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Topic: 2nd Ed. Hero Wars?
Started by: J B Bell
Started on: 2/13/2002
Board: HeroQuest

On 2/13/2002 at 5:41pm, J B Bell wrote:
2nd Ed. Hero Wars?

Any word on how on-schedule (or not) HW 2nd ed. is? I'm absolutely stoked to give it a shot, but negative comments on the first edition's rules organization have kept me from grabbing it (not to mention price, pretty steep here in Canada). Any news would be much appreciated so I may know what size drool cup to outfit myself with.


Message 1403#13145

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On 2/13/2002 at 5:57pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: 2nd Ed. Hero Wars?

Hi there,

I don't have any information on this topic, only "early 2002" to go by, from the website.

Issaries did put out the first book of Sartar Rising this month (and I really like it, too, more about that later), so they're in the production groove. I know that the second and third books of the Barbarian Adventure series are in production with tons of material.

Overall, I think they have the sequence of books well in hand, but that the dates aren't set until fairly close to release.

As for the drool cup, I'd advise a big one. Despite all the bitching and moaning about the 1st edition's layout etc, I consider it to have given me and my players more role-playing enjoyment, for longer, than any game I have ever experienced.


Message 1403#13146

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On 2/13/2002 at 6:27pm, J B Bell wrote:
RE: 2nd Ed. Hero Wars?

Ron Edwards wrote:
As for the drool cup, I'd advise a big one. Despite all the bitching and moaning about the 1st edition's layout etc, I consider it to have given me and my players more role-playing enjoyment, for longer, than any game I have ever experienced.

Ah, well, I was referring to drool-cup size in reference to how long I'd have to likely wait--we're already in the realm of "large, extra-large, dino-size", since the drool flow rate is high thanks to endorsements like the above.

I'm having fun with Sorcerer with a group of newbies, but I'm pretty sure I can convert a group I chose to leave rather than endure the horrors of Deadlands used in D&D settings. & Sword is probably too radical for them, but HW seems to really fit their desires in terms of mountains of world detail and Cool Stuff. In play they seem to be fairly practiced Illusionists, or maybe Simulationists interested mainly in Setting & Character Exploration. If it's the former, I should be compatible with the group using a nice system; if the latter, well, I'll just stick to my one happy group.


Message 1403#13149

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On 2/23/2002 at 11:53pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: 2nd Ed. Hero Wars?


You will need psychic abilities to help me with this, but for all I know you've got them.

There's a copy of HWDeluxe sitting on the shelf of a local game store.

Second edition is coming out some time in the next few months / by the end of time.

Now: Here's the 2nd edition table of contents on the Issaries Web Site):

Getting Started
Heroes (character creation)
Keywords (consolidated and streamlined)
Hero Bands (including over a dozen NEW hero bands)
Playing the Game (core rules)
Contest Options (additional rules)
Relationships (consolidated rules)
Using Magic
Theist Magic
Sorcerous Magic (revised and refined)
Animist Magic (completely revised)
Magic Options
Storm Over Sea (NEW sample heroquest)
Narrating the Game
Scenarios (Mostly NEW)
Introduction to Glorantha
Sample Heroes
Glossary of Essential Game Terms
Rules Synopsis and other Game Aids

Am I better off grabbing what's there now (knowing that many people have complained about the layout and typos), or trust that the things that you think are best in the game won't be gone for the second edition. (Given your frothing, I clearly want something like the rules set you play with.)



Message 1403#13760

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On 2/25/2002 at 2:10pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: 2nd Ed. Hero Wars?

Hi Christopher,

Unfortunately your inquiry moves into a zone that I have committed not to enter - I don't give any purchasing advice, to anyone.

Based on conversations with the author, as well as on the recent supplements for the game which anticipate its contents, HW 2nd edition apparently will build on the strengths of the 1st - in other words, the stuff that I am most excited about will be clarified and encouraged. I don't have any fear of an "obsolete" first edition, especially for the theistic magic and the basic resolution system.

So I can see an argument both for purchasing 1st edition or not purchasing it. Basically, I love the 1st but also eagerly await the 2nd. It's up to you.


Message 1403#13827

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On 2/25/2002 at 2:15pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: 2nd Ed. Hero Wars?

On a related note, do we know if they are going to be using the same trade paper back format the did for 1e? The smaller format works well for slim books like Sorcerer or the Iron Claw splats but for a book the size of Hero Wars I found it very cumbersome.

Message 1403#13829

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On 2/25/2002 at 3:05pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: 2nd Ed. Hero Wars?


Without giving purchasing advice, you managed to give the advice I needed to make the purchase. Thanks. (I'll be waiting for 2nd.)


HW2 will combine the original Hero Wars and Narrator's Book. It wil be standard rpg format.


Message 1403#13837

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On 2/28/2002 at 8:28pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: 2nd Ed. Hero Wars?

For anybody who's interested:

I just got an email back from Greg Stafford (one of my heroes!) about my 2nd edition questions. He wrote:

"Other problems with the first edition were organization and presentation, too.
These too will be corrected.
None of the rule changes are substantial.
In my popinion, it will be the same game, only improved."

All in all, waiting seems the right choice.


Message 1403#14176

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