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Topic: Game mechanics Critique
Started by: Wyrdwyre
Started on: 1/16/2005
Board: Indie Game Design

On 1/16/2005 at 10:20am, Wyrdwyre wrote:
Game mechanics Critique

Hi everyone,

First time poster. I have a simple set of game mechanics that I was wondering if everyone could take a look at and give me some ideas to improve it or comments on certain areas of the system. This is a work in progress so some of the system is still sketchy, so bare with me.

* All attributes are boiled down to a pool of D.6's
* Rather than dealing with a happy median for atributes a characters attributes are defined by Traits (inherent abilities-stronger than normal, faster than normal, etc.)
* This D.6 pool is used as a pool of "Effort" and as "hit points"
* Skills are learned knowledges which are mesured in levels /ranks/etc.
* Traits would give modifiers to the number of success needed or modify your D.6 pool
* Ranks in skills would determine how many dice from your characters pool can be used
* Success based system (1-3= Failure, 4-6= Success) maybe 5-6 for success?
* Successes refresh or help refresh D.6 pool of dice

Now mind you this whole thing is scatter-brained at the moment. I used a web brainstorming model for my ideas which seem to work so I can write as fast as I think, so if parts of the above list make no sense whatsoever don't hesitate to ask me to explain. Questions, comments and critics are welcome.

Message 13970#148368

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On 1/16/2005 at 10:32am, FzGhouL wrote:
RE: Game mechanics Critique

Its an interesting idea, seems to be really simple and fast paced, mostly based on various skills.

Question #1: Would you need to score success on a specific amount of dice or in the sum?

-Specific amount of dice would probably work better, because then you wouldn't have to make a sliding scale for difficulty

Question #2: Character Attributes are defined by skills? The whole Character Statistic thing seems confusing. Quantitatively, what makes someone faster or stronger?

Question #3: The more you used from your pool, the less HP you would have? Seems illogical if using dice destroys them, but thats kind of what I think of when you draw from a pool. Maybe they should be in a second pool?

Question #4: The part of games I find are most interesting is the system of combat. What would your paradigm be like?

Message 13970#148370

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On 1/16/2005 at 10:54am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Game mechanics Critique

I can't say as I really understand what's going on here, myself. How about an example of the system in action, a conflict resolved and the results illustrated?

Also, before someone else says it, the purpose of this folder is for the creation of actual games, not just the discussion of interesting mechanics. If you've got a game in mind that is to use this mechanic, then you're good, but if not, it's something to keep in mind.

Oh, and Welcome to the Forge!

Message 13970#148372

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On 1/16/2005 at 12:19pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Game mechanics Critique

Okay, let me give a rough example of how I see it in play, and then you'll tell me where I've gone wrong, 'kay?

Bolo the Mighty has eight dice, because he's so darn mighty. He also has "Stronger than Normal" and "Dumber than normal" as Traits. He has "Body Slam 3", "Think 1" and "Intimidate 3" as skills. He requires three successes (base) on a roll to refresh his pool.

Bolo decides to intimidate someone. He takes three dice out of his pool and looms over the poor man. Because he isn't actually roughing the guy up, he does not benefit from his Strong or Dumb traits. He will require three successes to refresh his pool. He rolls a 1, 5, 6. This is two successes, which intimidates the heck out of the poor sap, but does not refresh Bolo's pool. Bolo now has only five dice.

Just then the sap's friend shows up and breaks a chair over the back of Bolo's head. OUCH! Bolo loses a die from his pool to furniture damage. He now has four dice, and is thinking "Ah, heck, gotta refresh my pool!"

He body-slams the attacker, using the full force of his brute strength. He rolls three dice and (because of his Strong Trait) needs only two successes to refresh his pool. Unfortunately for Bolo he gets a 1, 2, 5. With only one success his pool does not refresh. Now he has only one die left! Uh-oh!

The player realizes that he now has to take advantage of all his traits. He has Bolo think up the really stupid plan of throwing his attacker over near a pile of two-by-fours. This is both Strong and Dumb. Bolo gets only one die when Thinking, but because he is using both Traits he only needs one success to refresh his pool. His roll of 6, for a single success, isn't going to do any real damage to his opponent, but it does get him eight brand spanking new dice into his pool. The attacker grins, picks up a two by four, and starts menacing Bolo with it. Bolo grins, knowing that the fight is just getting started.

So, is that how it would work?

Message 13970#148378

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On 1/17/2005 at 1:38am, FzGhouL wrote:
RE: Game mechanics Critique

Wouldn't dumber than normal create a penalty? I mean, someone weaker than normal shouldn't need less to refresh than an average person should they?

How'd you decide only one dice was taken away from the pool for furniture damage?

Couldn't a character then refill his HP by attacking?

What determines an action is successful in not just refilling the pool, but also in the main end of the action itself?

I think one pool isn't enough to really have a sensical system of conflist resolution that is also semi-detailed.

Message 13970#148426

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On 1/17/2005 at 12:52pm, Wyrdwyre wrote:
RE: Game mechanics Critique

To FzGhoul:

Answer to question #1: The player would need to score successes

Answer to question #2: Character Attributes are defined by "Traits". Rather than have STR, DEX, ETC., a character would have personalized set of Traits that would determine if he was stronger, faster, some super powers... then the worlds normal type person for his race/gender/etc. This in turn eliminates the need for "useless" attributes that effect gameplay very little (like CHA and WIS in D&D). Buying these Traits in levels would also garner an effect that certain people are stronger than strong people.

Answer to question #3: I use HP as a catch-all term for the pool of "Effort". Basicly this pool would reflect endurance, a persons will to live, drive, spirit. Therefore, the more of yourself you exert on the world; the more draining it is to your character and the more susceptable your character would be to injury and even death.

Answer to question #4: I am still working feverishly on this part, but what I can discern at this point is that it would be too different from out of combat actions. I'm sorry if I cannot expand on this explanation any furthur.

To Wolfen:

My appologies for psting in the wrong Thread. I ment no disrespect and will try to post anymore replies in the appropaite section.

To TonyLB:

Bolo The Mighty would have stronger than normal yes, but it would be expressed more quantitatively (EX. Strentgh lvl 1) or something roughly the same. As for "Dumber than Normal", that would be a negative trait and net him panalties to intelligence related actions or tests. It may help him in odd situations, but for the most part it gave him points back during character generation to spend elseware (his strentgh maybe?). With the skills, your almost dead on. Body slam would be considered "Unarmed Combat" more than likely, "Think" would in my veiw not be considered a skill, but hey, in Bolo's universe; Thinking might be something that is taught and/or learned. As for refreshing the pool of Effort, that part is still under testing at the moment and maybe handled differently. But for now basicly it works as this: Bolo uses his Body Slam attack to throw himself at a near-by bar patron and gets to use a max of 3 dice from his pool in this action. he rolls and gets a 1, 5, 6. His 2 successes net him to dice back to his pool of dice that he may use later. This mechanic rewards and also punishes players for high risk taking. I have been toying with other interesting ways to have the players be able to refresh Effort, but have yet to pin down anything solid that would make it work better. Now this is where traits come in. Bolo is Strong lvl 1 and would therefore gain a +1 to his Body Slam attack or any Strentgh related tests from a "Bank Pool". These bank dice would add on to a greater chance of success and maybe get him some extra dice for refresh. As for a weapon being added to the melee; Bolo would get Bank dice (maybe 1 for a chair or a 2x4) added on to his attack for a Skill that allowed him to use such things as weapons.

Phew, I hope that answers some questions. Thanks for the feedback. I was having some issues with certain parts and this forum really helped me sort out a few things. If you still have anymore questions PLEASE ask, I need all the help I can get. Thank you again.

Message 13970#148464

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