The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Forge East Spring Early Summer Con Schedule
Started by: abzu
Started on: 1/27/2005
Board: Conventions

On 1/27/2005 at 1:54am, abzu wrote:
Forge East Spring Early Summer Con Schedule

Hi Folks,

I'm gearing up for the spring convention push and I'd like to invite interested parties to hop on board.

I'll be at UBERCON March 11-13 in Secaucus, NJ;
ICON April 8-10, Stony Brook, Long Island, NY;
and Origins June 30-July 3rd. in Ohio somewhere.

What I do: I run extensive demos of my game, The Burning Wheel, but I also invite other small press games to sell their wares from our table and use our demo space (if available). I also, on occasion, sell games for folks who can't make the con.

What I would love: Other enthusiastic designers (Jared, you don't count, you're not enthusiastic) to come out to the cons and strut their stuff. You come, you participate in demos of small press games you and you run demos of your own game or other small press games you're familiar with.

If you can't make it to the con, I'll consider selling your game at our table if -- IF-- you can find a loving, caring soul to run a session of it during the con.

It bears noting that I am no longer the sole force for good at these cons. I partner with Nerdnyc and IPR. Together we form a devastating strike team of energy, synergy, coolness and small press game support. If you haven't been to a con with us, you're missing out.

Please respond to this thread if you're interested in helping out or have suggestions. I'm going to start a separate Origins thread. The con season is just getting started. We have a lot of work to do!


PS: I heart Jared

Message 14086#149578

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On 1/27/2005 at 2:09am, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: Forge East Spring Early Summer Con Schedule

Luke, I will be at Ubercon, as things stand currently. I have never been able to figure out how to work Icon into my schedule.

There are people who would love to have me attend Origins, and I've even been offered free room in the suburbs (a fan of my novel and time travel materials), but I'm concerned about transportation and such. If this is something on which we might be able to collaborate, reach me here or by e-mail.


--M. J. Young

Message 14086#149580

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On 1/27/2005 at 2:50am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Forge East Spring Early Summer Con Schedule

I'll come to ICON, but my standard rates and ammenities apply (to wit: box of chocolate on the pillow, ball-pit in the center of the room and an even number of shower curtain rings in the bathroom).

Message 14086#149582

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On 1/27/2005 at 1:35pm, Dregg wrote:
RE: Forge East Spring Early Summer Con Schedule

Jared A. Sorensen wrote: I'll come to ICON, but my standard rates and ammenities apply (to wit: box of chocolate on the pillow, ball-pit in the center of the room and an even number of shower curtain rings in the bathroom).

Jared, you will return to I-CON?
Email me off forum so I can work on the chocolates =) or see you this weekend

Message 14086#149614

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On 1/27/2005 at 3:19pm, Michael S. Miller wrote:
RE: Forge East Spring Early Summer Con Schedule

Hi, Luke.

UBERCON: I'm there. I'll run my standard "Indie-madness" track. We can cooridinate schedules & such. Notice I post this before burning myself out at Dreamation. 8^)

ICON: Very likely will not be able to make these (There are TWO closer, but much smaller, cons the same weekend), but wish you the best of luck.

Origins: Again, not this year. I think I'm cursed to never get to this convention.

Message 14086#149627

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On 1/27/2005 at 4:01pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Forge East Spring Early Summer Con Schedule

Ah, the ol' ICON blow off. Well sir, the choice is yours. But I think you and everyone else should know a few things about ICON before you give it the shrug:

ICON is a sci-fi con. It's not a gaming con. They have honest-to-goodness "listen to the author ramble on" panels.

ICON is huge. It's not GenCon, but it makes cons like Ubercon and Dreamation look like a ho down. 3000-5000 people, easy.

ICON's gaming track is a mess. Last year, we played with some awesome people who's scheduled GM's just didn't show up -- so they wandered over to our table.

Thanks to Dregg, we rule the ICON gaming room. We literally have the run of the place. Coupled with the above "mess" we have the potential to be a force of good and change at ICON.

And because it bears repeating: DREGG HOOKS US UP. The level of support for BW and Jared and nerdnyc at ICON is intense. Mind boggling even.

And sales were great last year. We had a "corner booth" and sold t-shirts and games like gangbustahs!

Mike, I understand if you can't do two months in a row. Anyone else who's on the fence should take a second look at ICON.


Dregg: We MUST have a printed schedule in the program for the demo room this year.

Jared: I still have the foam body-mold of your hind quarters. I'll get right to work.

Message 14086#149631

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On 1/27/2005 at 5:52pm, Dregg wrote:
RE: Forge East Spring Early Summer Con Schedule

abzu wrote: ICON's gaming track is a mess. Last year, we played with some awesome people who's scheduled GM's just didn't show up -- so they wandered over to our table.

Thanks to Dregg, we rule the ICON gaming room. We literally have the run of the place. Coupled with the above "mess" we have the potential to be a force of good and change at ICON.

And because it bears repeating: DREGG HOOKS US UP. The level of support for BW and Jared and nerdnyc at ICON is intense. Mind boggling even.

And sales were great last year. We had a "corner booth" and sold t-shirts and games like gangbustahs!

Mike, I understand if you can't do two months in a row. Anyone else who's on the fence should take a second look at ICON.


Dregg: We MUST have a printed schedule in the program for the demo room this year.

I am going to try to involve the Help of NerdNYC alot more this year with programming and the like. I will be touching bases with you in Feb. about Ideas and Promotions you might want to see or do.
We have some Kick ass guests and we are hosting one of the first Demos of R. Talsorians Cyberpunk 3.0 (8 years in the making). Since I am a indie Designer and a Forge supporter I invite all you Forgers who want to come and run thier games, run 8 -12 hours and I will offer memebership for the weekend. You can contact me at
or see me at Dreamation this weekend.

Message 14086#149650

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On 1/27/2005 at 10:20pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Forge East Spring Early Summer Con Schedule

Since its becoming increasingly likely (like 90% certain) that work is going to prohibit me from attending GenCon this year (Damn mandatory weekend system rollout days)...I mayhaps see about spending some of my vacation time on ICON. Sounds like a blast.

Will have to see how scheduling goes.

Message 14086#149677

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