The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Cthulhu One
Started by: darrick
Started on: 1/31/2005
Board: Conventions

On 1/31/2005 at 8:35pm, darrick wrote:
Cthulhu One

the world's largest Cthulhu Mythos / Lovecraft convention in the midwest this spring!


thanks, D

Message 14135#150052

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...from around 1/31/2005

On 3/3/2005 at 6:24am, darrick wrote:
RE: Cthulhu One

check out the itinerary at:

soon to be the home for the Empire of Satanis rpg. which will also debut at the world's largest Cthulhu Mythos / Lovecraft con.

Message 14135#154596

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...from around 3/3/2005

On 3/3/2005 at 7:16am, abzu wrote:
RE: Cthulhu One

Hi Darrick,

thanks for your interest in the Forge. This forum is not, however, designated for advertisements. Try RPG.NET Ads for stuff like that.

But if you'd like to tell us how you're promoting small press games at your con, we'd love to hear about it. Do you have a specific gaming track? Do small publishers get a discount?

-Luke: Yes, I'm a Moderator.

Message 14135#154600

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On 3/3/2005 at 7:33am, darrick wrote:

ok, sorry. isn't that what a convention section is about, letting people know about your convention? if people want to send their game to me, then i will display it/make it available for people to see. unfortunately, i don't think more than 40 or 50 people will show up for the weekend. but check out the website it has my mailing address. anyone in the area is welcome to come, hang out with me, S. T. Joshi, Robert M. Price, and other weirdos!

thanks, D

Message 14135#154602

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On 3/3/2005 at 3:35pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Cthulhu One

As it happens, this particular convention forum centers around the promotion of small press games (like those found in the Forge Independent Games forums).

Might I suggest not billing yourself as the "biggest con evar?" There is no shame in starting small, and you might generate more interest if folks think that they are getting in from the beginning.


Message 14135#154640

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On 3/3/2005 at 5:44pm, darrick wrote:
last post

well, how many Cthulhu Mythos / Lovecraft conventions do you know about? the last one, to my knowledge, was 4 years ago. so compared to that i am the biggest. what happened to a little enthusiastic self-promotion? and i already said that i was indie RPG friendly in my last post! yes, i'm looking for small horror rpg's. now that i've heard of My Life With Master, i'll have that game on hand for people to play as well as Empire of Satanis check it out here:

but if you don't want this post here, then feel free to remove it. thank you, Darrick

Message 14135#154656

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On 3/3/2005 at 6:46pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Cthulhu One

Do not argue with moderators here at the Forge. It will result in your posts, regardless of other content, being moved to the Inactive File. No posts will be deleted, so do not say things like "Go ahead and delete my post" or anything similar. I will perceive such comments as defiance.

Darrick, I do support your desire to support play of Empire of Satanis at the con. I suggest you use this thread as constructively as possible to generate interest and organization in doing so. That does not simply mean repeating the name of the game and giving it big letters. Begin a useful discussion.


Message 14135#154669

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