- unless said use were ironic, of course.

If I have allowed my love of mythology to disrupt the clarity of my explanation of my theory, Chris, I apologize and ask you to look past it.

Also, many players don't give a damn whether there is anything mythic to their games, so for them, my statement about pattern recognition and myth and metaphor is irrelevant.

Doctor Xero

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Message 13958#148881

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On 1/20/2005 at 10:24pm, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

clehrich wrote: I genuinely do not know what your answer will be, and I think it will help clarify -- for me at least -- what's at stake in your proposal.

Now, to answer your confusion.

The purpose of this theory of frameworks is primarily to help out players, both directly through player advice and indirectly through game design.

The player who likes to build a character that starts out intermeshed with the campaign continuity is the player who wants to operate from a framework of interaction with continuity. He or she wants the game master or the collective group to pre-construct a continuity or framework within which the player might ground his or her character.

These are the players who ask the game master whether there will be elves in the AD-&-D-ish campaign or to specify how the premise specifically should be inflected through their characters or to describe the operating definition of superheroes for the campaign or to give the names of the established clans to which their characters might be allied. These are the players who love the way Legend of the Five Rings sets up a framing continuity which tells them, before the first jot of character creation, what the clans are and how they interrelate and what opportunities each clan provides -- a framing within which they can construct their characters as integral parts of the continuity within which they will be playing.

The player who likes to build a character but who has very little interest in knowing or fitting into campaign continuity is the player who operates from a framework of independence of continuity. He or she doesn't care what sort of world the game master or the collective group pre-construct so long as it doesn't get in the way of playing his or her character. Anything which gets in the way of his or her character gets in the way of his or her fun, so he or she wants the authority to remove it immediately, within reason.

If said player is dysfunctional, he or she will demand this authority regardless of how such changes ruin the game for other players. If said player is a decent enough person, he or she will negotiate with game master and/or other players when changes involve more than him or her -- but this negotiation is done out of courtesy, not out of any interest in fidelity to or interaction with the continuity!

I been involved in games with both sorts, and I think each framework has its strengths although, just as Ron Edwards admits he is partial to narrativism, I admit I am partial to a game master's providing an initial framework within which I might construct my character so that my character is an integral part of the world in which he or she is situated.

Characters built by players who prefer to frame their characters independently of any continuity can be moved easily from campaign to campaign with little change if any to the character. Since their characters are truly uninvolved in and uninvested in their continuities, they are truly mobile, which gives them character strength but not story strength.
Characters built by players who prefer to frame their characters interactively within a specific continuity can seldom move those characters into any other campaign without radical change, cutting away connections with the original campaign continuity and creating new ones for the next continuity. Since their characters are truly part of their continuities, they have the power to truly be a part of stories which change those worlds, but they work poorly elsewhere ; they have story strength but not character strength.

Does this help?

Doctor Xero

Message 13958#148884

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On 1/21/2005 at 12:33am, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Here's what I think is going on. (I doubt this theory will be well received, but I think it's on the money.)

I think Doc has simply had very different play experiences than Chris (or me, or Ron or a host of other people here at The Forge.)

I don't doubt for a second that in Doc's experience, when the players can add details to the game, all hell breaks loose. Internal logic is tossed out the window, chaos reigns, and dogs sleep with cats.

And I don't doubt for a second, from the write-ups of plenty of Actual Play games, that when a lot of Forge regulars give plenty of authorial power, chaos doesn't break out. In fact, the story is stronger for it.

I get the feeling (especially with Doc's emphasis on Con games), that a DM with a strong hand is often needed to keep any kind of world and story logic on the rails.

I know for certain that many people have found players for their group where this isn't required. That more power to the players adds immensely to the game. And I know this addition to the game has none of the effects that Doc claims come about if the players behave in this way.

The fact that Doc conflates players having authorial power and lack of interest in continuity shows he's had some bad experiences with players having authorial power. However, those are his experiences. There is no reason to conflate player authorial power and lack of concern for continuity. For many people, having a group share the adding of detail atop of each others ideas, building with an absolute fidelity to contunity is part of the pleasure of the game… And many people do it very well.

I know that when people have been playing RPGs for a long time its easy to fall into the "nothing new under sun notion." But the existence of The Forge is predicated on the notion that many players of RPGs have not yet visited many different ways of playing RPGs. From this thread and other posts by Doc, it seems to me that despite the years in the hobby, there's lots of ways of playing (successful playing) he has yet to encounter.

As for the Myth aspect of this… It seems to me that since everyone's realized Story is now too slippery to lay claim to, everyone's going to rush after Myth to justify "My games are better than your games." The fact that Doc is waving his graduate thesis doesn't help matters. As far as I can tell, even the scholars disagree on what the term means. I don't see it as a word that tells me much.

What I see so far is Doc saying, "The way I play is the play that produces the kind of play I like, which I call Myth. This play depends on the players not losing track of the continuity I have created, and keeping their input to a minimum to keep it from going off the rails."

There's nothing wrong with this, of course. Except when it lays larger claims to how RPGs "work" that are contradicted by dozens of threads in Actual Play.

(In particular I would recomend looking at the climatic moment in the Moose in the City thread -- a stroke of thematic and fucking beautiful genius place into the story by a player. Anyone who is baffled by the threat of Player's ruining a game with authorial input really needs to read, and then re-read that thread. But there are tons of other examples floating around this site.)



Message 13958#148899

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On 1/21/2005 at 12:47am, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Hi Doc,

You missed a key phrase -- "which comes from those" -- and without that key phrase, my meaning is lost. To what does "from those" refer?

No, actually, that I took into account. And yes, I do recognize that many spontaneous creations of myth pattern are based on preexisting archtypes- again, read that article I wrote. What I am saying is that it is very possible for groups to produce myth mirroring those archtypes with or without overtly discussing it before or even during play, and also possible with a wide distribution of director power. Does it help if people discuss what's going on? Definitely. Is it always necessary? No.

And as I've stated before, and in line with what Chris K is saying- you're making blanket statements about roleplaying that several people, not just myself, have personal actual play experience that contradicts it. Producing those elements that you have mentioned has happens on a common basis with Universalis, Dust Devils, Inspectres to name a few games that have have the possibility of players altering the SIS at will, along with minimal or no discussion or planning to the myth patterns to be produced.

Theory only holds if it matches with observation.


Message 13958#148900

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On 1/21/2005 at 5:40am, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Christopher Kubasik wrote: I think Doc has simply had very different play experiences
However, those are his experiences.

This is painfully close to an ad hominem approach. Instead of countering the logic of my argument, you simply set it aside while grotesquely straw manning it with comments about dogs sleeping with cats.

That's not a very sporting or productive way to address something, Christopher.

Also, I get the distinct impression from your comments that you would prefer that everyone on The Forge hide his or her degrees and accomplishments under a bushel, for every time I support my creds by mentioning anything, you tend to choose to take it as an attack. I find that a very odd way of looking at the world, personally. If someone is telling me something I find hard to believe, I would prefer that he or she give me some reason why I should find his or her words more important than those of a child or the village idiot -- and, in that spirit of presenting credibility, I respectfully make reference to my own background.

Christopher Kubasik wrote: As for the Myth aspect of this? It seems to me that since everyone's realized Story is now too slippery to lay claim to, everyone's going to rush after Myth to justify "My games are better than your games."

Ignoring for a moment yet another of your ad hominem implications (you make a poor telepath at discerning my motivations, it seems),
I'd like to point out that at the very beginning of my first post I cited three of my primary sources for the definition of "myth".

I made it clear from the start which definition I was using and my sources.

Your insinuations that the term "myth" is too slippery, therefore, really don't hold water in this case.

Bankuei wrote: Theory only holds if it matches with observation.

Actually, there have been a number of studies in which they've found that people alter their observations to fit their beliefs. This is one of the reasons why eye witness testimony is so dicey.

I don't feel like citing sources, but if I have to, I will.

More importantly, it demonstrates the desperate need for people to be trained in methods to minimize their own pre-existing beliefs. Since you've made mention of semiotics, I have no doubt I have no need to explain this further.

Doctor Xero

Message 13958#148924

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On 1/21/2005 at 5:57am, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Bankuei wrote: Theory only holds if it matches with observation.

If you dispute my points, don't throw the names of games at me -- give me solid, logical explanations and syllogisms which counter my arguments.

For example, are you claiming that you have never observed any gamer, whether on The Forge or not, express dismay when it turns out that a mystery doesn't really have a solution and the game master will let anyone make one up if it sounds reasonable? Are you claiming you have never observed any gamer care whether the puzzle he or she is working through has a real solution or not? Are you claiming you have never observed any gamer who insisted he or she know all about the campaign world before he or she built a character? Are you claiming you have never observed any gamer who didn't care one whit about the campaign world so long as he or she was able to play the character he or she wanted to play?

If you honestly make those claims, I imagine that you will find no reason nor logic in most of my theory. But I can not imagine how you could make such claims if you have really been part of the larger gaming community.

Take a look at Aaron Allston's taxonomy of gaming types. You will notice that many of his gaming types specifically reference the degree to which the player's character is embedded into the campaign's continuity. The fact that Allston makes note of Builders and Romantics and character types played by players who want plenty of NPCs with which to interact is clear evidence that at least one other person, in this case a game designer (if Christopher will allow me to cite someone's creds), has made observations similar to mine, albeit using different language.

I also wonder how you or Christopher can state that your observations go against the idea that some people choose to embed their characters within a game's continuity and others choose not to? I would like a logical explanation of how a person can simultaneously not notice and not ignore continuity, followed by why you would consider said person the norm for roleplayers.

There are gamers who want to intertwine their characters into the official continuity of a campaign even before character creation. If there is no continuity prior to character creation, they can not do so. And there are gamers who don't care about any official continuity.

Unless you are claiming you have never observed gamers such as those above, yes, such people exist, and yes, my theory explains the phenomenon.

Or are you suggesting that such gamers are beneath our concern?

I honestly do not understand your claims.

Doctor Xero

Message 13958#148927

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On 1/21/2005 at 6:44am, John Kim wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Christopher Kubasik wrote: I don't doubt for a second that in Doc's experience, when the players can add details to the game, all hell breaks loose. Internal logic is tossed out the window, chaos reigns, and dogs sleep with cats.

And I don't doubt for a second, from the write-ups of plenty of Actual Play games, that when a lot of Forge regulars give plenty of authorial power, chaos doesn't break out. In fact, the story is stronger for it.

Well, some of Doc's examples are of chaos breaking out, but I'm not sure that he's saying it's inevitable. Doc, can you clarify? Christopher, I agree with your statement here that player-director-stance can strengthen story. On the other hand, I am also swayed by Doc Xero's core point that lack of such power enhances "sense of discovery" and "pattern recognition".

To try to take this in a positive direction: Christopher, Bankuei -- how would you characterize the strengths and weaknesses of encouraging director stance in players? Are there any weaknesses (i.e. qualities like "sense of discovery")? Or would your position be that player director-stance is superior in every way for all cases?

Message 13958#148928

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On 1/21/2005 at 6:57am, clehrich wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Oh, for goodness’ sake. Must we do this?

The Argument
As I understand it, there are really three points here:

• Fidelity/adherence to continuity vs. independence therefrom
• GM authority vs. player authority/dominance
• Myth vs. freeform/improvised story

What all three of us Chris’s are saying is that you have yet to demonstrate that these things are necessarily linked. Various examples have been provided to suggest that they aren’t. My experience is also that they aren’t. And I see no argument particularly in your posts to demonstrate that they are.

To be sure, we may be altering our experiences and observations to fit preconceived theory. But as you are proposing not so much new terms as a particular regular formation in gaming, the onus lies with you to demonstrate such a linkage, since our experience belies this.


Doctor Xero wrote: I have studied mythology and folklore for more than two decades, and in all those years, without exception, what is produced in games with high levels of immediate ad-libbing fails to qualify for the term "myth" according to every definition for myth by any scholar or scientist I have yet encountered.

(Before someone points out the phenomenon of children and adults spontaneously generating mythic tales utilizing archetypes and other universal motifs and tropes, I point out that this only occurs when there is some fidelity, unconscious or not, to said archetypes et al. Many is the time I've also heard children spontaneously generating nonsense or playing merrily ignoring each other except to argue. As for adults : stream of consciousness may be brilliant in the hands of a master such as Joyce, but it is still not myth.)

If I had seemed at all aggressive, Chris, if comes from my frustration at seeing the word "myth" misused so badly by those who claim to create it in their games of high spontaneous play. I am no more nor less perturbed by this misuse of the word "myth" than a political philosopher might by the persistent application of the word "anarchy" to a medieval absolute monarchy -- unless said use were ironic, of course.
What’s bothering Chris Kubasik is not that you have degrees, although it’s certainly impolite (and no more) to flaunt them in this sort of forum. What's bothering him:
Chris K wrote: As for the Myth aspect of this… It seems to me that since everyone's realized Story is now too slippery to lay claim to, everyone's going to rush after Myth to justify "My games are better than your games." The fact that Doc is waving his graduate thesis doesn't help matters. As far as I can tell, even the scholars disagree on what the term means. I don't see it as a word that tells me much.
As you know, I also have a graduate degree in this sort of material, and have written on it extensively here and elsewhere. Now I haven’t seen anything in your actual positive definitions that I agree with (though I have more sympathy with the negatives quoted, at least at their literal surface). I think Campbell is worthless crap, a cheap knock-off of Eliade, from whom we should long ago have learned what there was to learn and moved on. I think the archetypes of the unconscious is a lot of mystical tripe. But this is hardly the place to argue the point.

The point, in fact, is that Christopher is dead right: there is very little professional agreement about what myth is, about how to analyze it, about how to identify it, or anything of the sort. And no degree of whatever sort can grant authority to proclaim on it in that sense. None.

Now as it happens, I do agree that children spinning weird yarns isn’t myth, and I do agree that gaming has never (that I know of) produced what I’d call myth. But frankly, who’s saying that it does? You use the phrase “straw man” – you have set one up and lit it afire. Nobody but you is claiming myth here strongly, so there’s no opponent.

Returning to the 3 points at the top, the distinction between myth and improvisation is, I think, quite worthless. One of the few points I think most scholars (though not all, to be sure) agree on is that myth is usually told quite improvisationally within oral cultures. (See, e.g., Parry, Lord, etc.) So that point appears analytically and empirically out of court as stated.

The archetypal unconscious, or collective unconscious, or all other Jungian (or semi-Jungian) claims of that sort have been much contested and problematized for some 50 or more years now. That seems to me one of the few fights Lévi-Strauss definitely won, though he was hardly the first or the last. So founding a myth concept on recognition of archetypes is in that sense baseless.

So What?
The point — my point at least — isn’t to refute your concept of myth. This isn’t the place, and I certainly don’t have the time. More to the point, it’s irrelevant to gaming, by your definition and that of most others here. I’ve made extensive arguments about bricolage and myth in relation to Sim gaming in particular, but I have contended throughout that this is a flat failure: that gaming is simply incapable of achieving myth.

Where that leaves us on myth is this: either you have to define myth formally and clearly, with examples probably, and then demonstrate that this is in some way relevant to gaming, or you might as well set it aside.

So Let’s Get Back to Your Logic
Doc Xero wrote: The player who likes to build a character that starts out intermeshed with the campaign continuity is the player who wants to operate from a framework of interaction with continuity. He or she wants the game master or the collective group to pre-construct a continuity or framework within which the player might ground his or her character
These two sentences are not connected. You ask us to look at your “syllogisms,” but as a syllogism this does not function. We have a player who wants to adhere to continuity, by your terms. Why does that mean that he “wants the game master or the collective group to pre-construct a continuity”? That’s unnecessary. One of the great arts of more free-wheeling gaming is to lay down the tracks just in front of the train, as it were. You’re claiming here that if the tracks aren’t pre-constructed, we cannot adhere to them.

Now on the opposite end, you construct a game-group’s nightmare:
Doctor Xero wrote: The player who likes to build a character but who has very little interest in knowing or fitting into campaign continuity is the player who operates from a framework of independence of continuity. He or she doesn't care what sort of world the game master or the collective group pre-construct so long as it doesn't get in the way of playing his or her character. Anything which gets in the way of his or her character gets in the way of his or her fun, so he or she wants the authority to remove it immediately, within reason.
So what’s on the other end? What you have put on the other end is a reasonable and sane player, but this one is a walking problem. He “doesn’t care” about a lot of things, including the pre-constructions which apparently always exist.

So, first of all, why are such pre-constructions necessary in the first place? Let’s just throw them out the window and do No Myth play.

Second, shouldn’t the opposite end be a kind of willing slave to the GM? I mean, if we’re going to construct extreme points, let’s actually keep them balanced.
Christopher Kubasik wrote: What I see so far is Doc saying, "The way I play is the play that produces the kind of play I like, which I call Myth. This play depends on the players not losing track of the continuity I have created, and keeping their input to a minimum to keep it from going off the rails."

There's nothing wrong with this, of course. Except when it lays larger claims to how RPGs "work" that are contradicted by dozens of threads in Actual Play.
Bingo. You have not demonstrated that your “theory” is applicable beyond your peculiar gaming range, which seems rather at odds with the experience of the majority voices here. If your style requires more formality, control, or authority, that’s great. Nobody is saying that’s bad. But you appear to be claiming that the contrary, the more open-ended and improvisational, is flatly incapable of doing things you consider large and important. So if your description of that end is inaccurate, that’s a major problem for your theory.
Bankuei wrote: And as I've stated before, and in line with what Chris K is saying- you're making blanket statements about roleplaying that several people, not just myself, have personal actual play experience that contradicts it. Producing those elements that you have mentioned has happens on a common basis with Universalis, Dust Devils, Inspectres to name a few games that have have the possibility of players altering the SIS at will, along with minimal or no discussion or planning to the myth patterns to be produced.
For example, these games run very freeform and improvisationally, and they do not run as your model describes. I wouldn't call this myth, but then I don't think RPGs can do myth at all in the first place, so that's a moot point.
Dr. Xero wrote: This is painfully close to an ad hominem approach. Instead of countering the logic of my argument, you simply set it aside while grotesquely straw manning it with comments about dogs sleeping with cats.
I disagree with your reading, but I hope I have addressed your arguments head-on and ended the “you said” “no I didn’t” portion of the debate.
Also, I get the distinct impression from your comments that you would prefer that everyone on The Forge hide his or her degrees and accomplishments under a bushel, for every time I support my creds by mentioning anything, you tend to choose to take it as an attack. I find that a very odd way of looking at the world, personally. If someone is telling me something I find hard to believe, I would prefer that he or she give me some reason why I should find his or her words more important than those of a child or the village idiot -- and, in that spirit of presenting credibility, I respectfully make reference to my own background.
This is a side issue, but the fact is that the same reason you want people to address your arguments is precisely why an argument from authority is a classical fallacy. I don’t give a damn what degrees you have, and I hope you don’t care which ones I have. I also hope you don’t assume that those who don’t mention degrees don’t have them, nor that they lack learning. But there are a lot of idiots with PhD’s out there, many of them in the academy. A degree is no proof of anything.
For example, are you claiming that you have never observed any gamer, whether on The Forge or not, express dismay when it turns out that a mystery doesn't really have a solution and the game master will let anyone make one up if it sounds reasonable? Are you claiming you have never observed any gamer care whether the puzzle he or she is working through has a real solution or not? Are you claiming you have never observed any gamer who insisted he or she know all about the campaign world before he or she built a character? Are you claiming you have never observed any gamer who didn't care one whit about the campaign world so long as he or she was able to play the character he or she wanted to play?
Nobody’s claiming these things. Straw men again. What we’re noting is that there is a difference between “never” and “not usually.” What we’re noting is that there is a big difference between all these points being correct for a particular game group and their being necessarily connected or linked. None of which you have responded to. I note, for example, that when I proposed a piece of very specific logical discussion here on the Forge, you made quite clear that you saw no need to go and remind yourself of its contents. Why, was it irrelevant? How do you know?
I also wonder how you or Christopher can state that your observations go against the idea that some people choose to embed their characters within a game's continuity and others choose not to? I would like a logical explanation of how a person can simultaneously not notice and not ignore continuity, followed by why you would consider said person the norm for roleplayers.
All games, like all social activities, exist within social and cultural norms. These cannot be ignored, nor set aside. They can, however, be forgotten about. This is quite a basic principle of the analysis of human behavior, actually. (See Durkheim and everyone since.) The norm, then, is that one simultaneously does not notice and yet does not ignore continuity. Now games further construct ranges of specific norms, through a procedure that I think is essentially ritualization. One would expect to see a simultaneous not-noticing and not-ignoring of these too. Anything else would require explanation and an account, as it would be extremely abnormal.
There are gamers who want to intertwine their characters into the official continuity of a campaign even before character creation. If there is no continuity prior to character creation, they can not do so. And there are gamers who don't care about any official continuity.
And there are also continuities that are constructed in-play. One can adhere to this, even without a prior continuity. This might be called constrained improvisation. When people talk about freeform gaming, that’s what they mean. Of course there must be some continuity. Of course there must also be some freedom. That's how humanity works.
Unless you are claiming you have never observed gamers such as those above, yes, such people exist, and yes, my theory explains the phenomenon.
Have I observed gamers who really have no interest in the game’s thematic, structural, symbolic, or whatever continuity? No, never. What kind of maniac would even play the game if he had no interest in any part of it?

Have I observed gamers who want to embed absolutely everything they do entirely within someone else’s prior construction and never, ever deviate? No, though I’ve heard about them. People usually refer to them with all sorts of negative epithets.

Does your theory explain the phenomenon? No, not that I can see. But by this formulation, at least, I see no phenomenon to explain.

Message 13958#148930

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On 1/21/2005 at 5:38pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Hi John,

To try to take this in a positive direction: Christopher, Bankuei -- how would you characterize the strengths and weaknesses of encouraging director stance in players? Are there any weaknesses (i.e. qualities like "sense of discovery")? Or would your position be that player director-stance is superior in every way for all cases?

Director stance is neither better nor worse for roleplaying- its a matter of taste. In regards to Doc's statements- all the feelings of pattern recognition, discovery- etc. can and do happen with director stance. That's the only point I'm making.


Message 13958#148996

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On 1/21/2005 at 5:56pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Hi Doc,

For example, are you claiming that you have never observed any gamer, whether on The Forge or not, express dismay when it turns out that a mystery doesn't really have a solution and the game master will let anyone make one up if it sounds reasonable? Are you claiming you have never observed any gamer care whether the puzzle he or she is working through has a real solution or not? Are you claiming you have never observed any gamer who insisted he or she know all about the campaign world before he or she built a character? Are you claiming you have never observed any gamer who didn't care one whit about the campaign world so long as he or she was able to play the character he or she wanted to play?

I have never made those claims.

I also wonder how you or Christopher can state that your observations go against the idea that some people choose to embed their characters within a game's continuity and others choose not to?

I have never stated that either.

I would like a logical explanation of how a person can simultaneously not notice and not ignore continuity, followed by why you would consider said person the norm for roleplayers.

And I have never claimed that someone would not notice it, not ignor it(?), and have never claimed that to be the norm for roleplaying.

Here is my only argument, restated for clarity, for you:

-"A sense of discovery, the pattern recognition, and the personal empowerment" are possible to acheive with little or no prepared or previously agreed upon elements and/or director stance shared by the group as a whole. I personally have experienced them as a regular feature of play. Others have equally attested to this in Actual play accounts. Therefore, your claim that

All the above leads to one possible conclusion : that the sense of discovery, the pattern recognition, and the personal empowerment which comes from those, all are impossible in those campaigns in which the gaming reality can be changed at any time by a player.

does not match SEVERAL people's observations.

I have stated my case and there's really nothing more on my part to say. If you care to discuss it further with me, you are free to clarify your position provided you can do so by giving me the common courtesy of reading my post without adding further "claims" or arguments that aren't there.

I would be very interested to hear illuminating examples of concrete accounts of play, observations that show us what manner of social posturing and memory revision is going on with folks who show up without a prepared set of elements, who then proceed to create them during play, and utilize director stance, and relate having experienced pattern recognition, discovery of myth themes in play, and personal empowerment- I'd like to hear exactly what they are doing to mystify themselves and revise their experiences. It would be an insightful look into the power of human conditioning.


Message 13958#149003

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On 1/21/2005 at 6:29pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Well, Chris and Chris already... you know, said everything I possibly could have said in reply. And said it better than I could have.

But I feel compelled to point out those bits in the last post where Chris (Bankuei) says, "I never said that" -- I never said those things either. I have no idea where Doc's coming from in those last couple of posts of his.


I do think there's something interesting to be said about the different sense of "discovery" that occurrs in a Participationsim game. I know of a group that is more than happy to let the GM guide them through all sorts of astounding locations, situations and set-pieces one session after another. And certainly I've enjoyed that sense of interacting with the world beyond my ability to retro-fit it to my own designs and piece together the GM's imagination and thinking.

But in this thread the discovery of what exactly is a tangle of yarn. (For example, I'd have no idea if I was finding "mythic" thinking; I always assumed I was piecing together what the GM's brain was like last Tuesday when he prepped the game.)

Perhaps the discussion of this one specific aspect of play could be brought up somewhere else. For now, I think there's too much vague and muddled baggage attached to the concept. (cf. all of the points made by Chris and Chris above.)



Message 13958#149012

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On 1/21/2005 at 7:12pm, Marco wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Christopher Kubasik wrote:

I do think there's something interesting to be said about the different sense of "discovery" that occurrs in a Participationsim game. I know of a group that is more than happy to let the GM guide them through all sorts of astounding locations, situations and set-pieces one session after another. And certainly I've enjoyed that sense of interacting with the world beyond my ability to retro-fit it to my own designs and piece together the GM's imagination and thinking.



Are you limiting this to text-book hard-core Participationism (i.e. the players are simply being told a story and sometimes roll dice, where the numbers that come up have no effect on said story) or just using that term as a traditional players-and-GM's set up?


Message 13958#149018

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On 1/21/2005 at 7:25pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Hi Marco,

Like I said, if someone wants to get a new thread going on this specific matter, I'll add what I can in terms of observations.

But I don't think this is the thread to do it.



Message 13958#149021

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On 1/21/2005 at 7:51pm, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Bankuei wrote: Here is my only argument, restated for clarity, for you:

-"A sense of discovery, the pattern recognition, and the personal empowerment" are possible to acheive with little or no prepared or previously agreed upon elements and/or director stance shared by the group as a whole. I personally have experienced them as a regular feature of play.

Sorry, Chris, but the above is logically absurd.

A person can not discover something that does not already exist. To claim otherwise is logically absurd. To discover something is not the same as to invent or create.
World Book Dictionary wrote: Discover, invent mean to find something not known before. Discover means to find or find out something that already existed, but was not known about or had not been seen . . . Invent means to make or work out something that did not exist before . . .
By definition, your statement about a sense of discovery being possible to achieve with little or no prepared or previously agreed upon elements etc. makes no sense.

A person can not recognize a pattern if there is no data within which to find said pattern. To claim otherwise is logically absurd.
Duin in the Pattern Recognition Files wrote: Pattern recognition is the research area that studies the operation and design of systems that recognize patterns in data.
(I don't have my Gibson nor other psychology and epistemology books near me at the university, so I'm settling for a definition from the web.)
By definition, your statement about the pattern recognition being possible to achieve with little or no prepared or previously agreed upon elements etc. makes no sense.

There are many kinds of personal empowerment. That specific personal empowerment which comes from discovery and/or pattern recognition is not possible in situations which lack both anything to discover and any patterns to recognize. Now you have, as plainly as I can put it, the chain of reasoning through which I dispute your claims.

If you can explain to me how you avoid the above logical absurdities, perhaps I will know how to translate more effectively into terms you would be more comfortable with. I would appreciate your insights on this, so that I might learn.

Doctor Xero

P.S. For the record, I have focused on the importance of framing via an interaction with continuity because a large proportion of the threads I have encountered indicate that many Forge posters are already quite familiar with framing via an independence from continuity. I have run both healthy games with a strong pre-existing continuity and healthy games with a malleable continuity. Although I prefer to play characters who are embedded within the game setting, I have also occasionally played characters who could be easily transferred from one campaign to another. I have witnessed many others who have done the same. It has been quite common among AD-&-D aficionadoes, for example, to have characters who can be pulled out for any campaign they encounter. I am not condemning one type for the other ; I am pointing out that different frameworks have different benefits, with the obvious conclusion that if you want certain benefits (discovery not invention, pattern recognition, the Tolkienian definition of myth) you need to make certain your are utilizing the proper framework.

Anyone who chooses to infer a condemnation of one type over the other is implanting said condemnation himself or herself. That you choose to infer it does not mean I implied it.

Also, while I have encountered dysfunctional players, particularly at conventions, I have also played with some of the most talented and good-spirited gamers it could be any gamer's good fortune to meet.

In other words, I request that no one make any further assumptions about the sorts of gaming I've experienced nor any further aspersions against the quality of players with whom I have gamed.


Message 13958#149025

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On 1/21/2005 at 8:17pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Hi Doc,

You are correct, it is impossible to actually discover something that does not yet exist. The key point is "A sense of discovery". The sense, or feeling of, does not need to correspond to the actuality of it. As you yourself pointed out- a GM could totally make up the clues on the spot, and the group can accept those and have the "sense of discovery" without actual discovery.

How does this work when the group consciously knows that things are being made up on the spot? The fact is, that each person capable of producing input is already strategizing ways to fulfill their personal agendas, either within the immediate moment, or the future.

I may not, for instance, know what kinds of events are going to happen in Universalis, but I do know that you, as a fellow player, may already have a scheme, plan, or series of plot points that will lead somewhere interesting. My sense of discovery manifests in seeing where you are trying to take events in play, your input, your take on things. Likewise for every other player at the table concerning every player's input.

As far as pattern recognition goes- you have already pointed out that many things people do reference and echo pre-existing archtypes and patterns. The pattern that is recognized is the one produced in play. To give an example, people playing Go have no idea what the final result or board will look like. As they play, patterns are created, that they recognize and react to. Likewise, in actual play itself, players produce archtypes and patterns in behavior. The interaction of the players and the events create patterns to be recognized.

So what is the difference between a predetermined set of elements to create a pattern and one created through play? As far as recognizing a pattern- there is none. If the GM has a set of clues for us to find- we see a pattern and we recognize it. If the GM makes up the clues, we recognize a pattern(either being spontaneously produced by the GM, or imagined and projected on our part). If we all produce the elements in play, patterns emerge and we as a group recognize and either reinforce or attempt to change the patterns that emerge. This happens in Universalis on a fairly regular basis.

There are many kinds of personal empowerment. That specific personal empowerment which comes from discovery and/or pattern recognition is not possible in situations which lack both anything to discover and any patterns to recognize. Now you have, as plainly as I can put it, the chain of reasoning through which I dispute your claims.

If you are claiming that there is a specific brand of sense of discovery, pattern recognition and personal empowerment that comes from predetermined elements- that is specifically different from other types of sense of discovery, etc. - then I would say we're not in disagreement and we have suffered a confusion in communication. I would be interested in hearing exactly how, for the purposes of play, this brand differs from the others other than simply play preference and what effects that has in terms of play.

If, on the other hand, you are saying that sense of discovery, pattern recognition, and personal empowerment are completely impossible for games that utilize conscious director stance on part of the group- then no, you have still to produce solid examples counteracting several accounts to the contrary.


Message 13958#149027

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On 1/21/2005 at 9:12pm, clehrich wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Doctor Xero wrote:
Bankuei wrote: Here is my only argument, restated for clarity, for you:

-"A sense of discovery, the pattern recognition, and the personal empowerment" are possible to acheive with little or no prepared or previously agreed upon elements and/or director stance shared by the group as a whole. I personally have experienced them as a regular feature of play.
Sorry, Chris, but the above is logically absurd.

A person can not discover something that does not already exist. To claim otherwise is logically absurd. To discover something is not the same as to invent or create.
To follow up on Chris's (Bankuei's) remarks, we have to remember that gaming is a purely social phenomenon. As such, any patterns discovered are at base social ones, i.e. humanly-constructed ones.

One of the central arguments about myth formulated by Levi-Strauss in particular, by which I am persuaded, is that it is largely a matter of inventing and also discovering patterns of meaning. This happens through the manipulation of both natural (non-humanly-constructed) objects and cultural (humanly-constructed) ones. We juxtapose these within a larger framework, commonly narrative, and "discover" patterns -- but really, we are inventing them.

For example, the Murngin myth of the two Wawilak sisters who are destroyed by the great snake is mapped onto the rainfall patterns in Arnhem-land, where the Murngin lived. To cut to the chase, they impose a human meaning onto a natural pattern. Because they do this through a mythic procedure, they appear (to themselves) to discover a pattern already present, whereas from an exterior perspective it is clear that they are imposing (inventing) meaning by formulating an analogy.
Levi-Strauss wrote: Nature is not in itself contradictory. It can become so only in terms of some specific human activity which takes part in it; and the characteristics of the environment take on a different meaning according to the particular historical and technical form assumed in it by this or that type of activity. On the other hand, even when raised to that human level which alone can make them intelligible, man's relations with his natural environment remain objects of thought: man never perceives them passively; having reduced them to concepts, he compounds them in order to arrive at a system which is never determined in advance: the same situation can always be systematized in various ways.
[La pensee sauvage (trans. as The Savage Mind), ch. 3]

All of which means that improvisational invention is entirely capable of constructing a sense of discovery. Indeed, from Levi-Strauss's point of view -- and I would agree -- this is one of the strongest markers of how mythic thought works.

Thus it appears that the best case to prove Chris's point that this is in no way logically absurd is myth, whether we take a Campbell-Eliade-Jung sort of archetypal reading (which I think is nonsense, but even so) or a structuralist perspective, which denies from the outset the possibility of such archetypes.

Message 13958#149035

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On 1/21/2005 at 9:25pm, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Bankuei wrote: Hi Doc,

You are correct, it is impossible to actually discover something that does not yet exist. The key point is "A sense of discovery". The sense, or feeling of, does not need to correspond to the actuality of it. As you yourself pointed out- a GM could totally make up the clues on the spot, and the group can accept those and have the "sense of discovery" without actual discovery.

Ah! I now understand the point you are making.

I concur with you that the sense does not have to correspond to the actuality of it. From your perspective, my argument about discovery must have seemed irrelevant, yes?

However, I have also encountered a large number of players whose enjoyment of a game hinges upon their believing that both sense and the actuality are one and the same in a particular game. I have known many game masters who have heard intelligent, healthy roleplayers tell them, "I don't want to play in your mystery scenario unless there really is a solution already, unless there really will be clues, and unless there really is a chance that no one will be able to solve the mystery." I have encountered this among both brilliant roleplayers and dysfunctional players, and I have encountered it frequently in conventions across the country, so I do not consider these players to be unusual but rather players whose preferences deserve to be taken into account.

It makes sense, if you think about it. Puzzling out a problem uses different abilities than does creative invention. A player who wants the fun of puzzling something out will be disappointed if he doesn't get that.

Can you see how, from their perspective, it does make a difference?

Bankuei wrote: How does this work when the group consciously knows that things are being made up on the spot? The fact is, that each person capable of producing input is already strategizing ways to fulfill their personal agendas, either within the immediate moment, or the future.

Again, I agree. However, there are also many players who are don't want that, or at least they want to know up front about it. I don't discount the pleasure of such gaming -- I've done it myself. I simply argue that there are other gaming pleasures which are denied by that particular type of gaming.

Bankuei wrote: As far as pattern recognition goes- you have already pointed out that many things people do reference and echo pre-existing archtypes and patterns.
So what is the difference between a predetermined set of elements to create a pattern and one created through play? As far as recognizing a pattern- there is none.

Again, I concur, but . . . (I hope this pattern is not bothering you. *wry half-grin*)

In terms of game play, well, it depends upon whether the player wants to tease out or puzzle out the theme or underlying patterns of the campaign because, well, knowledge is power. If I understand how something works, I am empowered by that understanding. If I understand it and another player does not (or his or her character does not), I have a level of empowerment he/she does not, which I might either use to my advantage (a classical gamist response) or might use through my character's mentoring his/her character (more of a simulationist response) or either (narrativist? I'm unsure).

In the writings of the scholars of mythology and the fantastical whom I had quoted at the beginning of this thread, one point made was the idea that understanding a pattern empowers -- knowledge is power. (Of the multilayered definings of myth, that is the layer to which I referred, as I imagine my choice of quotes had made clear.) Identifying this pattern for material power has been a recurrent thread in writings on magic and alchemy.

I will provide you two gaming examples. I recall being in a game in which the players were vampire hunters interested in spell-casting (not a World of Darkness campaign, so there were no libraries of gaming books and supplements for us). One of the players played an atheist who considered vampirism a physical condition ; one played a nontheist metaphysicist who saw vampirism as magical not spiritual ; one played a religious Christian who saw vampirism as a spiritual blight ; another played a religious Christian who saw vampirism as demonic possession of a corpse ; etc. Our characters were reluctantly cooperating, not a team, so there was an element of competitive discovery among characters despite player cooperation. In this game, the key to empowerment over the vampires was the discovery of the metaphysics under which they functioned -- in doing so, recognizing the mythic or metaphysic pattern of the game world. After all, if your character has proof positive that the vampire has met Jesus Christ and that Jesus Christ has power specifically as the Messiah etc., you through your character have recognized that this campaign operates under a Christian metaphysics, which will empower your character in a way denied to characters who try to utilize Babylonian metaphysics in this Christian campaign setting.

Later on, we played under a different game master. She loved the basic motif of vampires, but she really had no investment one way or the other in the metaphysics underlying them. If we had decided simply to kill off the vampires with fire and stakes, it wouldn't have mattered. However, after playing under the first game master, we were primed to look for an underlying metaphysical pattern to empower us against those vampires (and in all subsequent magic-working in this campaign). So she admitted to us that she had no idea what the metaphysics was, and whatever metaphysics we could convince her (or the group), that would turn out to be the correct one. Now we went from puzzler mindset to persuader mindset! It was great fun, but it was still a quite different experience from the earlier vampire game, and while the first had rewarded players who were skilled with investigation and logic games, this second one rewarded players who were skilled with argument and persuasion.

I label these differences as frameworks primarily because it seemed the least loaded term I could find (so many good terms already have specific meanings on The Forge!).

The other difference comes from my experiences, and the experiences related to me by others, of character creation.

Sometimes game masters will ask each player to build a character which fits in particularly well with the theme being explored (narrativist) or the setting (simulationist). They want players to make sure their characters are constructed to interact with or inflect those premises or settings.

Sometimes game masters will ask each player to build a character which is not dependent upon any particular setting (this often means we will be playing duck-out-of-water or strangers-in-a-strange-land campaigns) and/or which is not dependent upon any particular theme.

If I want to build a character which fits in particularly well with the theme or setting, I need that theme or setting to already be there. And, like many of Allston's gamer types, I often enjoy building characters who fit in well. I've met many others who feel the same.

If I want to build a character who fits in anywhere, I don't need to know the theme nor setting. This can also be fun, although for me it's not as much fun. In such cases, once the campaign is being played out, I will go out of my way to create relationships between my character and other PCs and NPCs so that I still feel as though my character is connected into this campaign.

Bankuei wrote: If you are claiming that there is a specific brand of sense of discovery, pattern recognition and personal empowerment that comes from predetermined elements- that is specifically different from other types of sense of discovery, etc. - then I would say we're not in disagreement and we have suffered a confusion in communication.

Yes, that is what I have been claiming from the very beginning.

I had thought my starting off with quotes would prep the reader for just such a thing. That's how many of the works I've read begin. In this case, however, it seems to have confused a number of people.

Bankuei wrote: I would be interested in hearing exactly how, for the purposes of play, this brand differs from the others other than simply play preference and what effects that has in terms of play.

I hope my above example involving the two vampire campaigns does just that. If it does not, please ask further.

Bankuei wrote: If, on the other hand, you are saying that sense of discovery, pattern recognition, and personal empowerment are completely impossible for games that utilize conscious director stance on part of the group- then no, you have still to produce solid examples counteracting several accounts to the contrary.

I am claiming specifically that technical discovery is impossible in such situations, not that sense of discovery is impossible, as you yourself point out at the beginning of this post. I am stating that pattern recognition of the sort which occurred in the first vampire game and of the sort which occurs in character creation when a player is aiming for a character who is already embedded in the setting or already embodies the premise before even the first moment of play, that this pattern recognition is impossible in such situations. I am arguing that personal empowerment which comes from those specific phenomena of discovery (not sense of discovery) and pattern recognition of the sort described is dependent upon those phenomena and therefore logically is impossible without them.

That is what I have been claiming all along, but apparently there has been miscommunication. While I love and study mythology, and while I still have difficulty conceiving how my quotes from Tolkien et al. (and not Levi-Strauss, for example) did not clarify the mythology perspective from which I wrote, it seems that while I have been away from The Forge the term "myth" has accrued baggage and perhaps even become springloaded, so I regret bringing it in until after the initial theory had been successfully communicated.

Doctor Xero

Message 13958#149038

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On 1/22/2005 at 12:26am, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Hi Doc,

A question.

You wrote:

"For the record, I have focused on the importance of framing via an interaction with continuity because a large proportion of the threads I have encountered indicate that many Forge posters are already quite familiar with framing via an independence from continuity. I have run both healthy games with a strong pre-existing continuity and healthy games with a malleable continuity. Although I prefer to play characters who are embedded within the game setting, I have also occasionally played characters who could be easily transferred from one campaign to another."

Now I may be misreading this. Or it may be a matter of different ideas being packed into a single paragraph... So I want to check.

Are you saying that in the threads you've read on the Forge, many posters are running games where characters could easily be transferred from one campaign to another?



Message 13958#149075

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On 1/22/2005 at 3:45am, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Hi Doc,

Seems like a big ballyhoo of miscommunication for both of us. I apologize for taking such a harsh stance- I was completely misreading what you were saying. I concur that for players(also counting GMs) who enjoy having a prescripted mystery or imaginary elements to be uncovered that it is contingent upon those things already existing, and I recognize that there is a type of enjoyment to be had from that.

I am claiming specifically that technical discovery is impossible in such situations, not that sense of discovery is impossible, as you yourself point out at the beginning of this post. I am stating that pattern recognition of the sort which occurred in the first vampire game and of the sort which occurs in character creation when a player is aiming for a character who is already embedded in the setting or already embodies the premise before even the first moment of play, that this pattern recognition is impossible in such situations. I am arguing that personal empowerment which comes from those specific phenomena of discovery (not sense of discovery) and pattern recognition of the sort described is dependent upon those phenomena and therefore logically is impossible without them.

With the misunderstanding cleared up, this is as obvious as stating "People who like chocolate, like chocolate." Obviously if a major point of play is the uncovering, then anything else won't be as satisfactory(in that regard). Did you have something further to elaborate on, or did you happen to see confusion about that somewhere?

Regarding the idea that elements ought to fit together in a way that the group enjoys- I agree. The only argument I have made in regards to that is that creating the elements can be part of play itself, and do not necessarily need to be done before play. The reason I've pointed to Universalis so much is that it is one of the clearest examples of that. You begin with nothing, not even a genre, setting, or anything, and as part of play construct that. The group as a whole works together(or against each other) in order to produce the elements that fit together(according to the group's asthetic and preferences).


Message 13958#149084

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On 1/22/2005 at 7:44am, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Doctor Xero wrote: A person can not discover something that does not already exist. To claim otherwise is logically absurd. To discover something is not the same as to invent or create....

A person can not recognize a pattern if there is no data within which to find said pattern. To claim otherwise is logically absurd....

That specific personal empowerment which comes from discovery and/or pattern recognition is not possible in situations which lack both anything to discover and any patterns to recognize. Now you have, as plainly as I can put it, the chain of reasoning through which I dispute your claims.

If you can explain to me how you avoid the above logical absurdities, perhaps I will know how to translate more effectively into terms you would be more comfortable with.

Sometimes when my brain seems to be skipping tracks and I need a mental break, I'll open a paint program on my computer and start doodling on the screen.

I am not a visual artist, and have only minimal training in the field, so I'm really just dabbing at the electronic canvas. I usually use tools like line makers, boxes, circles, and fill. I'll pick a place to start, and plop an object there--not quite randomly selected, but chosen according to mood.

At this point, there is the beginning of a pattern. There's not enough to know anything about it. But I'll add another object, and another--and by the time I've got three or four objects on the board, the image starts to have a sense of balance and proportion, one which is at this point imperfect. I have discovered a pattern emerging from the elements I have placed. I proceed to place the next element in accord with the pattern I have perceived. As I do, this reveals to me more of the pattern, as I can now see other points on the canvas which require attention to bring the pattern out more fully.

I am creating the pattern, but I am also discovering it. It exists, but in an incomplete form. As I complete it, I discover more of it.

I don't see the logical absurdity in this. As we create elements in our game worlds, they enhance the existing pattern. As they enhance that pattern, we perceive the enhancements and so discover new facets in what we have done, aspects we did not intend which nevertheless spring from our creation. That is, beginning with a few random elements, people perceive a partial pattern, discovering what is there; we then add to it something we believe fits the pattern, and in so doing we enhance the pattern and discover more of it, which enables us to build further and discover more. We create the data, and we discover unexpected patterns within the data.

Last week's Game Ideas Unlimited article posed an idea for a game that sprang from some discussions here. The idea was to approach science fiction not as a futuristic setting but as an exploration of the impact of technology on the world. At the beginning, players create characters in a modern world, or a world close enough to modern that everyone present can have a clear conception of what that world is like. Then one select technological advance is introduced, and characters begin deciding how this impacts their lives, what they do with it, what other people do with it that affects them. Another advance is introduced, and play continues to examine this new technology, also considering how it interacts with the old one. One by one new technologies are introduced which change the world; players explore the impact of those changes.

In this game, patterns are created by the input of the players; they are also discovered by the observations of the players. Someone might suddenly realize that the combination of laptop computer components, microprojection systems, voice recognition software and cellular telephones means that they can construct a computer that is part of their clothing and so be online every waking hour. That is the discovery of a pattern that emerged from the data; it is also a creation by the player who made the discovery. The potential for that device was there, in the data; the discovery of the pattern came from connecting the dots--like looking at a Rorshach drawing and seeing something of interest, except that in this case the elements perceived really did form a pattern quite unexpectedly.
Doctor Xero later wrote: However, I have also encountered a large number of players whose enjoyment of a game hinges upon their believing that both sense and the actuality are one and the same in a particular game.

I don't think anyone is challenging whether such players exist. I, too, have known such players. What is being challenged is whether the three elements you have linked are necessarily linked.

Consider this. Many narrativist games use strong elements of director stance. Vincent suggests, and rightly so, that with a well-constructed character who fits into a premise-rich world you could play a narrativist game completely in actor stance. Similarly, in Applied Theory, I suggested that you could play a simulationist game in heavy director stance--it's just not commonly done for very evident reasons, and a lot of people who do play as simulationists wouldn't like it. Thus it's clear that linking director stance to narrativism and actor stance to simulationism is a correct generalization, but incorrect as a rule.

Similarly, it seems fairly evident that the question of whether the continuity/fidelity spectrum, the division of credibilty spectrum, and the myth versus improvisation spectrum are in any way linked is the foundation of the argument. You seem to be saying that because there are players who want to be at one specific end on all three of these spectra, the spectra must be linked. Others are merely saying that there are players who want to be at one end on some of these and the other end on others, which sufficiently demonstrates that the three are not linked--it only happens that for a specific type of play they require a specific setting, which is virtually tautologous: to play this way, you have to play this way.

I hope this is helpful.

--M. J. Young

Message 13958#149092

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On 1/22/2005 at 2:56pm, Marco wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

I think the terms "sense of discovery" vs. "discovering" may be a bit misleading since the primary element of roleplaying is seen (here) as exploration. In other words, all roleplaying (exploration) must (in the lexicon) lead to some sense of discovery.

In this thread the concept of dice being used to "objectify" 'the challenge' came up.

The idea, if I understood it (it was advanced by Gareth) was that dice served to give the players (and GM) a sense of a reality that existed beyond their control.

Now, I realize this only applied in the thread to 'challenge' but I think that this concept applies across all interactions of a person (GM or player) and with SIS.

I think this is a more valuable way to look at player's relations to SIS than "discovery" or even "sense of discovery."

The mystery game is a perfect example of this. I have a book called The Dollhouse Murders which is a text, with pictures, of training scenarios used for forensic pathologists. In each picture (in the class they are dioramas) there is a crime scene with a murdered doll. Although I have not gotten through it yet, I believe that as a reader and observer, I can solve these murders or reach logical conclusions about 'what happened' in the imaginary crime.

In other words, there are patterns of information (visual and textual clues) and a imaginary reality behind them.

If the patterns match to the later-disclosed (seemingly reasonable) reality, we say the game is consistent or plausible.

If we do not create the patterns then (as we do not, when dealing with such things in reality) then it becomes more "objectified" (to borrow the term).

How one relates to this says a lot though.

Let's say I examine the evidence and come up with a conclusion. It does not match the author's but is still (somehow) consistent with the clues.

Joe: "That's absurd. Nothing really happened. It's all an imaginary construction."
Fred: "Something specific happened. Your answer, although logical, is not correct."
Jones: "Well, if it matches the clues then it's right. It doesn't matter that some author guy had a different idea."

In 'reality' only Fred is right. In an RPG, any of them may be right--but how we react to the game and to patterns of information in the game will say a lot about how we play.

I think rather than 'discovery' this has to do with 'immersion' or, if you don't like the term immersion, with my relation to the SIS as a real space.

Yes, I need a GM moderator, but if I'm making up who the murderer is and I 'can't be wrong about my conclusions unless we all decide I'm wrong' then I'll relate to it far less as an "objective reality" than as a book I'm writing.

I think there is a tendency to conflate one of these views with some kind of GM Force or Participationism (although I don't know if that's what happened here).


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Message 13958#149101

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On 1/22/2005 at 3:58pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Hi Marco,

I have returned, to pull back the curtain and reveal my big answer to your question! (Swish!)

I am not conflating what you're talking about, and what Doc's talking about, with Participationsim. I'm sorry if I gave that impression.

If we had continue this matter on another thread, I would have said that your issue (and one of the MANY issues Doc has brought up) can be summed up with Bankuei's word: "uncovering."

I think "uncovering" is perfect here.

I think that this notion of unocovering, however, whether it be a murder mystery, a metaphysical issue, or whatever, is easily independent of so many other factors that I cannot for the life of me see how much else got tied to it.

That's it, dude. No big ta' do. I refered to a specif Participationism game covered other aspects of Doc's requests: games where the PCs fit the environment; games where the Players didn't muck about with the game world very much at all.

This aspect of "uncovering" -- while part of the thread since the murder mystery example -- has not been what the whole of the thread has been about. For example, Doc referenced the Torg Cards early on. Well, none of those Cards would (or could) influence either a Murder Case or the underlying Metaphysics the GM had put on the world.

As Bunkuei has just pointed out, this specific matter -- the idea that there's something concrete to be uncovered simply isn't that big a deal. Whether you're playing Sorcerer, Riddle of Steel, The Pool, HeroQuest and a host of other games that allow (if not demand) plenty of player empowerment, the GM can create a murder mystery or underlying metaphysics that the players can uncover without any of them bumping it iota from the place where the GM placed it.

Other games would not allow this, for a variety of reasons. Universalis, for examples, allows the players to bid on the nature of reality. And even if "rules" are established for the murder or reality, there's nothing for the players to uncover.

In the case of HeroQuest with Glorantha, the setting itself demands the metaphysics is in flux. It is a war to determine the the metaphysics of the place. So the players can determine the metaphysics. That's why the group would choose to play the Hero Wars. (However, the GM could still, if he wished, impose a meta-metaphysics the their players either pursue or don't. (This would be to the group's tasted.))

Significanly, again, even in Glorantha, a murder mytery would be a murder mystery would be a murder mystery -- if the GM set it up as such. The rules simply would not allow the players to "make up" the solution, and if the group simply didn't use techniques that allowed the players to make up the solution, then it wouldn't happen that way.

And people -- on these boards, in the actual post threads, play in the aforementioned ways -- all the time. And I'm sure Doc plays this way.

The difference is where one sets the dials on play to make it work.

But all these things -- murder mysteries, metaphysical mysteries, character design connected to setting, directorial and authorial stances in play, prepared narratives ahead of time, loose preperation of backstory ahead of time, "patterns" of "mythic" stories -- are all different dials that Doc says need to be linked.

I say no. They don't need to be linked. They do need to be linked enough to satisfy the Creative Agenda of the group (as Doc has done to satisfy his group). But that is a completely different matter.

That's why, Marco, I reffered to a Partitcipationism game. Because I was discussing Doc's strong preference for continuity that couldn't be broken by players. I was saying great. I hadn't even touched on "uncovering". But let's do that now.

"Myst"-like, a GM could run a group of players through an astounding series of adventures and, in the offering of images, encounters and idea, let them uncover the world's underlying metaphysics.

But the GM could do the same thing wihtout any metaphysical agenda.

In another case, the uncovering of a game world's metaphyisics could be offered up with the players engaged in full Narratvist play, tossing in all sorts of details via author and director stance -- that "bumped into" the world's concrete metaphysics -- and these would be clues, too.

But its just as important that a group of cosmic misfit PCs (as silly as the players could concieve them -- the ninja, the dragon, the space cowboy) could still uncover a mystery carefully laid out by the GM. The fact that the PCs had no business being together would probably blow a metaphysical mystery, but not a murder mystery. The murder mystery would go off without a hitch -- though aethestic sensibilities would probably suffer.

In other words, you can get freakish with some aspects of the continuit dial, and still have a honet to god murder mystery to solve. (Could Bugs Bunny solver an actual murder myster, zipping off screen to change costumes, with Basil Rathbone showing up in a one second cameo for a laugh? Yes.)

As M.J. just pointed out, and others have pointed out before, there a ton of independent issues that Doc has joined at the hips.

I'm not saying he shouldn't do this. He's found his dials for a type of play he enjoys. That's a good thing. But there's nothing inherently connected about them. The balance of the dials he's found works for him. But it's not the only way to set the dials.

When he says he's read all these threads around here where everyone apparently has a preference for ignoring "continuity" and inherently precluding any sense of "discovery" I am boggled. (If that's what he means. I look look forward to his anwer to my question in my last post.).

Whether or not other people have said the GM Force is required to build a solid murder mystery, Marco, I am not one of those people. I am, in fact, arguing something quite the opposite: that there a gazillion ways to set all this stuff up.

What's at stake is not the techniques and whether or not they'll work together. What's at stake is the sensibilities and tastes of the players: they'll pull together the pieces that satisify them. It may not be what another group needs or wants, but to that group it works just right.

The strange part is only when someone says, "This is the only way to provide a game with X is to do A, B, and C." when a bunch of people reply, "Actually, we can get X by doing C, D, and E." Then the first person says, "No, you're not doing X. You're doing Y. I've read your posts, you're doing Y."



Message 13958#149105

Previous & subsequent topics...
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...from around 1/22/2005

On 1/24/2005 at 2:18am, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Bankuei wrote: With the misunderstanding cleared up, this is as obvious as stating "People who like chocolate, like chocolate." Obviously if a major point of play is the uncovering, then anything else won't be as satisfactory(in that regard). Did you have something further to elaborate on, or did you happen to see confusion about that somewhere?

To be honest, many of the posts to this thread feel like one long exercise in intentional confusion about it.

See the rest of this particular post for my elaborations.

Christopher Kubasik wrote: the idea that there's something concrete to be uncovered simply isn't that big a deal.

For some people, it is.

This concept is necessary if for no other reason than to point out what I would have hoped would be obvious -- that we should not simply restrict ourselves to the interests of one type of gamer and discount or refuse to recognize the interests of other types.

The concept is necessary if for no other reason than the need to remember that, for some players, the notion that there's something to be uncovered is a big deal!

Marco wrote: if I'm making up who the murderer is and I 'can't be wrong about my conclusions unless we all decide I'm wrong' then I'll relate to it far less as an "objective reality" than as a book I'm writing.


My thoughts about frameworks have been an effort to put forth a vocabulary which enables us to take that (and the other issues I've brought up apropos character creation et al.) into account when designing a game.

Chris, Marco, a game aimed towards players who prefer a strong framework of interaction with the continuity is going to need a large section focusing specifically on either a) a pre-established setting or premise or b) involved advice on how the game master or group consensus can develop such a continuity, usually ahead of time so that said framework can be interacted with even as part of character creation.

A game aimed towards players who prefer a strong framework of independence from the continuity is going to need instead a large section focusing specifically on either a) how to adjudicate incorporating changes into the continuity as the game moves onward (such as bidding rules) or b) rigorous explanation of how to build characters which can be moved into any campaign.

Anyone who has difficult imagining b needs to take a look at a little game called Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. Following official rules, I can build a character on my own and fit that character into any other official game I encounter, at conventions or at the neighborhood game shop or wherever, with not one change to said character -- all because that character has not been embedded in a specific continuity.

Of course, just as many games are aimed at both simulationists and narrativists or even those plus gamist, many games are aimed at both frameworks.

Christopher Kubasik wrote: But it's not the only way to set the dials.

No, but it is one way, and that way needs to be recognized.

If there is further confusion, I suggest you read again the following and address your confusion based upon that.
Doctor Xero wrote:
Bankuei wrote: As far as pattern recognition goes- you have already pointed out that many things people do reference and echo pre-existing archtypes and patterns.
So what is the difference between a predetermined set of elements to create a pattern and one created through play? As far as recognizing a pattern- there is none.

Again, I concur, but . . . (I hope this pattern is not bothering you. *wry half-grin*)

In terms of game play, well, it depends upon whether the player wants to tease out or puzzle out the theme or underlying patterns of the campaign because, well, knowledge is power. If I understand how something works, I am empowered by that understanding. If I understand it and another player does not (or his or her character does not), I have a level of empowerment he/she does not, which I might either use to my advantage (a classical gamist response) or might use through my character's mentoring his/her character (more of a simulationist response) or either (narrativist? I'm unsure).

In the writings of the scholars of mythology and the fantastical whom I had quoted at the beginning of this thread, one point made was the idea that understanding a pattern empowers -- knowledge is power. (Of the multilayered definings of myth, that is the layer to which I referred, as I imagine my choice of quotes had made clear.) Identifying this pattern for material power has been a recurrent thread in writings on magic and alchemy.

I will provide you two gaming examples. I recall being in a game in which the players were vampire hunters interested in spell-casting (not a World of Darkness campaign, so there were no libraries of gaming books and supplements for us). One of the players played an atheist who considered vampirism a physical condition ; one played a nontheist metaphysicist who saw vampirism as magical not spiritual ; one played a religious Christian who saw vampirism as a spiritual blight ; another played a religious Christian who saw vampirism as demonic possession of a corpse ; etc. Our characters were reluctantly cooperating, not a team, so there was an element of competitive discovery among characters despite player cooperation. In this game, the key to empowerment over the vampires was the discovery of the metaphysics under which they functioned -- in doing so, recognizing the mythic or metaphysic pattern of the game world. After all, if your character has proof positive that the vampire has met Jesus Christ and that Jesus Christ has power specifically as the Messiah etc., you through your character have recognized that this campaign operates under a Christian metaphysics, which will empower your character in a way denied to characters who try to utilize Babylonian metaphysics in this Christian campaign setting.

Later on, we played under a different game master. She loved the basic motif of vampires, but she really had no investment one way or the other in the metaphysics underlying them. If we had decided simply to kill off the vampires with fire and stakes, it wouldn't have mattered. However, after playing under the first game master, we were primed to look for an underlying metaphysical pattern to empower us against those vampires (and in all subsequent magic-working in this campaign). So she admitted to us that she had no idea what the metaphysics was, and whatever metaphysics we could convince her (or the group), that would turn out to be the correct one. Now we went from puzzler mindset to persuader mindset! It was great fun, but it was still a quite different experience from the earlier vampire game, and while the first had rewarded players who were skilled with investigation and logic games, this second one rewarded players who were skilled with argument and persuasion.

I label these differences as frameworks primarily because it seemed the least loaded term I could find (so many good terms already have specific meanings on The Forge!).

The other difference comes from my experiences, and the experiences related to me by others, of character creation.

Sometimes game masters will ask each player to build a character which fits in particularly well with the theme being explored (narrativist) or the setting (simulationist). They want players to make sure their characters are constructed to interact with or inflect those premises or settings.

Sometimes game masters will ask each player to build a character which is not dependent upon any particular setting (this often means we will be playing duck-out-of-water or strangers-in-a-strange-land campaigns) and/or which is not dependent upon any particular theme.

If I want to build a character which fits in particularly well with the theme or setting, I need that theme or setting to already be there. And, like many of Allston's gamer types, I often enjoy building characters who fit in well. I've met many others who feel the same.

If I want to build a character who fits in anywhere, I don't need to know the theme nor setting. This can also be fun, although for me it's not as much fun. In such cases, once the campaign is being played out, I will go out of my way to create relationships between my character and other PCs and NPCs so that I still feel as though my character is connected into this campaign.

Doctor Xero

Message 13958#149192

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On 1/24/2005 at 4:58am, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity


Message 13958#149214

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On 1/28/2005 at 4:16am, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Now that the unfortunate early miscommunications have been solved, let's try this again.

This theory will help game designers, campaign designers, and scenario designers remember the variety of player interests and desires.


Many researchers argue that myth and folklore help individuals develop a vital, necessary existential ability -- the ability to recognize underlying patterns. This pattern recognition ability is the basis of science, scholarship, and appreciation of the Arts. For example, empirical science is grounded in recognition of patterns of frequency, the scientific method in recognition of patterns of cause-and-effect ; I do not think it is a coincidence that people with little background in myth (of some shade!) often demonstrate a poor grasp of the recognition of underlying causal patterns (although over-awareness is just as bad, wringing superstition from happenstance). The modern scientific equivalents of the mythic Great Story might be Bohm's theory of implicate order and/or the morphogenic field theory.


Marion Woodman once wrote: We live in an increasingly complex and dangerous world. To survive in it, we need think that somehow, it all means something. Where does that meaning come from? That's the myth.

J.R.R. Tolkien once wrote: Legends and myth are largely made of truth, and indeed present aspects of it that can only be perceived in this mode; and long ago certain truths and modes of this kind were discovered and must always reappear.

John Clute once wrote: Stories have a habit of getting tied in knots, and then unfolding. First they entangle their protagonists, whose actions sometimes seem dictated by the needs of the story in which they have become engaged; then the light dawns, and the labyrinth becomes a path. . . . the literatures of the Fantastic positively glory in the fact that they present and embody Story-shaped worlds. . . .
For Aristotle, Recognition marks a fundamental shift in the process of a story from increasing ignorance to knowledge. . . . It is at this moment of Recognition that the inherent Story at the heart of most fully fantasy texts is most visible . . . most revelatory. At this moment in "the structurally complete fantasy tale" (Brian Attebery’s phrase) protagonists begin to understand what has been happening to them (he may have been an Ugly Duckling awaiting the moment he becomes king; she may have been re-enacting a Creation Myth in order that the Land be reborn; they may discover what Archetype serves as an underlier figure and defines their fate; etc.). They understand, in other words, that they are in a Story; that, properly recognized (which is to say properly told), their lives have the coherence and significance of Story ; that, in short, the story has been telling them.

In other words : myth as inflected through literatures of the fantastic.


All of the above depends upon a sense of identification with the protagonist, usually a hero.

In other words, the protagonist becomes a metaphor for the audience, and his or her experiences become metaphors through which the audience can better understand their own experiences.

Use of these recognized metaphors enriches the personal lives of the savvy audience members. This is one of the bases for the popularity in television of Star Trek and Babylon 5, in film of Star Wars, and in literature of The Lord of the Rings
(cf. Henry Jenkins’ seminal work, Textual Poachers for more details).
Henry Jenkins once wrote: fans cease to be simply an audience for popular texts ; instead they become active participants in the construction and accumulation of textual meanings.

All of the above leads to one conclusion:
one of the (several) primary functions of myth and fantastical literature involves the discovery and then recognition of the primal Story pattern(s) which underlies all of that reality. It is not the manufacture of Story but the recognition of Story and, with that Recognition, the empowerment within a person’s world when Story becomes inflected through a person.


If a game designer or game master wants to provide players with that network of experiences of discovery, recognition, and empowerment, he or she must create a game system in which there is a prior pre-existing pattern to be found. Players can not discover a pattern if that pattern is one which they have just spontaneously cast onto the gaming reality.

If the game designer or game master has no interest in providing players with that specific network of experiences, he or she may not need to take prior pre-existing patterns into consideration when creating his or her game system.

However, remembering this aspect of the possible ingredient of mythic sensibility helps game designers, campaign designers, and scenario designers remember the variety of player interests and desires.


Despite linked lineages, mystery has come to refer not to the mystical experience of the old mystery religions but instead to the logical pleasure of puzzle solving.

Such puzzle solving is a pleasure given expression in reading a detective novel or viewing a detective film or in reading SF novels or viewing certain types of SF films. (Not all detective or SF tales give the necessary clues for solving the puzzle, of course.) In many horror tales, the key to defeating the creature involves puzzling out its weaknesses or modus operandi from the clues in its past behaviors.

Again, as with the fantastical fiction descended from myth, a major component of puzzle solving and mystery is the recognition of patterns. Along with the recognition is the experience of discovery. Such puzzles can sharpen the individual's mind, which empowers albeit in a different fashion than occurs with mythic storytelling.

I have also encountered a large number of players whose enjoyment of a game hinges upon their believing that both sense and the actuality are one and the same in a particular game. I have known many game masters who have heard intelligent, healthy roleplayers tell them, "I don't want to play in your mystery scenario unless there really is a solution already, unless there really will be clues, and unless there really is a chance that no one will be able to solve the mystery." I have encountered this among both brilliant roleplayers and dysfunctional players, and I have encountered it frequently in conventions across the country, so I do not consider these players to be unusual but rather players whose preferences deserve to be taken into account.

It makes sense, if you think about it. Puzzling out a problem uses different abilities than does creative invention. A player who wants the fun of puzzling something out will be disappointed if he doesn't get that.

In terms of game play, well, it depends upon whether the player wants to tease out or puzzle out the theme or underlying patterns of the campaign because, well, knowledge is power. If I understand how something works, I am empowered by that understanding. If I understand it and another player does not (or his or her character does not), I have a level of empowerment he/she does not, which I might either use to my advantage (a classical gamist response) or might use through my character's mentoring his/her character (more of a simulationist response) or either (narrativist? I'm unsure).


If a game designer wants to provide players with that network of experiences of discovery, recognition, and empowerment found in puzzle solving and mystery, he or she must create a game system in which there can be a prior pre-existing pattern to be found. Players can not discover a pattern if that pattern is one which they have just spontaneously cast onto the gaming reality.

If the game designer has no interest in providing players with that specific network of experiences, he or she may not need to take prior pre-existing patterns into consideration when creating his or her game system. For example, some players are more interested in a sense of discovery than discovery.

Despite the ability of game masters to use illusion and suspension of disbelief to make a sense of discovery seem the same as discovery, not every player or game master wants such illusionism, so it helps to remember the variety of player interests and desires.


The player who likes to build a character that starts out intermeshed with the campaign continuity is the player who wants to operate from a framework of interaction with continuity. He or she wants the game master or the collective group to pre-construct a continuity or framework within which the player might ground his or her character.

These are the players who ask the game master whether there will be elves in the AD-&-D-ish campaign or to specify how the premise specifically should be inflected through their characters or to describe the operating definition of superheroes for the campaign or to give the names of the established clans to which their characters might be allied. These are the players who love the way Legend of the Five Rings sets up a framing continuity which tells them, before the first jot of character creation, what the clans are and how they interrelate and what opportunities each clan provides -- a framing within which they can construct their characters as integral parts of the continuity within which they will be playing.

The player who likes to build a character but who has very little interest in knowing or fitting into campaign continuity is the player who operates from a framework of independence of continuity. He or she doesn't care what sort of world the game master or the collective group pre-construct so long as it doesn't get in the way of playing his or her character. Anything which gets in the way of his or her character gets in the way of his or her fun, so he or she wants the authority to remove it immediately, within reason.

If said player is dysfunctional, he or she will demand this authority regardless of how such changes ruin the game for other players. If said player is a decent enough person, he or she will negotiate with game master and/or other players when changes involve more than him or her -- but this negotiation is done out of courtesy, not out of any interest in fidelity to or interaction with the continuity!

Characters built by players who prefer to frame their characters independently of any continuity can be moved easily from campaign to campaign with little change if any to the character. Since their characters are truly uninvolved in and uninvested in their continuities, they are truly mobile, which gives them character strength but not story strength.
Characters built by players who prefer to frame their characters interactively within a specific continuity can seldom move those characters into any other campaign without radical change, cutting away connections with the original campaign continuity and creating new ones for the next continuity. Since their characters are truly part of their continuities, they have the power to truly be a part of stories which change those worlds, but they work poorly elsewhere ; they have story strength but not character strength.


Whether or not a player is interested in this might be addressed by way of the terminology of frameworks.

Frameworks refer to a player's desired degree of interaction with and independence from a given campaign's or game's initial continuity.

Apropos this matter, a player's interests for a specific game can be pinpointed on a gamut running from extreme interaction with the continuity to extreme indpendence from it.

In the matter of mythic sensibility as defined in section I, the interests run the gamut from a high level of interaction with the continuity, so that there is a mystical reality there all along to be discovered, to a high level of independence from the continuity, in which there is no grand underlying pattern to find, no fantastical equivalent to Bohm's theory of implicate order. Admittedly, with a high level of independence, the particular discovery of mythic Story becomes impossible, but not everyone is interested in that.

In the matter of the mystery genre, the interests run the gamut from a high level of interaction with the continuity, so that there is a pre-existing puzzle against which players through their characters can test themselves nad solve or fail to solve, to a high level of independence from the continuity, in which there is no puzzle for the players to uncover although players may well enjoy other aspects of the mystery genre or even enjoy creating their own solutions impromptu as the game progresses.

In the matter of characters, the interests run the gamut from a high level of interaction, in which the character is so embedded within the game setting or so inflects the game's premise that the character is useless in any other game but that one, to a high level of independence from the continuity, in which the character can be constructed in almost complete ignorance of the game's setting or premise.

The recognition of Frameworks of Interaction with continuity and Frameworks of Independence from continuity can help us design our games with a greater sense of the variety of player interests and desires.


I will provide you two gaming examples. I recall being in a game in which the players were vampire hunters interested in spell-casting (not a World of Darkness campaign, so there were no libraries of gaming books and supplements for us). One of the players played an atheist who considered vampirism a physical condition ; one played a nontheist metaphysicist who saw vampirism as magical not spiritual ; one played a religious Christian who saw vampirism as a spiritual blight ; another played a religious Christian who saw vampirism as demonic possession of a corpse ; etc. Our characters were reluctantly cooperating, not a team, so there was an element of competitive discovery among characters despite player cooperation. In this game, the key to empowerment over the vampires was the discovery of the metaphysics under which they functioned -- in doing so, recognizing the mythic or metaphysic pattern of the game world. After all, if your character has proof positive that the vampire has met Jesus Christ and that Jesus Christ has power specifically as the Messiah etc., you through your character have recognized that this campaign operates under a Christian metaphysics, which will empower your character in a way denied to characters who try to utilize Babylonian metaphysics in this Christian campaign setting.

Later on, we played under a different game master. She loved the basic motif of vampires, but she really had no investment one way or the other in the metaphysics underlying them. If we had decided simply to kill off the vampires with fire and stakes, it wouldn't have mattered. However, after playing under the first game master, we were primed to look for an underlying metaphysical pattern to empower us against those vampires (and in all subsequent magic-working in this campaign). So she admitted to us that she had no idea what the metaphysics was, and whatever metaphysics we could convince her (or the group), that would turn out to be the correct one. Now we went from puzzler mindset to persuader mindset! It was great fun, but it was still a quite different experience from the earlier vampire game, and while the first had rewarded players who were skilled with investigation and logic games, this second one rewarded players who were skilled with argument and persuasion.

I label these differences as frameworks primarily because it seemed the least loaded term I could find (so many good terms already have specific meanings on The Forge!).

The other difference comes from my experiences, and the experiences related to me by others, of character creation.

Sometimes game masters will ask each player to build a character which fits in particularly well with the theme being explored (narrativist) or the setting (simulationist). They want players to make sure their characters are constructed to interact with or inflect those premises or settings.

Sometimes game masters will ask each player to build a character which is not dependent upon any particular setting (this often means we will be playing duck-out-of-water or strangers-in-a-strange-land campaigns) and/or which is not dependent upon any particular theme.

If I want to build a character which fits in particularly well with the theme or setting, I need that theme or setting to already be there. And, like many of Allston's gamer types, I often enjoy building characters who fit in well. I've met many others who feel the same.

If I want to build a character who fits in anywhere, I don't need to know the theme nor setting. This can also be fun, although for me it's not as much fun. In such cases, once the campaign is being played out, I will go out of my way to create relationships between my character and other PCs and NPCs so that I still feel as though my character is connected into this campaign.

I have tried to integrate some of the insights given to me by the discussion in this thread. I hope this is now all clearer!

Message 13958#149699

Previous & subsequent topics...
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...from around 1/28/2005

On 2/15/2005 at 11:32pm, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

clehrich wrote: The question that arises here is this: if Sim wants the Dream, and wants it intact and complete and lovely, then why are Sim players willing apparently to break from the Dream in order to emphasize seemingly trivial details about the Dream? Practically speaking, wouldn't it be preferable to gloss over the difficulty in order to stick to the Dream, which presumably is what is really wanted anyway?

This entails, assuming we're agreed here that such Sim players are not totally incoherent and insane, that such details cannot be glossed over. There is a quality to them which actively damages the Dream. Therefore if they are allowed to stand, as for example if the GM says, "Yeah, doesn't matter, anyway he blows a hole in the wall, what are you doing?" and the group doesn't agree that this detail doesn't matter, you have damage to the Dream that such players find unacceptable.
If the Dream were seamless, there would never be any need to break from Situation-Focused play, because the answer to every potential question of fact, however picayune, would already be known to all the players as it is in fact known to the characters. In such an extreme ideal, there would also be a near-total adequation of player to character, which would probably manifest as extreme Turku-style immersion.

The trick is, such perfection (which is unrealizable) has a number of different factors. Any game group must decide, usually largely unconsciously, which factors to prioritize. Some groups prioritize immersion, and gloss over slippage elsewhere in order to maintain this. A group like that Ron describes does not do this; they prioritize the depth and facticity of the Dream. Thus when a slippage occurs in facticity, it requires external handling. Similarly, an immersion-oriented group would presumably consider techniques to assist immersion when it fails, such as enforcing a rule that players must speak in-character and so on.
I'm pretty sure that this is part of what Dr. Xero describes in his games: the aesthetic of the game is that the players do not construct the Dream, but discover a story or pattern or whatever within it, already present and waiting for them.

Now because we have accepted this in advance (which you notice is not typical of Nar or Gam aesthetics), any construction is undesirable. When we do what appears by other criteria to be construction, we read it differently: we read it as discovering what was already true. For example, we the players may not know whether phazer-fire induces current sufficient to wipe a memory disk, but the world already does know this. It's built-in, a fact of nature. When we debate the point, we're not inventing something new but figuring out how it always already worked. The players did not know the answer, but it was already determined.
Provided, then, that your dominant aesthetic agenda is to reinforce the Dream, which more properly would be to bolster the claim that the Dream was and is and always will be seamless and complete, the handling of fine detail not only isn't CA-irrelevant but is in fact powerfully constitutive of CA.
All of which also goes some way toward explaining why Sim often seems incoherent and weird to non-Sim-committed players. It seems as though Sim players keep stepping outside of exactly what they think they want, i.e. the Dream, in order to focus on detail that really doesn't matter very much. Furthermore, they keep doing this even when there does not seem to be a very strong reason to do so, i.e. when the details seem trivial. My proposal here implies that such players may be doing this because they want CA-meaningful activity, which is difficult to effect without an apparent break from the Dream. From their point of view, such activity is not a break from the Dream, only a break from the ideal perfection of interaction with the Dream, which isn't the same thing. By reinforcing the Dream by these means, they help constitute for themselves the certainty and perfection of that Dream.

This is one of the most accurate descriptions of Sim play I have have encountered anywhere!

There is only one thing you miss:
simulationism includes the possibility of construction within it.
However, the tools, resources, and raw materials must all be found within the Dream. In other words, simulationist creation is like formal haiku -- the formal haiku pattern pre-exists the poet, but the poem he or she creates is still original even though it utilizes a pre-existing pattern.

A haiku poet can not write within the haiku tradition if there is no haiku tradition which pre-dates him or her, and a simulationist player can not construct within the simulation if there is no Dream which "pre-dates" him or her.

So simulationist construction and creation takes place with a greater consciousness of being within rather than outside the Dream or shared simulationist imaginary space.

And yes, you understand the point I have been trying to make with my terms Framework of Interaction and Frameworks of Independence -- and its relevance to understanding simulationism. Thank you for wording it so well!

Doctor Xero
(cross-posted with

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Message 13958#152629

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On 2/16/2005 at 7:54am, clehrich wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Okay, so honest confusion here. I admit, right up front, that I haven't gone and re-read all of the posts on this thread since you just posted that bit. I'm sure my memories are confused.


We seem in some sense to have swapped positions. I'm now mostly talking about a kind of rigid consistency and constancy, and you're now talking about construction and contribution.

I know more or less what I meant, and the ways in which I have and haven't changed my mind. We can talk about that later if you care. But it sounds like you haven't changed yours. So can you explain how this formulation, this stuff about haiku (or bricolage in the other thread) and construction and so on fits into this whole thing about frameworks?

Or have you changed your mind?

Sorry, a bit lost.

Message 13958#152692

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...from around 2/16/2005

On 2/16/2005 at 8:21pm, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

clehrich wrote: So can you explain how this formulation, this stuff about haiku (or bricolage in the other thread) and construction and so on fits into this whole thing about frameworks?

My theory of frameworks is intended to address one question which applies to gaming (and many other creative fields) :

What is the framing which restricts and refines one's creativity?

Is it the high level framing of the haiku, in which one's creativity has a pre-existing framework of syllabation and focus off which to ground one's creative energies? (What I would refer to as a framework of high interaction.)

Is it the low level framing of the free verse, in which one's creativity has no pre-existing framework off which to ground one's creative energies but also no restrictions? (What I would refer to as a framework of high independence.)

Shakespeare utilized a framework of high interaction with (or low independence from) various rules of poetry (e.g. iambic pentameter), and this reliance upon pre-existing patterns and traditions external to his spontaneous imagination enabled him to construct some magnificent poetry which is remembered many centuries later.

Ogden Nash parodically utilized a framework of high interaction with poetic convention to make his marvelous satires and spoofs and parodies off poetry. Again, the awareness of patterns which exist outside the individual and pre-exist the spontaneous creativity enabled him to construct some wonderful poetry.

James Joyce utilized a framework of high independence from (or low interaction with) conventional rules of narrative in portions of Finnegan's Wake. In this case, the refusal of formalized patterns outside his moments of spontaneous creativity were the mode for Joyce's creative construction.

Neither framework deals necessarily with obedience and a stultification of creative construction. Rather, they both deal with the solidity of the grounds (or ungroundedness) which one uses as a springboard for one's creative construction.

Does the above now make it clear?

Doctor Xero

Message 13958#152793

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...from around 2/16/2005

On 2/16/2005 at 8:26pm, Doctor Xero wrote:
RE: Pattern Recognition, Metaphor, and Continuity

Doctor Xero wrote: Rather, they both deal with the solidity of the grounds (or ungroundedness) which one uses as a springboard for one's creative construction.

This level of framing is relevant in discussions of simulationism, gamism, and narrativism, in discussions of the importance or unimportance of the various game master functions, in discussions of the degree of pre-generated setting desirable for a game, in discussions of whether color is merely extraneous flair or actually necessary to a game, in discussions of general game design.

Doctor Xero

Message 13958#152795

Previous & subsequent topics...
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...from around 2/16/2005